Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Cumulative risk as a moderator of the association between intimate partner violence and maternal parenting behaviors with infants, Erin Gallagher
Role of cortisol in social and memory impairments in individuals with velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), Daniel Jacobson
Individual differences in anxiety sensitivity: The role of emotion regulation and alexithymia, Amrit Kaur
Influences of openness and identity style on orientations to religious belief: A proposed integrative model, J. Robert Parker
Factor structure of the assessment of qualitative and structural dimensions of object representations (AOR) scale, Gregory Pouliot
The relationship of interpersonal sensitivity, identity impairment, and binge eating disorder among college women, Rachel M. Sienko
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Mothers’ trauma histories and their infants’ social-emotional development, Sarah Ahlfs-Dunn
Factors contributing to disability in a chronic low back pain population: A comprehensive analysis using continuous ambulatory monitoring, Kevin N. Alschuler
The relationship between adult attachment and trauma, Lauren Earls
Memory consolidation in developmental disorders, Laszlo A. Erdodi
Faith-based sexual education: A comparison of comprehensive and abstinence-only programs, Leanna Fortunato
Substrates of social functioning in individuals with VCFS, Daniel Jacobson
The impact of prior sexual victimization and victim identification on threat recognition in a college sample, Katherine Porter
Predictors of PTSD symptoms for criterion A and non-criterion A events, Sarah Reiland
The influence of poverty on the development and maintenance of conduct disorder and perpetuation of crime and violence, David Saunders-Scott
African American relationship schema scale: Development and validation, Syreeta Scott
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The effect of multiple perpetrators on judgements of responsibility, Louise Hamer
Qualitative study of trauma outcomes among Acehnese tsunami survivors, Amrit Kaur
Predicting child abuse potential during pregnancy, Kylene Krause
Predictors of help-seeking in returning Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) veterans, Carole Porcari
The influence of adult attachment styles on coping with bereavement, Sarah Wice
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The neuropsychological endophenotype of specific language impairments and autism spectrum disorders: Category or continuum?, Heather M. Anson
Evaluating the psychometric properties of the hypersensitive narcissism scale: Implications for the distinction of covert and overt narcissism, Eamonn Patrick Arble
An exploration of the relationships among religious orientation, object relations, and positive adjustment, Scott Robert Brown