Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The Influence of cumulative risk factors on the cognitive abilities of low-income, African- American preschool children, Cassandra L. Esposito
The impact of racial identity on perceived microaggressions, racial socialization and psychological outcomes, Terrence Harper II
Intention to screen for sexually transmitted infections: A terror management health model perspective, Bernadette Jones
An examination of experiential avoidance as a vulnerability factor for posttraumatic stress symptoms and excessive behaviors in parent and young adult child dyads, Meaghan M. Lewis
Banning the deviant out-group member: the use of anger and contempt toward in-group and out-group members, Brendan Kirk Molinar
Measurement Invariance Between Genders on Two Measures of Borderline Personality Disorder, Amy Paggeot
Exposure dose, trauma type, and attrition in PTSD efficacy studies, David R. Phillips
Visuomotor adaptation in older adults with and without cognitive impairment, Jeffrey Schaffert
Early intensive behavioral intervention for autism: Is it actually more "intensive" than a typical child's day?, Caitlyn B. Sorensen
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Anxiety sensitivity as a moderator for PTSD mediated combat exposure in predicting suicide risk in a military sample, Barry Donovan Eye
Validation of the adapted CogState brief battery in hematopoietic cell transplant patients, Bethany Gourley
Examining trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms in relation to infant affect expression, Katherine Guyon-Harris
The impact of monitoring and the affective relationship between parents and adolescents on problem behavior in high school, Kathleen Hlavaty
Effects of emotion regulation strategies on sexual risk-taking, Monica Lackups
Examining relationships of taste sensitivity and body fat percentage using body adiposity index, Amanda J. Lemaster
Relationship among schizoid and schizotypal personality traits and social support on PTSD symptom severity, Wilfred Joseph McCloskey
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Visuomotor adaptation in young adults with and without motor difficulties, Chi-Mei Lee
A pilot study of the effects of mentoring on disordered eating behavior, Marya McCarroll
Obesity and outcomes of bariatric surgery: A focus on patients with postoperative substance use disorders, Melissa Pulcini
Gamma oscillatory activity in autism spectrum disorder during a face cueing task, Annette E. Richard
Differences between post-bariatric patients and controls in a substance abuse rehabilitation program: Implications for treatment, Ashley A. Wiedemann
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Sex talk: Factors that influence parent-child communication about sex, Tiffany Abrego