
Faculty Scholarship from 2017


Testing the dose-response curve in a training clinic setting: Use of client pretreatment factors to minimize bias in estimates, Meagan M. Carr*, Karen K. Saules, Ellen I. Koch, and Thomas J. Waltz

The 7 keys to communicating in Japan: An intercultural approach, Haru Yamada, Orlando R. Kelm, and David A. Victor


The Adelphi Theatre Calendar, Version 3: The completion of the revised Adelphi Theatre Calendar ends a project begun in 1973, Gilbert B. Cross


The association between implementation strategy use and the uptake of hepatitis C treatment in a national sample, Shari S. Rogal, Vera Yakovchenko, Thomas J. Waltz, Byron J. Powell, Jo Ann E. Kirchner, Enola K. Proctor, Rachel Gonzalez, Angela Park, David Ross, Timothy R. Morgan, Maggie Chartier, and Matthew J. Chinman

The battle for the court: Interest groups, judicial elections, and public policy, Lawrence Baum, David Klein, and Matthew J. Streb


The bioarchaeology of kinship: Proposed revisions to assumptions guiding interpretation, Bradley E. Ensor, Joel D. Irish, and William F. Keegan


The commissioner’s power to discipline players for on- and off- field misconduct, Richard T. Karcher


The corporate response to government attacks on tax shelters, Noel P. Brock, Edward J. Schnee, and Shane R. Stinson


The effect of market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and human capital on positional advantage: Evidence from the restaurant industry, Giri Jogaratnam


The effect of ring current electron scattering rates on magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, N. J. Perlongo, A. J. Ridley, M. W. Liemohn, and R. M. Katus


The effect of storm driver and intensity on magnetospheric ion temperatures, Amy M. Keesee, Roxanne M. Katus, and Earl E. Scime


The effects of African-American stereotype fluency on prejudicial evaluation of targets, Troy Deskins*, Rusty B. McIntyre, Michael Bartosek*, and Eric W. Fuller

The embodied archive in the NON-STOP readings from Walter Kempowski’s Das Echolot: Performance as catharsis?, Carla Damiano

The end of Black studies: Conceptual, theoretical, and empirical concerns, Clovis E. Semmes


The future of teacher prep: A conversation with educators and other experts, Wendy Burke, Jacqueline Greer, Mark LaCelle-Peterson, Angeline Rivello, and Amanda Zullo

The meaning of rehabilitation and its impact on parole: There and back again in California, Rita Shah


The neglect of quantitative research in green criminology and its consequences, Michael J. Lynch, Kimberly L. Barrett, Paul B. Stretesky, and Michael A. Long


The nexus of white collar crimes: Shadow economy, corruption and uninsured motorists, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris


The Persianized liturgy of Nehemiah 8:1-8, Mark Whitters


The recovery community as a location for secular spirituality, Linda Farris Kurtz

The rich get richer and the poor get prison: Ideology, class, and criminal justice, Jeffrey Reiman and Paul Leighton


The rise and fall of the library science program at Eastern Michigan University, Michael V. Barnes

The spiritual imagination of the Beats, David Stephen Calonne


The state of green criminology, Kimberly L. Barrett, Michael A. Long, and Paul B. Stretesky


The unquiet Eastern Front: New work on the Great War, Jesse Kauffman