
Faculty Scholarship from 2017


Muscle protein turnover and the molecular regulation of muscle mass during hypoxia, Stefan M. Pasiakos, Claire E. Berryman, Christopher T. Carrigan, Andrew J. Young, and John W. Carbone


Mussel-derived stimulation of benthic filamentous algae: The importance of nutrients and spatial scale, Steven N. Francoeur, Kimberly A. Peters Winslow, Dianna Miller, and Scott D. Peacor


National Institutes of Health hematopoietic cell transplantation late effects initiative: The patient-centered outcomes working group report, Margaret Bevans and Areej El-Jawahri


Natural variation in a single amino acid substitution underlies physiological responses to topoisomerase II poisons, Stefan Zdraljevic, Christine Strand, Hannah S. Seidel, Daniel E. Cook, John G. Doench, and Erik C. Andersen


New concepts in the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics, David M. Kaplan, Perry C. Francis, Mary A. Hermann, Jeannette V. Baca, Gary E. Goodnough, Shannon Hodges, Shawn L. Spurgeon, and Michelle E. Wade


Novel kiteplatin pyrophosphate derivatives with improved efficacy, Alessandra Curci, Valentina Gandin, Cristina Marzano, James D. Hoeschele, Giovanni Natile, and Nicola Margiotta

Nutrition for women, Heather L. Hutchins-Wiese


Obesity and addiction: Can a complication of surgery help us understand the connection?, V. Ivezaj, L. E. Stoeckel, N. M. Avena, S. C. Benoit, A. Conason, J. F. Davis, A. N. Gearhardt, R. Goldman, J. E. Mitchell, C. N. Ochner, K. K. Saules, K. J. Steffen, E. Stice, and S. Sogg


Oncologists’ end of life treatment decisions: How much does patient age matter?, Minnie Bluhm, Cathleen M. Connell, Nancy Janz, Kathleen Bickel, Raymond Devries, and Maria Silveira


On infinite-dimensional Banach spaces and weak forms of the axiom of choice, Paul Howard and Eleftherios Tachtsis


On the culture of scholarship of teaching and learning, Sarah M. Ginsberg, Jennifer Friberg, Colleen F. Visconti, Mark DeRuiter, and Jerry K. Hoepner


Ontogeny and reproductive functional morphology of the macroalga Wiartonella nodifera n. Gen. N. Sp. (Dasycladales, Chlorophyta) from the Silurian Eramosa Lagerstätte of Ontario, Canada, Steven T. LoDuca and Denis K. Tetreault


Operations status and bottleneck analysis and improvement of a batch process manufacturing line using discrete event simulation, Sriram Velumani* and He Tang


Organizational structure, service capability and its impact on business performance of logistics providers in the B2B context, Margareth Rodrigues De Carvalho Borella, Paulo Fernando Pinto Barcellos, Harash Sachdev, George Russ Merz, and Ademar Galelli


Origami, affine maps, and complex dynamics, William Floyd, Gregory Kelsey, Sarah Koch, Russell Lodge, Walter Parry, Kevin M. Pilgrim, and Edgar Saenz


Parenting supports for early vocabulary development: Specific effects of sensitivity and stimulation through infancy, Claire D. Vallotton, Ann Mastergeorge, Tricia Foster, Kalli B. Decker, and Catherine Ayoub

Pioneering African-American women in the advertising business: Biographies of MAD Black WOMEN, Judy Foster Davis


Plant functional traits and environmental conditions shape community assembly and ecosystem functioning during restoration, Chad R. Zirbel, Tyler Bassett, Emily Grman, and Lars A. Brudvig


Political uncertainty and international corruption, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris


Postmodern criminology and technocrime, Brian G. Sellers and Bruce A. Arrigo


Predictive analytics, Sema A. Kalaian and Rafa M. Kasim


Predictors of help-seeking intentions in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans and service members, Carole Porcari*, Ellen I. Koch, Sheila A. M. Rauch, Flora Hoodin, Grant Ellison*, and Lauren McSweeney*


Predictors of Native American children's perceived status of health and physical shape, Pamela H. Kulinna, Ernesto R. Ramirez, Julie A. Jahn, Donetta J. Cothran, Ryan D. Burns, and Tiffany Kloeppel


Preserving and interpreting a shared mission: Peter Dougherty, Chief Ahgosa, and Northern Michigan's Old Mission, Mary Ann Heidemann and Ted J. Ligibel


PRIMO: Peer-reviewed instructional materials online, Jodie Borgerding, Megan Hodge, and Bill Marino