
Faculty Scholarship from 2018


The courses of history: Ideas for developing a history of mathematics course, Amy Shell-Gellasch


The economic, social, and environmental impacts of cruise tourism, Timothy MacNeill and David Wozniak


The England trip of 1872: Mark Twain's first season in Hell, Joseph Csicsila


The epidemiology of medical diseases and associated behavioral risk factors, Sarah Lindeman, Jon Nolan, and Alexandros Maragakis


The ethical implications of altering public sector accountability models: The case of the Atlanta cheating scandal, Barbara Patrick, Gregory K. Plagens, Aaron Rollins, and Elizabeth Evans


The evolution of food deserts in a small midwestern city: The case of Ypsilanti, Michigan: 1970 to 2010, Hugh Semple and Andrew Giguere


The existence and structure of rotational systems in the circle, Jayakumar Ramanathan


The fear of ebola: A tale of two cities in China, Xinyue Ye, Shengwen Li, Xining Yang, Jay Lee, and Ling Wu


The impact of supervisory support for high-performance human resource practices on employee in-role, extra-role and counterproductive behaviors, Alankrita Pandey, Eric R. Schulz, and Richaurd R. Camp


The impact of tax and expenditure limitations on municipal revenue volatility, Tucker C. Staley


The Mars topside ionosphere response to the X8.2 solar flare of 10 September 2017, E. M.B. Thiemann, L. Andersson, R. Lillis, P. Withers, S. Xu, M. Elrod, S. Jain, M. D. Pilinski, D. Pawlowski, P. C. Chamberlin, F. G. Eparvier, M. Benna, C. Fowler, S. Curry, W. K. Peterson, and J. Deighan


The moderation of culturally normative coping strategies on Taiwanese adolescent peer victimization and psychological distress, Ting Lan Ma, Chong Man Chow, and Wei Ting Chen


The passing of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela: The end of a revolutionary chapter in African history, Victor O. Okafor


The rights and duties of immigrants in liberal societies, Peter W. Higgins


The role of fat talk in eating pathology and depressive symptoms among mother-daughter dyads, Chong Man Chow and Cin Cin Tan


The self-ownership proviso: A critique, Peter Bornschein


“The Servant Campaigns”: African American women and the politics of economic justice in Washington, D.C., in the 1930s, Mary-Elizabeth Murphy


The theory of planned behavior and high school students’ interest in computer science, Hadeel Mohammed Jawad*, Munther Abualkibash, Samir Tout, and Yichun Xie


The transformation of the healthcare system: Integrated primary care and the role of stepped care interventions for behavioral health providers, Alexandros Maragakis and Marianthi N. Hatzigeorgiou


The value of service-learning in L2 teacher preparation: Engaging in diverse contexts, Kristen M. Lindahl, Zuzana Tomas, Raichle Farrelly, and Anna Krulatz


"Think before you click. Post. Type." Lessons learned from our university cyber security awareness campaign, Rachel Innocenzi*, Kaylee Brown*, Peggy Liggit, Samir Tout, Andrea Tanner^, Theodore Coutilish^, and Rocky Jenkins^


Time, regained, Kevin Karpiak


Timesizing proximity and perceived organizational support: Contributions to employee well-being and extra-role performance, Pedro Neves, Salar Mesdaghinia, Robert Eisenberger, and Robert E. Wickham


Towards an autonomous temperature feedback microwave oven with thermal imaging, Tareq Khan


Transforming students’ definitions of function using a vending machine applet, Milan F. Sherman, Jennifer N. Lovett, Allison W. McCulloch, Lara K. Dick, Cyndi Edington, and Stephanie A. Casey