
Faculty Scholarship from 2018


Developing e-modules to support preservice mathematics teachers’ statistical thinking, Rick A. Hudson, Hollylynne Lee, Stephanie Casey, William Finzer, Gemma Majica, Christina Azmy, and Adam Eide*


Developing knowledge for teaching graphing of bivariate categorical data. Journal of Statistics Education, 26(3), 197–213., Stephanie A. Casey, Jim Albert, and Andrew Ross


Development and validation of PediaTrac™: A web-based tool to track developing infants, Renée Lajiness-O'Neill, Judith Brooks, Angela Lukomski, Stephen Schilling, Alissa Huth-Bocks, Seth Warschausky, Ana Mercedes Flores, Casey Swick, Tristin Nyman, Tiffany Andersen, Natalie Morris, Thomas A. Schmitt, Jennifer Bell-Smith, Barbara Moir, Elise K. Hodges, and James E. Lyddy


Development and validation of the inclusive supervision inventory for student affairs, Matthew R. Shupp, Amy B. Wilson, and Carmen M. McCallum


Differentiating customer engagement and customer participation in service marketing: An abstract, Wendy Gillis, Douglas Johansen, and Shiri D. Vivek


Digital workplace management: Exploring aspects related to culture, innovation, and leadership, Abubaker Haddud and Dorothy McAllen


Diltiazem improves contractile properties of skeletal muscle in dysferlin-deficient BLAJ mice, but does not reduce contraction-induced muscle damage, Morium Begam, Alyssa F. Collier, Amber L. Mueller, Renuka Roche, Sujay S. Galen, and Joseph A. Roche


Directly dating postglacial Greenlandic land-surface emergence at high resolution using in situ 10Be, Paul R. Bierman, Dylan H. Rood, Jeremy D. Shakun, Eric W. Portenga, and Lee B. Corbett


Disability pride protects self-esteem through the rejection-identification model, Kathleen R. Bogart, Emily M. Lund, and Adena Rottenstein


Does globalisation affect the shadow economy?, Aziz N. Berdiev and James W. Saunoris


Drivers of creativity within advertising agencies: How structural configuration can affect and improve creative development, Huw O’Connor, Mark Kilgour, Scott Koslow, and Sheila Sasser


Dual-acting antitumor Pt(iv) prodrugs of kiteplatin with dichloroacetate axial ligands, Salvatore Savino, Valentina Gandin, James D. Hoeschele, Cristina Marzano, Giovanni Natile, and Nicola Margiotta


Earthquake damage detection using before and after earthquake satellite images, Kasim A. Korkmaz and Munther Abualkibash


Ecosystem multifunctionality increases with beta diversity in restored prairies, Emily Grman, Chad R. Zirbel, Tyler Bassett, and Lars A. Brudvig


Eddings v. Oklahoma, Brian G. Sellers


Effectiveness of small-group learning pedagogies in engineering and technology education: A meta-analysis, Sema A. Kalaian, Rafa M. Kasim, and Julia K. Nims


Effects of a solar flare on the Martian hot O corona and photochemical escape, Yuni Lee, Chuanfei Dong, Dave Pawlowski, Edward Thiemann, Valeriy Tenishev, Paul Mahaffy, Mehdi Benna, Michael Combi, Stephen Bougher, and Frank Eparvier


Emerging research in the security of modern and autonomous vehicles, Samir Tout, Munther Abualkibash, and Pooja Patil*


Encountering Detroit: The post-industrial city as stage, Elizabeth Currens


Energy conserving thermoregulatory patterns and lower disease severity in a bat resistant to the impacts of white-nose syndrome, Marianne S. Moore, Kenneth A. Field, Melissa J. Behr, Gregory G. Turner, Morgan E. Furze, Daniel W.F. Stern, Paul R. Allegra, Sarah A. Bouboulis, Chelsey D. Musante, Megan E. Vodzak, Matthew E. Biron, Melissa B. Meierhofer, Winifred F. Frick, Jeffrey T. Foster, Daryl Howell, Joseph A. Kath, Allen Kurta, Gerda Nordquist, Joseph S. Johnson, Thomas M. Lilley, Benjamin W. Barrett, and Dee Ann M. Reeder


Entrepreneurship by immigrants: A review of existing literature and directions for future research, Ratan J.S. Dheer

Entropy maximizing curves, Ovidiu Calin


Environmental crime and justice: A green criminological examination, Michael J. Lynch and Kimberly L. Barrett

Errant pedagogy in the early modern classroom, or prodigious misreadings in and of the Renaissance, Melissa J. Jones


Evaluating judges and judicial institutions: Reorienting the perspective, Mitu Gulati, David E. Klein, and David F. Levi