Faculty Scholarship 2019 | Faculty Scholarship | Eastern Michigan University


Faculty Scholarship from 2019


Cutting wood, Phil Smith

Dark tales of the inland seas region, Robert Stevens


Death, sex, and nylon, Christine Hume


Defining behavioral pattern for historical buildings in Izmir, Turkey, Kasim A. Korkmaz and Saadet Toker-Beeson


Design of an automatic class attendance system as an undergraduate senior design project, Ali Eydgahi, Payam Matin, and Lukman G. Bolahan Anidu


Design of hybrid nonisocyanate polyurethane coatings for advanced ambient temperature curing applications, Hamidreza Asemani*, Forough Zareanshahraki*, and Vijay Mannari


Detecting longterm trends of vegetation change at local scale through timeseries image analysis: a case study in Inner Mongolia, China., Liu XinXia, Anbing Zhang, Xie Yichun, Hua Jin, and Haixin Liu


Detroit to Flint and back again: Solidarity forever, Sharon Howell, Michael D. Doan, and Ami Harbin


Development of the Activity Analysis on Cognition Scale (AACS), David W. Thomas and Joseph Scazzero

Diane di Prima: Visionary poetics and the hidden religions, David Stephen Calonne


Dietary protein and muscle mass: Translating science to application and health benefit, John W. Carbone and Stefan M. Pasiakos


Differential effects of physiological arousal following acute stress on police officer performance in a simulated critical incident, Eamonn Arble, Ana M. Daugherty, and Bengt Arnetz


Directors & corporate social responsibility: Joint consideration of director gender and the director’s role, Charles P. Cullinan, Lois Mahoney, and Pamela B. Roush


Disparities in functional disability among Arab Americans by nativity, immigrant arrival cohort, and country of birth, Jen'nan G. Read, Kristine J. Ajrouch, and Jessica S. West


Dissolving into the sea: Cinematic migrants and the problem of agency, Nataša Kovačević


Do brands compete or coexist? A response to the responses, Anthony Koschmann and Jagdish Sheth


Do brands compete or coexist? How persistence of brand loyalty segments the market, Jagdish Sheth and Anthony Koschmann


Does variability in crimes affect other crimes? The case of international corruption and shadow economy, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris


Drivers of the underground economy for over a century: A long term look for the United States, Rajeev K. Goel, James W. Saunoris, and Friedrich Schneider


Drumming and mindfulness integrations into an evidence-based group intervention, D. Mark Ragg, Jacquie Soulliere, and Michael Turner*


Dual-reporter high-throughput screen for small-molecule in vivo inhibitors of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 yields a clinical lead candidate, Ashley A. Reinke, Shih Hon Li, Mark Warnock, Maxim E. Shaydakov, Naga Sandhya Guntaka, Enming J. Su, Jose A. Diaz, Cory D. Emal, and Daniel A. Lawrence


Effect analysis of customer JIT implementation on a supply die casting manufacturer, Mustafaa S. Muhamed* and Herman Tang


Effectiveness of a short video-based educational intervention on factors related to clinical trial participation in adolescents and young adults: A pre-test/post-test design, Joan E. Cowdery, James H. Powell, Yolanda A. Fleming, and Devin L. Brown

Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices, P. Nick Blanchard and James W. Thacker


Effects analysis of internal buffers in serial manufacturing systems for optimal throughput, Jad Imseitif* and Herman Tang