Faculty Scholarship 2019 | Faculty Scholarship | Eastern Michigan University


Faculty Scholarship from 2019


Geo-informatics in sustainable ecosystem and society: 6th International Conference, GSES 2018, Handan, China, September 25–26, 2018, revised selected papers, Anbing Zhang, Haixin Liu, Yichun Xie, and Lili Feng


gExtractor: Automated extraction of malware deception parameters for autonomous cyber deception, Mohammed Noraden Alsaleh, Jinpeng Wei, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Mohiuddin Ahmed


Global change effects on plant communities are magnified by time and the number of global change factors imposed, Kimberly J. Komatsu, Meghan L. Avolio, Nathan P. Lemoine, Forest Isbell, Emily Grman, Gregory R. Houseman, Sally E. Koerner, David S. Johnson, Kevin R. Wilcox, and Juha M. Alatalo


Globalization and informal entrepreneurship: A cross-country analysis, Aziz N. Berdiev and James W. Saunoris


Green chemistry education: Recent developments, Mark Anthony Benvenuto and Larry Kolopajlo


Green chemistry outreach, Larry Kolopajlo


Growth in the shadows: Effect of the shadow economy on U.S. economic growth over more than a century: Growth and shadow economy, Rajeev K. Goel, James W. Saunoris, and Friedrich Schneider


Hidden leaders: Results of the national study of associate deans, Michael F. Sayler, Jon Pedersen, M. Cecil Smith, and Marc Cutright


Horseplay or sexual harassment: Discipline and due process in the Michigan Department of Corrections, Gregory K. Plagens


How coaching ability moderates player incentives to perform: A hierarchical Bayesian approach of the NFL, Anthony Koschmann


How firm heterogeneity affects foreign direct investment location choice: Micro-evidence from new foreign manufacturing firms in the Pearl River Delta, Yuyao Ye, Kangmin Wu, Yichun Xie, Gengzhi Huang, Changjian Wang, and Jun Chen


Hybrid data mining to reduce false positive and false negative prediction in intrusion detection system, Bala Palanisamy*, Biswajit Panja, and Priyanka Meharia


Imidazolium‐based stabilization of aqueous multiwall carbon nanotube dispersions, John Texter, Rene Crombez, Rafael Maniglia, Xiumin Ma, Vivek Arjunan Vasantha, Michael Manuelian, Robert Campbell, Lisa Slater, and Thomas Mourey


Impact of a health information technology tool addressing information needs of caregivers of adult and pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients, Alex J. Fauer, Flora Hoodin, Leah Lalonde*, Josh Errickson, Lyndsey Runaas, Tracey Churay, Sajjad Seyedsalehi, Casiana Warfield*, Grant Chappell, Kristina Brookshire*, Dima Chaar, Ji Youn Shin, Michelle Byrd, John Magenau, David A. Hanauer, and Sung Won Choi


Impact of caregiver burden on quality of life for parents of adult children with autism spectrum disorder, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski and Heather L. Church


Impact of handedness consistency on bimanual and unimanual continuous movements, Kaitlin Oswald and Jin Bo


Importance and feasibility of an adapted set of implementation strategies in schools, Aaron R. Lyon, Clayton R. Cook, Jill Locke, Chayna Davis, Byron J. Powell, and Thomas J. Waltz


Improving lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning health: Using a standardized patient experience to educate advanced practice nursing students, Elizabeth K. Kuzma, Christie Graziano, Elizabeth Shea, Franklin V. Schaller, Michelle Pardee, and Cynthia S. Darling-Fisher

Inclusive supervision in student affairs: A model for professional practice, Amy B. Wilson, Carmen M. McCallum, and Matthew R. Shupp


Informal support, health, and burden among parents of adult children with autism, Christina N. Marsack and Faith P. Hopp


Information asymmetry and REIT capital market access, Elizabeth Devos, Erik Devos, Seow Eng Ong, and Andrew C. Spieler


Institutional investment patterns in gender-diverse firms, Jodonnis Rodriguez and Edward R. Lawrence


Instrumental or meaningful friendships: Black alumnae perspectives on peer relationships during college, Rachelle Winkle-Wagner, Carmen M. McCallum, Courtney Luedke, and Brittany Ota-Malloy


Integrating race, racism, and critical consciousness in Black parents' engagement with schools, Aixa D. Marchand, Rema Reynolds Vassar, Matthew A. Diemer, and Stephanie J. Rowley


Interactive role of weight status and fat talk on body dissatisfaction: An observation of women friends, Chong Man Chow, Ellen Hart*, and Cin Cin Tan