Faculty Scholarship 2019 | Faculty Scholarship | Eastern Michigan University


Faculty Scholarship from 2019


Characterizing the binding of dopamine D1–D2 receptors in vitro and in temporal and frontal lobe tissue total protein, Deborah L. Heyl, Margaret Champion*, Robert Muterspaugh*, Megan Connolly*, Adam Baraka*, Pouya Khazaei*, Briana Moe*, Zeinab Al-Sheemary*, Nael Jaber*, and Hedeel Guy-Evans


Childhood cancer incidence and survival in Thailand: A comprehensive population-based registry analysis, 1990–2011, Serena S. Bidwell, Catherine C. Peterson, Kathryn Demanelis, Katie R. Zarins, Rafael Meza, Hutcha Sriplung, Surapon Wiangnon, Thirachit Chotsampancharoen, Imjai Chitapanarux, and Donsuk Pongnikorn


Child sleep and socioeconomic context in the development of cognitive abilities in early childhood, Caroline P. Hoyniak, John E. Bates, Angela D. Staples, Kathleen M. Rudasill, Dennis L. Molfese, and Victoria J. Molfese


Choosing implementation strategies to address contextual barriers: Diversity in recommendations and future directions, Thomas J. Waltz, Byron J. Powell, María E. Fernández, Brenton Abadie*, and Laura J. Damschroder


Cigarette smuggling: Using the shadow economy or creating its own?, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris


Climate risk communication of navigation safety and climate conditions over Lake Victoria basin: Exploring perceptions and knowledge of indigenous communities, James Kiwanuka-Tondo, Frederick Semazzi, and Keon Pettiway

Clothing in the Scottish court, 1543-1553, Melanie Schuessler Bond


Cognitive flexibility: Impact on entrepreneurial intentions, Ratan J.S. Dheer and Tomasz Lenartowicz


Cognitive function and quality of life in vorinostat-treated patients after matched unrelated donor myeloablative conditioning hematopoietic cell transplantation, Flora Hoodin, Leah LaLonde*, Josh Errickson, Kristen Votruba, Rachel Kentor*, Erin Gatza, Pavan Reddy, and Sung Won Choi


Collaboration with higher education institutions for successful firm innovation, Hakil Moon, Babu John Mariadoss, and Jean L. Johnson


Collaborative citation management: Citation tools for Google docs, Kelly Getz


College women’s physical activity, health-related quality of life, and physical fitness: A self-determination perspective, Bo Shen, Xiaobin Luo, Jin Bo, Alex Garn, and Noel Kulik


Combined use of alcohol and the internet: Associated features, Alic N. Berdin* and Karen K. Saules


Comparing DSM-5-hybrid, SWAP, and PDM prototype models of personality disorders: Convergent and divergent findings, Steven K. Huprich, Callie Jowers, and Sharon Nelson


Computed tomography myelosimulation versus magnetic resonance imaging registration to delineate the spinal cord during spine stereotactic radiosurgery, Whitney H. Beeler, Kelly C. Paradis, Joseph J. Gemmete, Neeraj Chaudhary, Michelle M. Kim, Sean R. Smith, Eric Paradis, Martha M. Matuszak, Paul Park, and Paul G. Archer


Congress finally passes carried interest legislation, but is it enough?, Hughlene A. Burton and Noel Brock


Contest over authority: Navigating native advertising’s impacts on journalism autonomy, You Li


Conversations with Allen Ginsberg, David Stephen Calonne


Convoys of social relations: Cohort similarities and differences over 25 years, Toni C. Antonucci, Kristine J. Ajrouch, and Noah J. Webster


Creating multimodal reflections in an IEP speaking-listening course, Cynthia J. Macknish


Creativity and ad theory, Sheila L. Sasser and Scott Koslow


Crystal sructure of photorespiratory alanine: Glyoxylate aminotransferase 1 (AGT1) from Arabidopsis thaliana, Aaron H. Liepman, J. Vijayalakshmi, Daniel Peisach, Brian Hulsebus, Laura J. Olsen, and Mark A. Saper

Cultural aspects of care, Yvette M. Colón


Current practice in orthotic treatment of AIS, Sun Hae Jang, Kara L. Davis, and Scott D. Thach


Current practices of live discharge from hospice: Social work perspectives, Stephanie P. Wladkowski and Cara L. Wallace