Faculty Scholarship 2019 | Faculty Scholarship | Eastern Michigan University


Faculty Scholarship from 2019


Effects of intimate partner violence and home environment on child language development in the first 3 years of life, Catherine C. Peterson, Jessica Riggs*, Katherine Guyon-Harris, Lauren Harrison*, and Alissa Huth-Bocks

End-of-life-care, Yvette M. Colón


Entrenchment vs long-term benefits: Classified boards and CSR, Charles P. Cullinan, Lois Mahoney, and Pamela Roush


Erosion rates and sediment flux within the Potomac River basin quantified over millennial timescales using beryllium isotopes, Eric W. Portenga, Paul R. Bierman, Charles D. Trodick, Sophie E. Greene, Benjamin D. DeJong, Dylan H. Rood, and Milan J. Pavich

Ethical, legal, and professional issues in marriage, couples, and family counseling, Perry C. Francis


Ethics inside and outside the physics lab, Marshall Thomsen


Ethnic influences on attractiveness and trustworthiness perceptions of celebrity endorsers, Kenneth R. Lord, Sanjay Putrevu, and Alice F. Collins


Evaluating the durability of brand alliances using Bayesian methods, Anthony Koschmann


Evaluating the effectiveness of ATI Nurse's Touch™ on BSN student soft skills: A descriptive study, Jenni L. Hoffman, Linda Myler, and Sandra Hines


Evaluating the explanatory power of theoretical frameworks on intention to comply with information security policies in higher education, Majed Rajab* and Ali Eydgahi


“Everybody has something”: One teacher’s beliefs about musical ability and their connection to teaching practice and classroom culture, Heather Nelson Shouldice


Everyday material engagement: Supporting self and personhood in people with Alzheimer’s disease, Jayne Yatczak


Existence of fuzzy prekernels and Mas-Colell bargaining sets in TU games, Yan Huang, Duyan Bi, Jiuqiang Liu, Xiaodong Liu, and Mingyu Wang


Expiry date digits recognition using deep learning, Tareq Khan


Factors impacting use of health IT applications: Predicting nurses’ perception of performance, Sadaf Ashtari and Al Bellamy


Fashion, self-fashioning and the body, Laura J. George


Fear of fat and restrained eating: Negative body talk between female friends as a moderator, Chong Man Chow, Holly Ruhl, Cin Cin Tan, and Lilian Ellis*


Food worlds, film, and gender, Margaret A. Crouch

Forward, Perry C. Francis


Fractional PID consensus control protocols for second-order multiagent systems, David Yaylali, Eric A. Butcher, and Arman Dabiri

Frederick Douglass, slavery, and the Constitution, 1845, Mark Higbee and James Brewer Stewart


Freedom as (self-)expression: Natality and the temporality of action in Merleau-Ponty and Arendt:, Laura McMahon


Further investigation of differential reinforcement of alternative behavior without extinction for escape-maintained destructive behavior, Adam M. Briggs, Claudia L. Dozier, Amber N. Lessor, Bertilde U. Kamana, and Rachel L. Jess


Fuzzy analytical solution for activity duration estimation under uncertainty, Pejman Rezakhani and Marcel Maghiar


Gateways to completion: Reconceptualizing general chemistry i to enhance student success at Eastern Michigan University, Amy Flanagan Johnson and Ross Nord