Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2016
Ethics at Eastern Michigan University and the College of Business: A study of academic dishonesty and professionalism, Ashley Shahan (Accounting and Finance)
Meaningful science: A look at elementary science education practices, Avery Shelton (Teacher Education)
Exploration of cultural values as a moderator of the relationship between emotion suppression and risky behaviors, Alissa Sneed (Psychology)
Estimated maximal oxygen consumption of transfemoral amputees utilizing the Ebbeling treadmill test, Samantha Stauffer (Health Promotion and Human Performance)
Efficacy of sexual education programs for adolescents in the United States, Erica Szkody (Psychology)
The relationships between parenting factors and parental sensitivity to the child's depression, Sara Thompson (Psychology)
Interrater reliability testing activity analysis forms, Alex M. Wehrle (Health Sciences)
The interaction between body image, eating attitudes, and the use of social media platforms, Alexis Wells (Communication, Media and Theatre Arts)
French proficiency at the secondary and post-secondary levels, Kirsten Wienckowski (World Languages)
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2015
The relation between aggressive behavior and engagement in violence, Andrea Carolina Aya Mercado (Psychology)
The promises of the United Nations, Marla Beretta Bastien (Political Science)
Relationship between Honors College membership, student satisfaction, and personality at Eastern Michigan University, Caitlin Baumer (Psychology)
An international analysis of corporate "personhood:" Rights vs. responsibilities, Vanessa R. Bishop (Political Science)
The influence of exemplars and role models on women's stereotype threat, Angela Blay (Psychology)
The great data breach, De'Andre M. Brown (English Language and Literature)
Foreign aid as a policy tool, Jessica Bussell (Political Science)
Possible adaptations to the United States from South Korea's healthcare system, Priyadharshini Chidambaram (Health Sciences)
Increasing self-management of cystic fibrosis through the use of smartphone app technology, Jenna Coon (Nursing)
Preparing my senior recital: The struggles and triumphs, Natalie Debusschere (Music and Dance)
Does the structure of the United States child welfare system possess the ability to adequately treat mental health concerns for foster care youth?, Vanisha Sophya DeJonghe (Political Science)
The effects of video games on sexism attitudes in males, Troy Deskins (Psychology)
Pinching pennies, costing dollars: Michigan's offender re-entry system, Crystal A. Dussia (Social Work)
Understanding malignant self-regard and its implications for achievement, Carly D. Evich (Psychology)
Production & analysis of dance costumes, Jennifer Flanagan (Technology Studies)
Adult attachment and parent-child relations among adults with a parent in the military, Lexi Forsyth (Psychology)