Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2014
An investigation of the user satisfaction of customer relationship management program, Sangeun Lee (Computer Information Systems)
Unpunished criminals: The social acceptablity of white collar crimes in America, Joseph P. Martinez (Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology)
The relationship between female self-objectification and extra-curricular activities, Tanjare' C. McKay (Psychology)
The effects of childhood poverty on adult health outcomes, Melissa Meyer (Social Work)
Unwanted guest, Adam Mitts (English Language and Literature)
Stemming the tide: Reducing health care cost inflation through eliminating waste, Nino Monea (Political Science)
From climate action to coalition: Ypsilanti and EMU as models for sustainability, Erica Mooney (Geography and Geology)
Somalia: A critical comunnication [sic] conflict analysis of the ongoing conflict and its effect on the growing mental illnesses within the country, Dominique Eunice Moore (Communication, Media and Theatre Arts)
"People are people": Benefits of inclusive service, Sarah Mueller (Special Education)
Non-violent uses of small unmanned aerial vehicles, Nickolas Myers (Engineering Technology)
Service organization control audit series : The need for a uniform process of verification of service organizations' internal controls and the implementation of this process, Kati Nance (Accounting and Finance)
The global economic effects of going green with a focus on industry creation, transformation, and destruction, Karen Nelson (Economics)
Innovative & interactive iPad interventions: The new wave of delivering pediatric behavioral, emotional & social care, Molly Peabody (Special Education)
Dance therapy action plan: Improving body posture and quality of life in older patients, Madelyn A. Prebola (Music and Dance)
The role of American culture in the convergence process of international and United States financial accounting principles, Umarbek U. Rabbimov (Accounting and Finance)
Assessing the sustainability of the cost of government and health care in the United States, Jacob J. Rich (Mathematics)
Mobile device vulnerabilities & securities, Luke Rondeau (Technology Studies)
Speech-language services for bilingual students: Relevant issues and concerns, Mary Scott (Special Education)
Psoriasis in chronic and acute patients: A comprehensive care guide for practicing nurses, Elena Segev (Nursing)
Technology integration for educators : The why and the how, Megen Snyder (Teacher Education)
The six domains of athletic training: A guide to the profession of athletic training, Jenna Szuba (Health Promotion and Human Performance)
R&D performance business plan, Daniel R. Wiacek (Management)
Meta-analysis of male and female function in plants with contrasting architecture and mating systems, Lisa Wyse (Biology)
Research of the sustainability of U.S. public debt and the influence for Chinese economy and finance, Zikun Xu (Accounting and Finance)
Grieving, Dafna Yosef (Health Sciences)