Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2015
Watching the wire: The how and why of implementing a network security monitor, Robert K. Woolson (Technology Studies)
General anesthesia: A literature review - induction, mechanism, agents, and effects, Sylvie Yaacoub (Nursing)
Transforming the mindsets of elementary students Crosstown Theatre Troupe 2014-2015 curriculum, Lauren N. Zamiska (Communication, Media and Theatre Arts)
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2014
Effect of EPIC panel presentations on the attitudes of EMU students toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals, Silvana Alfaro-Bordon (Psychology)
Characterization of FAM 129B, a protein implicated in melanoma, Brittany Berger (Chemistry)
Policy behavior of the Federal Reserve System: An alternative Taylor Rule, Kara L. Binning (Economics)
Determining microsatellite variation in three species of Megistostegium, Morgan Callewaert (Chemistry)
Young adult literature "Catching fire:" Classroom implications for secondary schools, Emily Colletti (English Language and Literature)
Environmental DNA analysis protocols for determining the presence of blue spotted salamanders in a vernal environment, Natalie Colletti (Biology)
Social media strategy: The keys to successfully penetrating online communities, Joshua Patrick Conroy (Marketing)
Computational study of an aza-Cope Mannich tandem reaction leading to pyrrolidine products under various conditions, Amanda Lee Dewyer (Chemistry)
An analysis of the extent of presidential power in regard to drone strikes, Kaitlyn Dugas (Political Science)
Physiological and psychological effects of trauma in the pediatric patient, Steven Filimon (Nursing)
Facilitating student discussion: The case of a political scince [sic] class, Emma Fitzhugh (Political Science)
Eastern Michigan University Honors College application online system, Andrew Greiner (Computer Science)
International political economy: How does freedom correlate with economic success?, Trevis Harrold (Political Science)
Gender bias in the workplace, Daniel Henley (Psychology)
Cystic fibrosis: Improvement in quality of life with medication specific to genetic mutation, Elizabeth Henson (Nursing)
The Eurozone economic crisis and the divergent paths of unity, Kaitlyn Hill (Political Science)
Behaving boldly: The effects of personalities on locomotion, growth, and prey capture in tarantulas (Lasiodora parahybana), Samantha Isselbacher (Biology)
A survey of Willow Metropark, Wayne County, Michigan, Ashlee Ann Jed (Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology)
Q methodological study of subjectivity and objectivity, Maria Karimova (Psychology)
Disability and access: Leadership opportunities for students with disabilities in high school, Tori A. Klisz (Special Education)
The emergence of the New Woman in Victorian children's and family literature, Geneva Korykowski (English Language and Literature)
The opaque self: Whiteness studies and the racial perceptions of liberal, white-identifying college males, Caleb D. Kruzel (Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology)