Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2015
Does the structure of the United States child welfare system possess the ability to adequately treat mental health concerns for foster care youth?, Vanisha Sophya DeJonghe (Political Science)
The effects of video games on sexism attitudes in males, Troy Deskins (Psychology)
Pinching pennies, costing dollars: Michigan's offender re-entry system, Crystal A. Dussia (Social Work)
Understanding malignant self-regard and its implications for achievement, Carly D. Evich (Psychology)
Production & analysis of dance costumes, Jennifer Flanagan (Technology Studies)
Adult attachment and parent-child relations among adults with a parent in the military, Lexi Forsyth (Psychology)
How culture makes a difference in management: Applying Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions to management in Germany and China, Brock Foster (Marketing)
Alfred the Great: The foundation of the English monarchy, Marshall Gaines (History and Philosophy)
The show was yesterday: Redefining the writing and research process through mixing and sampling, Gabriel I. Green (English Language and Literature)
The effect of father involvement on mothers' parenting after the birth of a child, Emily T. Gutman (Psychology)
Musculoskeletal markers of linguistic variance on the human mandible, Hannah Catherine Hilbert (Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology)
Intellectual disability and sexuality: The missing link, Megan Hoorn (Special Education)
Interventions in the enhancement or preservation of motor skill learning in those with mild dementia, Dinah Hudson (Psychology)
YouTube automobile branding: Success metrics in YouTube, Dakoda Johnson (Computer Information Systems)
The effects of salinity on the stratification and nutrient dynamics of inland lakes in southeast Michigan, Hallee Kansman (Biology)
The influence of social media, Taylor Kennedy (Computer Information Systems)
Child soldiers: An innocence lost, Colleen Kirby (Social Work)
Clean denim: Understanding the process of the denim industry and its effects, Kimberly Lewis (Technology Studies)
The influence of parent expectations, the home literacy environment, and parent behavior on child reading interest, Tammy Matvichuk (Psychology)
Bondage and entrapment in the fiction of Ernest Hemingway, Cy Maughmer (English Language and Literature)
African American incarceration and sentencing disparities: New slavery and the controlling mechanism in a colorblind America, Marcus McCray (Political Science)
Mitotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae results from genetic instability at fragile site FS2, Shaylynn Delaney Miller (Biology)
Developing microtargeting in university marketing campaigns: Fraser University, Kerri A. Musick (Political Science)
Racial prejudice: Parental influence on children, Gary Petrie (Psychology)
Reaching Latino language learners: Content based instruction teaching unit, Ariel Robinson (World Languages)