Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2012
Make the grade: An investigation of STI-prevention marketing campaigns, Randal D. Brown (Psychology)
Tyrone and Vivian Brown: A person-in-environment retrospective, Tyrone Brown (Social Work)
The "push" and "pull" of Mexican immigrants across the United States border, Kayleigh Del Cotto (Political Science)
The five p's of type 1 diabetes, Paula Elizabeth Esteva (Nursing)
Analysis of DNA copy number variants in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae, Alexander Friske (Biology)
Hezbollah: A present day non-state actor, Travis Fry (Technology Studies)
Senior flute recital: Program notes, Corinne Marie Galligan (Music and Dance)
The matriarch: A historical review of the life of Ada Mae Woodson Brown Metcalf, Pamela Gesund (Social Work)
From the closet to the campaign trail: Homosexuality and elections, Emily Gillingham (Political Science)
Social movements in Latin America: Political process theory and repertoires of contention, Ariani Gil-Regalado (Political Science)
Examining the seed bank and restoration potential in Great Lakes coastal wetlands invaded by Phragmites australis, Lily Glaeser (Biology)
Differences in bacterial and methanogen abundance between wetlands invaded by Phragmites australis and those inhabited by Typha spp, Joshua Goldberger (Biology)
"I can't think about kissing": Strong female protagonists and romance in dystopian young adult fiction, Mollie Hall (English Language and Literature)
Identifying growth deficient Bacillus anthracis mutants via transponson mutagenesis, Michello Hatto (Health Sciences)
Late Woodland Period Settlement organization in southeast Michigan, Caitlin Holloway (Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology)
Senior clarinet recital, Katherine Jakrzweski (Music and Dance)
Lipid membrane disruption by amylin in type II diabetes mellitus: Effect of head group loss, William Joesten (Chemistry)
Innocent until proven guilty: The representation of wrongfully convicted women, Julie Krupa (Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology)
Spectrometer analysis of dyeing behavior of cotton and polyester fabric using direct, reactive, and dispersive dyes, Maria Langton (Technology Studies)
Investigation of the evolutionary origin and history of a newly identified transposable element in rodents, Ashley Larm (Biology)
A craft-based composition: Expanding and foregrounding materiality in writing, Chelsea A. Lonsdale (English Language and Literature)
Fuel cost hedging in the U.S. airline industry, Kun Lu (Accounting and Finance)
Emergency management in higher education: Challenges and solutions, Robert C. Morford (Political Science)
A proposed model for technology/language acquisition application in the Spanish classroom, Brittany Lynne Mrozek (World Languages)
A case for mutual engagement: On the consequences of professor as terminal audience, Adam Nannini (English Language and Literature)