Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2006
The hand horn in performance, Elisa Balon (Music and Dance)
NAELS Campus Climate Neutral marketing project, Amelia Bateman (Marketing)
Equipment leasing: Analysis of industry practices emphasizing lessors' risks and returns, Ravi Vijay Beedkar (Accounting and Finance)
How children's programs at churches promote resilience and how they can be enhanced, Dawn Blanton (Psychology)
The effects of multicultural literature in the classroom, Maria Boles (Teacher Education)
Female genital mutlation [sic]: An emerging public health concern, Sarah Jan Brown (Health Sciences)
Perceptions of public relations professionals among radio, television and print reporters in the state of Michigan, Lindsay Buhagiar (English Language and Literature)
The factor structure of the Depressive Personality Disorder Inventory, Jude Chamberlain (Psychology)
Correlational relationship between jealousy, self-esteem, and locus of control in an undergraduate population, Rebecca C. Cooley (Psychology)
Assessing self-injurious behaviors on a college campus, Chelsea R. Dean (Psychology)
Girl power: Feminine motifs in Japanese popular culture, David Endresak (Women's and Gender Studies)
Myhopoeia, Benjamin Fider (English Language and Literature)
Putting the pieces together: Effective characteristics of an HR internship program, Matthew Gillim (Management)
Integrating reading strategies into the science curriculum, Sarah Gilson (Teacher Education)
Bilingual students and family literacy, Laura Green (World Languages)
Observations on healthcare and the cultural perceptions of pain and pain management at Bebalem Hospital, Tchad Africa, Nealey McCall Hearns (Nursing)
Phylogenetic analysis of NADP-malic enzyme and its expression in Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells, Erin Horning (Biology)
Analysis of the transcriptional levels of guinea pig sines and lines, Nicole D. Jamison (Biology)
Utopian religions in America: The Shakers, the Oneida Perfectionists and the Mormons, an issue of survival, Robin Kirkbride (History and Philosophy)
Music therapy self-employment resource binder, Jennifer M. Korff (Music and Dance)
The nature of collaboration and the impact it has on workspace design, Jessica Lacey (Engineering Technology)
The effects of different fabric types and seam designs on the seams [sic] efficiency, Courtney LaPere (Technology Studies)
Problem solving in the fourth grade classroom, Lisa LeFevre (Mathematics)
Assessing the need for dual diagnosis training for mental health workers serving youth in Michigan, Kathleen "Lucy" McGoron (Psychology)
Creative writing: An elective course for high school students, Megan Theresa Myers (English Language and Literature)