Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2008
Doubling identities: Character representation and narrative style in Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim, Bushra M. Malaibari (English Language and Literature)
Detecting the correct portion size, Kendra Muehlfelt (Health Sciences)
Ravage, rejection, regeneration: Leo Tolstoy's War and peace as a case against forgetting, Irina R. Nersessova (English Language and Literature)
Isolation and analysis of the KATI promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana, Lalita C. Patel (Biology)
An assessment of the impact of a revised client case on students' ability to successfully complete a social work writing course, Alison Reddy (Social Work)
Sustainable trade in pre-colonial Asante, Karen Sanders (History and Philosophy)
Full circle: T. S. Eliot's quest for spiritual fulfillment, Lindsay Sarin (English Language and Literature)
Quantifying fitness changes of a collegiate women's soccer program over the course of a competitive season: Utilizing physiological testing measurements and accelerometry, Sara L. Schiffbauer (Health Promotion and Human Performance)
Pieces, Amanda Slater (English Language and Literature)
Influence of the Z'cation site on the B-02 and B-08 band lengths in tourmaline group minerals, Lindsay Sochalski (Geography and Geology)
Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Middle Devonian silica formation of northern Ohio, John Edwin Thornton (Geography and Geology)
The status of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) struggle for equality in Michigan since 2004, Danielle Tucker (Political Science)
The Alexander Technique, Nichole Lauren Vasu (Music and Dance)
Women's poetic response to the male gaze: Cutting them down, Nadine Yonka (English Language and Literature)
Senior Honors Theses and Projects from 2007
The racialization of Jimi Hendrix, Marcus K. Adams (African American Studies)
Cued speech: Not just for the deaf anymore, Shana Baber (Special Education)
Brown's bios, Jared Clayton Brown (English Language and Literature)
A collaboration in assistive and educational technology: Department of Special Education, Eastern Michigan University and C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, the University of Michigan, Megan M. Bultsma (Special Education)
Instructor efficacy and student consumerism, Bethany Burge (Psychology)
Feudal strength!: Henry II and the struggle for royal control in England, Jordan Paul Carr (History and Philosophy)
Spiders in Paint Creek, a local wetland: Initial findings in family composition and distribution, Laurie G. Cummins (Biology)
Process-oriented versus task-oriented treatment for children with autism, Allison Ann Dery (Special Education)
Chaucerian ekphrasis: Power, place and image in the Knight's Tale, Tara Fairclough (English Language and Literature)
Political consensus: Ability of government students to make political decions [sic], Ellen Gutman (Political Science)
A lesson learned: Integrating literature into the content areas, Jennifer K. Harb (Teacher Education)