Faculty Scholarship from 2020
Parents’ perceptions of access to services for their adult children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski and Arlene N. Weisz
Caregivers’ perceptions of family quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities comorbid with dementia: A pilot study, Christina Marsack-Topolewski and Preethy S. Samuel
Social work dissertation committee chairs’ perceptions of their role, Rebecca G. Mirick, Ashley Davis, and Stephanie P. Wladkowski
Field note—Engaging social work interns in reflective practice: A specialized training series for field instructors, Sarah E. Shea
Infant mental health home visiting therapists’ reflective supervision self-efficacy in community practice settings, Sarah E. Shea, Jennifer M. Jester, Alissa C. Huth-Bocks, Deborah J. Weatherston, Maria Muzik, Katherine L. Rosenblum, and The Michigan Collaborative for Infant Mental Health Research
Grief during the COVID-19 pandemic: Considerations for palliative care providers, Cara L. Wallace, Stephanie P. Wladkowski, Allison Gibson, and Patrick White
Supports and recommendations for pregnant and newly parenting doctoral students in health professions, Stephanie P. Wladkowski and Rebecca G. Mirick
Live discharge from hospice care: Psychosocial challenges and opportunities, Stephanie P. Wladkowski and Cara L. Wallace
A theoretical exploration of live discharge from hospice for caregivers of adults with dementia, Stephanie P. Wladkowski, Cara L. Wallace, and Allison Gibson
Faculty Scholarship from 2019
Cultural aspects of care, Yvette M. Colón
End-of-life-care, Yvette M. Colón
What can an evaluation of the AGESW predissertation fellows program tell us about the mentoring needs of doctoral students?, Allison Gibson, Noelle L. Fields, Stephanie P. Wladkowski, Nancy Kusmaul, Jennifer C. Greenfield, and Rebecca L. Mauldin
Toward a research agenda on the impact of dementia upon carers of adults with intellectual disability, Matthew P. Janicki, Nancy S. Jokenin, Christina Marsack-Topolewski, and Seth M. Keller
Turning doctoral students into faculty in gerontological social work: The AGESW experience, Nancy Kusmaul, Stephanie P. Wladkowski, Sally Hageman, Allison Gibson, Rebecca L. Mauldin, Jennifer C. Greenfield, and Noelle L. Fields
Informal support, health, and burden among parents of adult children with autism, Christina N. Marsack and Faith P. Hopp
Impact of caregiver burden on quality of life for parents of adult children with autism spectrum disorder, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski and Heather L. Church
Using social network analysis to assess professional network development among AGESW pre-dissertation fellowship program participants, Rebecca L. Mauldin, Jennifer C. Greenfield, Nancy Kusmaul, Noelle L. Fields, Stephanie P. Wladkowski, and Allison Gibson
Skype in qualitative interviews: Participant and researcher perspectives, Rebecca G. Mirick and Stephanie P. Wladkowski
Drumming and mindfulness integrations into an evidence-based group intervention, D. Mark Ragg, Jacquie Soulliere, and Michael Turner*
The social dimensions of gambling among street youth in Mumbai: Is it really an addiction?, Kennedy Saldanha and Dakshayani Madangopal
Reflective supervision for social work field instructors: Lessons learned from infant mental health, Sarah E. Shea
Newly educated MSW social workers’ use of evidence-based practice and evidence-supported interventions: Results from an online survey, Traci L. Wike, Melissa Grady, Michael Massey, Sarah E. Bledsoe, Jennifer L. Bellamy, Hilary Stim, and Caren Putzu
Mentorship in doctoral education for pregnant and newly parenting doctoral students, Stephanie P. Wladkowski and Rebecca G. Mirick
Current practices of live discharge from hospice: Social work perspectives, Stephanie P. Wladkowski and Cara L. Wallace
Faculty Scholarship from 2018
Using prosopography to raise the voices of those erased in social work history, D. Crystal Coles, F. Ellen Netting, and Mary Katherine O’Connor