Faculty Scholarship from 2018
Recent social work practitioners’ understanding and use of evidence-based practice and empirically supported treatments, Melissa D. Grady, Traci Wike, Caren Putzu, Sara Field, Jacqueline Hill, Sarah E. Bledsoe, Jennifer Bellamy, and Michael Massey
Marginalized choice: Self-ascribed illness and its impact on marginalized Black men in treatment, Charles E. Graham and Larry M. Gant
Making youth matter: The impact of exclusionary practices on the school lives of African-American males, Celeste Hawkins
Aging in place in every community: Social exclusion experiences of parents of adult children with autism spectrum disorder, Christina N. Marsack and Tam E. Perry
Pregnancy, motherhood, and academic career goals: Doctoral students’ perspectives, Rebecca G. Mirick and Stephanie P. Wladkowski
Community organizing and the Detroit water struggle: Report from the front lines, Ann Rall
“It’s only a game of chance”: A portrait of gambling among street children in Mumbai, Kennedy Saldanha, Barnabe D’Souza, and Dakshayani Madangopal
Family Quality of Life Survey (FQOLS-2006): Evaluation of internal consistency, construct, and criterion validity for socioeconomically disadvantaged families, Preethy S. Samuel, Wassim Tarraf, and Christina Marsack
Adolescent brain development: A trauma-informed approach with adolescents in juvenile justice settings, J. Shapiro and Jillian M. Graves
Teachers’ perceived likelihood of intervening in bullying situations: Individual characteristics and institutional environments, Sarah VanZoeren and Arlene N. Weisz
Faculty Scholarship from 2017
Letter to the editor: Respecting multiple epistemologies in social work, Shane R. Brady, Monica Leisey, D. Crystal Coles, Nathan H. Perkins, Justin Lee, Carmen Monico, Angie Mann-Williams, Karen Smith Rotabi, and Jimmy A. Young
Lessons learned for successful dissertation completion from social work doctoral graduates, Ashley Davis, Stephanie P. Wladkowski, and Rebecca G. Mirick
Expanding infant mental health treatment services to at-risk preschoolers and their families through the integration of relational play therapy, Jennifer L. Farley and Ellen E. Whipple
The recovery community as a location for secular spirituality, Linda Farris Kurtz
Mediating effects of social support on quality of life for parents of adults with autism, Christina N. Marsack and Preethy S. Samuel
Integrating behavioral health risk assessment into centralized intake for maternal and child health services, Sarah Kye Price, D. Crystal Coles, and Tracey Wingold
Using “direct scribing” to capture the educational narratives of homeless young people, Kennedy Saldana
It should not be a pit stop: Voices and perspectives of homeless youth on labeling and placement in special education, Kennedy Saldanha
Capturing/captured by stories of marginalized young people: Direct scribing and dialogic narrative analysis, Kennedy Saldanha and Lynn Nybell
Impact of grandchild caregiving on African American grandparents, Preethy S. Samuel, Christina N. Marsack, Lisa A. Johnson, Barbara W. LeRoy, Catherine L. Lysack, and Peter A. Lichtenberg
Caregivers’ abuse stigmatization and their views of mental health treatment following child sexual abuse, Valerie A. Simon, Douglas Barnett, Erin Smith, Lilia Mucka, and Deborah Willis
Dementia caregivers and live discharge from hospice: What happens when hospice leaves?, Stephanie P. Wladkowski
Faculty Scholarship from 2010
Social Welfare Leadership Lessons from the Obama Campaign, Betty Brown-Chappell
Faculty Scholarship from 2007
Multi-Purpose Senior Centers in LA, NYC and SE Michigan, Betty Brown-Chappell