Eastern Michigan University's School of Social Work Faculty Scholarship | School of Social Work | Eastern Michigan University


Faculty Scholarship from 2021


Psychological morbidity among adults with cerebral palsy and spina bifida, Mark D. Peterson, Paul Lin, Neil Kamdar, Elham Mahmoudi, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski, Heidi Haapala, Karin Muraszko, and Edward A. Hurvitz


Making labor visible in the food movement: Outreach to farmworkers in Michigan, Kennedy Saldanha


Many realities, one world: Dharavi, stranded migrants, and the lockdown in India, Kennedy Saldanha


Turning boxes into supportive circles: Enhancing online group work teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kennedy Saldanha, Jennifer Currin-McCulloch, Barbara Muskat, Shirley R. Simon, Ann M. Bergart, Ellen Sue Mesbur, Donna Guy, Namoonga B. Chilwalo, Mamadou M. Seck, Greg Tully, Kristina Lind, Cheryl D. Lee, Neil Hall, and Diana Kelly


Using flipped-course pedagogy to promote competence-based professional education, Ken Saldanha and D. Mark Ragg


Parental caregivers’ use of support networks for adults with autism by educational status, Christina N. Topolewski


Social communication supports and services for adults with ASD: Parents’ perceptions of barriers and needs, Kaitlyn P. Wilson, Alexis Kaminski-Mainardi, Julia Tenbus, and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski

Faculty Scholarship from 2020


Age differences in non-medical prescription opioid use and psychological distress, Keith Chan, Mary Moller, Christina Marsack-Topolewski, Priya Winston, Rubin Jennings, and Andriana Prifti


Gender differences in adolescent opioid misuse and major depressive episodes, Keith Tsz Kit Chan and Christina Marsack-Topolewski


Integrating play therapy into early childhood mental health treatment services: clinician and parent perspectives, Jennifer Farley, Ellen Whipple, and Joanne Riebschleger


Considerations for developing online bereavement support groups, Allison Gibson, Stephanie P. Wladkowski, Cara L. Wallace, and Keith A. Anderson


Support-staging model for caregivers of adults with intellectual disability affected by dementia, Nancy Jokinen, Kathryn Service, Christina Marsack-Topolewski, and Matthew Janicki


Implementing guardianship policies in special needs planning: Five possible pitfalls, Annemarie M. Kelly, Lewis B. Hershey, and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Implementing guardianship policies in special needs planning: Five potential positives, Annemarie M. Kelly, Lewis B. Hershey, and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Achieving a Better Life Experience Savings Account (ABLE Savings Account, ABLE Account, 529A Savings Plan, and 529A Account), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina Marsack-Topolewski


Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act of 2019 (Also Referred to as the “Autism CARES Act of 2019”), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina Marsack-Topolewski


Conservatorship (full conservatorship and limited conservatorship), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina Marsack-Topolewski


Letter of intent, Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Power of attorney (financial and property management), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Power of attorney for healthcare (durable healthcare power of attorney and medical power of attorney), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


“I worry about his future!” Challenges to future planning for adult children with ASD, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewsk and Jillian Marie Graves


Experiences of family caregivers of individuals with ID and dementia, Christina Marsack-Topolewski and Anna M. Brady


A snapshot of social support networks among parental caregivers of adults with autism, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Quality of life among compound caregivers and noncompound caregivers of adults with autism, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Parental caregivers of adults with autism, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski