Eastern Michigan University's School of Social Work Faculty Scholarship | School of Social Work | Eastern Michigan University


Faculty Scholarship from 2022


Infertility and pregnancy loss in doctoral education: Understanding students’ experiences, Rebecca G. Mirick and Stephanie P. Wladkowski


A view from the other side: A senior’s view of participating in online groups during the pandemic, Kennedy Saldanha


The invisibility of farmworkers: Implications and remedies, Kennedy Saldanha


Building interpersonal care teamwork skills in a virtual IPE simulation event, Kennedy Saldanha, Linda Myler, and Kathleen Seurynck


When more is too much: Compound caregiving, barriers to services, and service support for older families of people with disabilities, Preethy S. Samuel, Kathryn Wright, Christina Marsack-Topolewski, and Rosanne DiZazzo-Miller


The implementation of a multi-level reflective consultation model in a statewide infant & early childcare education professional development system: Evaluation of a pilot, Sarah E. Shea, Kelly Sipotz, Ashley McCormick, Nichole Paradis, and Brandy Fox


Health of aging families: Comparing compound and noncompound caregivers, Fei Wang and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


The forgotten and misdiagnosed care transition: Live discharge from hospice care, Stephanie P. Wladkowski

Faculty Scholarship from 2021


Social relationships and the importance of community-based fitness programs (CBFP), Cassandra Barragan


Civil Rights Act of 1964, Annemarie Kelly and Christina Marsack-Topolewski


A 50-state review of guardianship laws: Specific concerns for special needs planning, Annemarie M. Kelly, Lewis B. Hershey, and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Social Security Amendments of 1965 (or “Medicare Act of 1965” and/or the “Medicaid Act of 1965”), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Special needs planning (SNP), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Special needs trust (SNT), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Direct caregiving in older adults: How systems of care perpetuate the grand challenges and what social workers can do about it, Nancy Kusmaul and Stephanie P. Wladkowski


From bully victimization to aggressive behavior: Applying the problem behavior theory, theory of stress and coping, and general strain theory to explore potential pathways, Jeoung Min Lee, Jinwon Kim, Jun Sung Hong, and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Mediating effects of social support on caregiver burden and quality of life for compound and noncompound caregivers, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Receipt of social support among compound and noncompound caregivers of adults with autism, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Relationship between caregiver burden and basic and instrumental activities of daily living among compound and noncompound caregivers, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski


Relationship between symptom severity and caregiver burden experienced by parents of adults with autism, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski and Alexandros Maragakis


“I’m glad she chose me as her parent”: Rewards of caregiving for adults with autism, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski, Tam E. Perry, and Keith T. Chan


Empirical evaluation of the association between daily living skills of adults with autism and parental caregiver burden, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski, Preethy Sarah Samuel, and Wassim Tarraf


Coping strategies used by aging parental caregivers of adults with autism spectrum disorder, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski and Kaitlyn P. Wilson


Advance care planning for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A state-by-state content analysis of person-centered service plans, Jacqueline McGinley, Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski, Heather L. Church, and Victoria Knoke


Family caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sharon Milberger, Christina Marsack-Topolewski, Elizabeth Janks, and Preethy S. Samuel