
Faculty Scholarship from 2018


An examination of Korean consumers’ sentiments toward technology-based business practices, Jungki Lee and Sam Fullerton


Supplier and customer involvement in new product development stages: Implications for new product innovation outcomes, Hakil Moon, Jean L. Johnson, Babu John Mariadoss, and John B. Cullen


Communication, interactivity, and satisfaction in B2B relationships, Micah Murphy and C. M. Sashi


Drivers of creativity within advertising agencies: How structural configuration can affect and improve creative development, Huw O’Connor, Mark Kilgour, Scott Koslow, and Sheila Sasser


If you build it right, they will engage: A study of antecedent conditions of customer engagement, Shiri D. Vivek, Sharon E. Beatty, and Melanie Hazod

Faculty Scholarship from 2017


Translating brand names effectively: Brand attitude reversal and perceived brand name translation relevance in an emerging market, Paul Chao and Shengdong Lin

Pioneering African-American women in the advertising business: Biographies of MAD Black WOMEN, Judy Foster Davis


Organizational structure, service capability and its impact on business performance of logistics providers in the B2B context, Margareth Rodrigues De Carvalho Borella, Paulo Fernando Pinto Barcellos, Harash Sachdev, George Russ Merz, and Ademar Galelli


Consumer perspectives on the ethics of an array of technology-based marketing strategies: An exploratory study, Sam Fullerton, Roger Brooksbank, and Larry Neale


Disabling ABLE: Five possible pitfalls when implementing the ABLE Act., Lewis Hershey, Annemarie M. Kelly, and Boris Abbey


Enabling ABLE: Five potential positives for implementing the ABLE Act, Lewis Hershey, Annemarie M. Kelly, and Boris Abbey


A peer-relative perspective of the contract year phenomenon using Bayesian analysis, Anthony Koschmann


Simultaneous estimation of legal and illegal supply and demand: The case of motion pictures, Anthony Koschmann and Douglas Bowman


Do bags fly free? An empirical analysis of the operational implications of airline baggage fees, Mariana Nicolae, Mazhar Arikan, Vinayak Deshpande, and Mark Ferguson

Faculty Scholarship from 2016

Does the ABLE Act enable the wealthy and disable the poor?, Boris Abbey and Lewis B. Hershey

Faculty Scholarship from 2015

Can self-congruity mediate between country personality and product attitude?, Murat Aktan and Paul Chao

Effects of product image, self-congruity and ethnocentrism on attitude toward foreign products, Paul Chao and Murat Aktan

An evaluation of the walk-in and online counterparts of the leading U.S. stores, Khalid M. Dubas, Lewis B. Hershey, and Saeed M. Dubas

When to stretch and when not to stretch an inherited IRA: The special case of the special needs trust, Lewis B. Hershey, Terence B. Stanaland, and Terry L. Owens


The social media transformation process: Curating content into strategy, Mark Kilgour, Sheila L. Sasser, and Roy Larke


The importance of an innovative product design on customer behavior: Development and validation of a scale, Hakil Moon, Jeongdoo Park, and Sangkyun Kim


A framework for examining B2B digital communication, Micah Murphy

Individual ethical beliefs, workplace ethical climates, and resulting conflict from incongruence, Paul Sauer and Paul Chao

The expanding scope of binding arbitration and some small victories for consumers, Gary A. Victor and Harry Hastings


Effects of fit, consumer involvement and the number of celebrities on consumer behavior in an emerging market, Haizhong Wang, Paul Chao, and Jing Yi Wang