Content Posted in 2017
Focus EMU, September 9, 1997, Office of Public Information
Focus EMU, September 9, 2003, Office of Public Information
Focus EMU, September 9, 2008, Office of Public Information
Folk Psychological Predictive Methods and Inductive Reasoning, Rachel McCarthy
Food, film and gender, Margaret Crouch
Food worlds, film and gender, Margaret Crouch
Foreign languages and careers for the twenty-first century, Ronald Cere
For faith and fortune: The education of Catholic immigrants in Detroit, 1805-1925, JoEllen McNergney Vinyard
Formation, isolation, and identification of products from the inactivation of virginiamycin M1 by Actinoplanes utahensis, Mario Di Giambattista, Pascal Vannuffel, Carlo Cocito, and Timothy L. Friebe
Fortunately, We May Not Have Time, Alexis Liston
Fostering international student success in higher education, Shawna Shapiro, Raichle Farrelly, and Zuzana Tomaš
Francis Goodrich, Oral History Interview, 1956, Egbert Isbell
Fred Barney, Oral History Interview pt. 1, 2005, Dick Bowman
Fred Barney, Oral History Interview pt. 2, 2005, Dick Bowman
Frederick Alexander Memorial Organ Dedicatory Recital, 1961, Russell Gee
Frederick Cleveringa, Oral History Interview, 1960, Bates
Frederick Douglass and today’s college classroom, Mark D. Higbee
Freedom of conscience, employee prerogatives, and consumer choice: Veal, birth control, and tanning beds, Jill M. Dieterle
Friction of lubricated layered surfaces, Zhiqiang Liu, Jian Sun, and Weidian Shen
From cells to cities, M Batty and Yichun Xie
From exchanges to relationships: A reconceptualization of the marketing paradigm, H. Robert Dodge and Sam Fullerton
From multiculturalism to hybridity: New approaches to teaching modern Switzerland, Karin Baumgartner and Margrit Verena Zinggeler
From Venetian visitor to curial humanist: The development of Agostino Steuco’s `Counter’-Reformation thought., Ronald K. Delph
Front Materials, Heather Neff
Functional morphology and evolution of early Paleozoic dasycladalean algae (Chlorophyta), Steven T. LoDuca and Ernest R. Behringer
Functional morphology and evolution of early Paleozoic dasycladalean algae (Chlorophyta), Steven T. LoDuca and Ernest R. Behringer
Gaining strength for a new future: Bosnia and Herzegovina’s export opportunities, Emin Civi and Elif S. Persinger
Gaius Valerius Catullus, a systematic bibliography, James P. Holoka and James P. Holoka
Gary Hawks, Oral History Interview, 1998, Laurence Smith
Gatekeeping and citizen journalism: The use of social media during the recent uprisings in Iran, Egypt, and Libya, Sadaf R. Ali and Shahira Fahmy
GC-MS characterization of carbohydrates in an archaeological use residue: A case study from the Coahuila Desert, Badrinath Dhakal and Ruth Ann Armitage
Gegen und mit dem Strom schwimmen: Informationen für eine Lehreinheit zur Europäischen Union aus Schweizer Sicht, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Gender differences in a market with relative performance feedback: Professional tennis players, David G. Wozniak
Gender differences in cognitive and noncognitive factors related to achievement in organic chemistry, Ronna C. Turner and Harriet A. Lindsay
Gender differences in income inequality among immigrant populations to the United States, Gary A. Hoover and Mehmet E. Yaya
Gender Differences in Populations with Substance Use Disorders: A Review of the Literature, Allante Moon
Gender effects on bias in complex financial decisions, Megan L. Endres, Sanjib Chowdhury, and Intakhab Alam
Gender, place, and indigenous memory, Ashley Glassburn Falzetti
Gender roles, homophobia, and the closet: Experiences of queer women, Nicole M. Richards
Gender, sexuality, and the balance of power: Continuity and divergence in Native American worldviews, Elizabeth Currans and Julianne Cordero
General considerations when dealing with biological fluid samples, Jeffrey W. Guthrie
Generalized Slater-Jastrow trial function: Application to the electron gas at high density, James C. Porter
Generating worst case sequences for Quicksort, Ranjan Chaudhuri
Gentlemen and soldiers: Competing visions of manhood in early Jamestown, John Gilbert McCurdy
George Marshall, Address at the George Marshall Recognition Dinner, 1967, George Marshall
Geschäftskommunikation: Besser schreiben, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Getting Curious: Voices from the Part-Time Lecturer Professional Development Seminar 2014, Faculty Development Center and Peggy Liggit (Editor)
Getting more mileage out of mousetrap cars, Sandra Rutherford and Bonnie Wylo
Gisela Bock, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
Glacial-interglacial variations in sediment organic carbon accumulation and benthic foraminiferal assemblages on the Bermuda Rise (ODP Site 1063) during MIS 13 to 10, Maria-Serena Poli, Philip A. Meyers, Robert C. Thunell, and Marco Capodivacca
Global capitalism and South American workers in Japan, Tomoyuki Sasaki
Global Communication and Cross-Cultural Competence: Twenty-First Century Micro-Case Studies, Kimberley Barker, Christine R. Day, Deanna L. Day, Elizabeth R. Kujava, Juliette Otwori, Robert A. Ruscitto, Alex Smith, and Tianjiao Xu
Global corruption and the shadow economy: Spatial aspects, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
Globale grenzüberschreitende Begegnungen in der zeitgenössischen Literatur, Charlotte Schallié and Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Global learning in Brazil and the United States: Possibilities and limitations of cyberspace and face-to-face interactions for teaching in cross-national contexts, Margaret Crouch and Christina Inoue
Global Markets and Inequalities: Changes in the Cuban Society, Melissa Dreffs
Global MHD modeling of Mercury's magnetosphere with applications to the MESSENGER mission and dynamo theory, K. Kabin, M. H. Heimpel, R. Rankin, J. M. Aurnou, N. Gomez-Perez, J. Paral, T. I. Gombosi, T. H. Zurbuchen, Patrick L. Koehn, and D. L. DeZeeuw
Global model comparison with Millstone Hill during September 2005, David J. Pawlowski, Aaron J. Ridley, Insung Kim, and Dennis S. Bernstein
Global perspectives on gender and work: Readings and interpretations, Jacqueline Goodman
Global trends in higher education, Margaret Crouch
G. Mennen Williams, Campaign Rally Address, 1966, G. Mennen Williams
Government decentralization and prevalence of the shadow economy, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
Governor G. Mennen Williams, Introduction to Vice President Barkley, 1949, G. Mennen Williams
GP-based software quality prediction, Matthew Evett, Taghi Khoshgoftar, Pei-der Chien, and Edward Allen
Graduate Students Evaluate Resources and Services, Winter 2005, Eastern Michigan University Library
Graptolites from the Wheeler and Marjum Formations (Cambrian, Series 3) of Utah, Steven T. LoDuca and Anthony Kramer
GRIMMATIK: German grammar through the magic of the Brother's Grimm fairy tales, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Ground station software: A dynamic and scripted approach, Biswajit Panja, Bradley Schneider, and Priyanka Meharia
Group security of V2V using cloud computing processing and 4G wireless services, Biswajit Panja, David Morrison, Priyanka Meharia, Bharat Bhargava, and Atul Prakash
Guest Comment: Ethical issues in physics–We need a focused course, J. Marshall Thomsen
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy, Wei-Guo Zhu, Dave Bridges, Jacques Landry, Mark Prescott, Carl G. Feng, Trond Lamarl, Peter K. Kim, Vivek K. Unni, Toshiyuki Nakagawa, Evelina Gatti, Daolin Tang, Carine Michiels, Steven K. Backues, David J. McConkey, and Qiung A. Liu
Gulf Stream and Western Boundary Undercurrent variations during MIS 10-12 at Site 1056, Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge, W P. Chaisson, M S. Poli, and R C. Thunell
Habits of autonomy: Merleau-Ponty, feminist philosophy, and the virtue of vulnerability, Laura McMahon
Haitian (pre)occupations: Ideological and discursive repetitions: 1915-1934 and 2004 to present, Toni Pressley-Sanon
Haiti: Witnessing as revolutionary praxis in Raoul Peck’s films, Toni Pressley-Sanon
Handling cross site scripting attacks using cache check to reduce webpage rendering time with elimination of sanitization and filtering in light weight mobile web browser, Biswajit Panja, Tyler Gennarelli, and Priyanka Meharia
Hard work always pays off: Jobs, families, and the evolution of a TV myth, Mary Ann Watson
Harlem Renaissance and the Western paradigm, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
Harold Sponberg, Address at the George Marshall Recognition Dinner, 1967, Harold Sponberg
Harold Sponberg, Introduction to the First Annual Conference on College and University Archives, 1968, Harold Sponberg
Harold Sponberg, University Library Dedicatory Address, 1967, Harold Sponberg
Harold Urey Address, Dedication of Strong Hall, 1958, Harold Urey
Harriet Lindsay, Assoicate Professor of Chemistry, Office of Research Development and Administration
Haydn Morgan, Tribute to Frederick Alexander, 1960, Haydn Morgan
Health care marketing information: An assessment of past and future utilization patterns, Hugh B. McSurely and Sam Fullerton
Health care's forgotten majority: Nurses and their frayed white collars, Jacqueline Goodman
Health Education in a Virtual World, Joan Cowdery, Jeanette Kindred, Anna Michalakis, and Adrienne Adams
Health Sciences Librarianship Goes Mobile: Using the MS Surface Pro 2 to Deliver Instruction and to Access Medical Content, Elizabeth Retzel Bucciarelli
Heather Janisse, Associate Professor of Psychology, Office of Research Development and Administration
Hell in Flanders Fields: Canadians at the Second Battle of Ypres, George H. Cassar
Helping students with recursion, Ranjan Chaudhuri and A Tehranipour
Hemichordates and algae from the Cambrian (series 3) Wheeler and Marjum Formations (Utah) and Burgess Shale (British Columbia), Steven LoDuca and Anthony Kramer
Henry J. Owens, Induction into Ordre des Palmes Academique, 1968, Henry Owens
Heresy, culture, and religion in early modern Italy: Contexts and contestations, Ronald K. Delph, Michelle Fontaine, and John Jeffries Martin
Heritage speakers of Spanish in the US midwest: Reported interlocutors as a measure of family language relevance, Isabel Velázquez, Marisol Garrido, and Mónica Millán
Heroes of the sky: Adventures in early flight, Russell D. Jones
"He will crush you like an academic ninja!": Exploring teacher ratings on, Jeanette Kindred
Higher education in Ethiopia: Challenges and the way forward, Asrat Tessema and Mulugeta Abebe
High lipid order of Arabidopsis cell‐plate membranes mediated by sterol and DYNAMIN‐RELATED PROTEIN1A function, Marcia Frescatada-Rosa, Thomas Stanislas, Steven K. Backues, and Ilka Reichardt
Highly polar states of Rydberg atoms in strong magnetic and weak electric fields, Eric G. Paradis, S. Zigo, and G. Raithel
High-solids mar resistant clearcoats prepared from an isophthalate-based oligoester and a melamine resin. Study and characterization of mar resistance with scanning probe microscopy method, Constantino S. Diakoumakos, Frank N. Jones, Huijua N. Ye, and Weidian Shen
Hispanic-American entrepreneurs: Research opportunities and challenges, Stephanie E. Newell, Kunal Banerji, Ramdas Chandra, and Sanjib Chowdhury
Historical environmental values, J. Michael Scoville
Historical environmental values, J. Michael Scoville
Home interactive media: An analysis of potential abuses of privacy, John M. Wegner
Home invasions: Embodiment, vulnerability, and breakdown in Merleau-Ponty, Laura McMahon
Home invasions: Phenomenological and psychoanalytic reflections on embodiment relations, vulnerability, and breakdown, Laura McMahon
Homer, his art and his world, Joachim Latcz and James P. Holoka
Homeric originality: A survey, James P. Holoka
Homer studies 1971-1977, James P. Holoka
Homer studies 1978-1983. Part II, James P. Holoka
How banks and savings banks escaped liability from the Michigan Consumer Protection Act, Gary A. Victor
How important are economic factors in choice of medical specialty?, James A. Thornton and Fred Eposto
How is pedagogical grammar defined in current TESOL training practice?, Wendy Wang
How legislating from the bench destroyed the Michigan Consumer Protection Act, Gary A. Victor
How MA-TESOL students use knowledge about language in teaching ESL classes, Jeff Popko
How might active video gaming affect physical activity and physical fitness of students with intellectual disabilities?, Mark E. Davis
How second generation immigrant writers have transformed Swiss and German language literature: A study of authors from the Swiss 'secondo-space', Margrit Verena Zinggeler
How supervisors can shape behavior, A. T. Hollingsworth and Denise M. Tanguay
How thou shalt talk to the brass, Gregory E. Huszczo
How TV sobered up (but is it falling off the wagon?), Mary Ann Watson
Human communication: Principles and contexts, Stewart L. Tubbs
Human embeddedness in nature: Some ontological & ethical dimensions, J. Michael Scoville
Humanin peptide binds to insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) and regulates its interaction with importin-β, Evert Njomen, Hedeel Guy-Evans, H Samanthi Gedara, and Deborah L. Heyl
Human resource professionals' perceptions of interviewer training, Richaurd R. Camp, Eric Schulz, Mary E. Vielhaber, and Fraya Wagner-Marsh
Human resource professionals' perceptions of team interviews, Richaurd C. Camp, Eric Schulz, Mary Vielhaber, and Fraya Wagner-Marsh
Human subjects research and the physics classroom, Beth W. Kubitskey and J. Marshall Thomsen
Hybal: A self tutoring algorithm for concept learning in highly autonomous systems, William Sverdlik, Robert G. Reynolds, and Elena Zannoni
Hydroxyl and peroxy radical chemistry in a rural area of central Pennsylvania: Observations and model comparisons, Xinrong Ren, William H. Brune, Christopher A. Cantrell, and Gavin D. Edwards
Hypertension dynamics in the elderly population, Younoh Kim
Idempotent boolean matrices, Rajan Chaudhuri and Arunava Mukherjea
Identification of high-risk communities for unattended out-of-hospital cardiac arrests using GIS, Hugh M. Semple, Michael T. Cudnik, Michael Sayre, David Keseg, Craig R. Warden, and Comilla Sasson
Identification of novel gastric stem cell markers and investigation of Intestinal Stem Cell Cre-mediated Recombination, Theresa M. Keeley
Identification of organic dyes by direct analysis in real time-time of flight mass spectrometry, J Geiger, Ruth Ann Armitage, and C Selvius DeRoo
Identifying global leadership competencies: An exploratory study, Cristina Moro Bueno and Stewart L. Tubbs
Identifying high-risk geographic areas for cardiac arrest using three methods for cluster analysis, Comilla Sasson, Michael T. Cudnik, Ariann Nassel, Hugh Semple, David J. Magid, Michael Sayre, David Keseg, Jason S. Haukoos, and Craig L. Warden
Identifying key factors for successful joint venture in China, Jiaqin Yang and Huei Lee
Identifying, measuring and analysing multidimensional attributes for design and redesign consideration, Nesa L'abbe Wu
If we can, should we? Ethics and the global environment, J. Michael Scoville
IGF1R/IRS1 signaling confers pathogenic activity on breast tumor cells lacking REST, Kassondra Meyer, Brittany Albaugh, Barry Schoenike, and Avtar Roopra
Igualdade de Oportunidades, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
Iliad 13.202-5: Aias Sfairisths, James P. Holoka
Image and video encryption using SCAN patterns, S S. Maniccam and N G. Bourbakis
"IM here": Reflections on virtual office hours, S. Roper and Jeanette Kindred
Immersive and experiential GIS and the Humanities, Trevor M. Harris, J Rouse, S Bergeron, and Danny J. Bonenberger
Immigration justice, Peter W. Higgins
Immigration justice: A principle for selecting just admissions policies, Peter W. Higgins
Immigration policy as a matter of structural justice, Peter W. Higgins
Impact of Sustainable Design Elements on Student Learning, Mary Levengood
Impact of the H275Y and I223V nutations in the Neuraminidase of the 2009 pandemic influenza virus In vitro and evaluating experimental reproducibility, Eric G. Paradis, Lady Tatiana Pinilla, Benjamin P. Holder, Yacine Abed, Guy Boivin, and Catherine A. A. Beauchemin
Impedance resonance: A novel technique for signal acquisition from interdigitated electrodes (IDE) in sensor applications, D M. Snyder and P Vadgama
Implementation of SFAS 138, Amendments to SFAS 133, Angela L. J. Hwang, Robert E. Jensen, and John S. Patouhas
Implementing ISO 9000 at a clay plant in Georgia: A case study, Jiaqin Yang and Huei Lee
Implications of implicit bias for gender (and other sorts of) diversity in philosophy and the academy in the context of the corporatized university, Margaret Crouch
Implicit bias and gender (and othersorts of) diversity in philosophy and the academy in the context of the corporatized university, Margaret Crouch
Importance of transaction cost, resource-based view, and dependence in logistics-based exchanges, Harash J. Sachdev
Imprecision in computer vision, Ramesh Jain and Susan Haynes
In-canopy gas-phase chemistry during CABINEX 2009: Sensitivity of a 1-D canopy model to vertical mixing and isoprene chemistry, A. M. Bryan, S. B. Bertman, M. A. Carroll, S. Dusanter, G D. Edwards, R. Forkel, S. Griffith, A. B. Guenther, R. F. Hansen, D. Helmig, B. T. Jobson, F. N. Keutsch, B. L. Lefer, S. N. Pressley, and P. B. Shepson
Incorporating domain specific knowledge into version space search, William Sverdlik and Robert G. Reynolds
Incorporation of victim size in an examination of consumer ethics in South Korea, Jungki Lee and Sam Fullerton
Incremental effectiveness of two key IT recruitment methods, Eric Schulz, Richaurd C. Camp, and John L. Waltman
India and business education: A model for curricular cooperation in response to new opportunities, Earl H. Potter III and Badie N. Farah
Indiana’s war: The Civil War in documents, Richard F. Nation and Stephen E. Towne
India today: An encyclopedia of life in the republic, Arnold P. Kaminsky and Roger D. Long
Individual ethical beliefs, workplace ethical climates, and resulting conflict from incongruence, Paul Sauer and Paul Chao
Indonesian Stock and Foreign Exchange Market linkages and causality: Evidence from weekly data, Mahmud Rahman, Matiur Rahman, and Muhammad Mustafa
Inefficient efficiency: A critique of merit pay, Denise M. Tanguay
Inequivalent models of irreversible dimer filling - transition-state dependence, R S. Nord and J W. Evans
Inflation, tax rates, and investment with endogenous financial behavior, Peter Rangazas and Abdullah A. Dewan
Influence of cocatalyst on the stereoselectivity of unbridged 2-phenylindenyl metallocene catalysts, G M. Wilmes, J L. Polse, and R M. Waymouth
Influence of mutation of the amino-terminal signal anchor sequence of cytochrome P450 2B4 on the enzyme structure and electron transfer processes, M Lehnerer, J Schulze, S J. Pernecky, and D F.W. Lewis
Influence: Voices from the Part-Time Lecturer Professional Development Seminar 2015, Faculty Development Center and Peggy Liggit (Editor)
Information consulting: Developments, trends and suggestions for growth, P. Basil, David C. Yen, and Hung-Lian Tang
Information systems outsourcing life cycle and risks analysis, David C. Chou and Amy Y. Chou
Information systems students' attitude toward ethical behavior, Badie N. Farah
Inhibitory effects of ethacrynic acid analogues lacking the α,β-unsaturated carbonyl unit and para-acylated phenols on human cancer cells, Zack E. Bryant, Ingo Janser, Romy F.J. Janser, and Medina Jabarkhail
Inhomogeneity scale lengths in a magnetized, low-temperature, collisionless, Q-machine plasma column containing perpendicular-velocity shear, E. W. Reynolds, M. E. Koepke, James J. Carroll, and S. Shinohara
Innovation and underground entrepreneurship, Rajeev K. Goel, James W. Saunoris, and Xingyuan Zhang
Innovation outsourcing: Risks and quality issues, David C. Chou and Amy Y. Chou
Innovative Explorer mission to interstellar space, Mike Gruntman, Ralph L. McNutt Jr., Robert E. Gold, Stamatios M. Krimigis, Edmond C. Roelof, James C. Leary, George Gloeckler, Patrick L. Koehn, William S. Kurth, and Steve R. Oleson
Innovative pedagogy: Academic service-learning for business communication, Jean L. Bush-Bacelis
Insights on leadership: Service, stewardship, spirit, and servant-leadership, Larry C. Spears and Fraya Wagner-Marsh
Instituting heteronormative belief in the law: The case of California's proposition 22, Elizabeth Currans
Institutional path dependence and international research intensity, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
Integrated case studies in accounting and information systems, Mohsen Sharifi and Badie N. Farah
Integrating expert systems and multimedia: A detailed analysis, Oleg Chetverikov, David C. Yen, Hung-Lian Tang, and Sooun Lee
Integrating online GIS into the K-12 curricula: Lessons from the development of a collaborative GIS in Michigan, Paul Henry and Hugh Semple
Integrating TQM into e-commerce, David C. Chou
Integration of innovative technologies for enhancing students' motivation for science learning and career, Yichun Xie and David Reider
Integration of v2v with cloud computing to provide group security through the use of 4g lte, Biswajit Panja, David Morrison, Stephen Turner, and Priyanka Meharia
Intelligent gateway for SCADA system security: A multi-layer attack prevention approach, Biswajit Panja, Josh Oros, Jaime Britton, Priyanka Meharia, and Sourav Pati
Intensive Writing Institute for Second Language Writers; A Bridge to University-level Academic Writing and Cultural and Institutional Expectations, Zuzana Tomaš, Marie Isabel Gardett, and Erin Jensen
Intergenerational correlations of health among older adults: Empirical evidence from Indonesia, Younoh Kim, Bondon Sikoki, John Strauss, and Firman Witoelar
Intermediate- to high-energy positrons scattered by alkali-metal atoms, David D. Reid and J. M. Wadehra
Internal sociopolitical phenomenon in a manufacturer-distributor exchange: A dyadic perspective, Harash J. Sachdev
International business communication, David A. Victor
International human resource management education: A survey of HR professionals, suggestions for skill dissemination, Lizabeth A. Barclay, Fraya Wagner-Marsh, and G. Michael Loewe
Internet Safety in the Classroom and at Home, Konnie Kustron and Zenia C. Bahorski
Internships at consular offices: A gateway to international communication and careers, Margrit Verena Zinggeler and Coral López-Gómez,
Interpretive strategies for seeing the body of the Buddha, James R. Egge
Intersubunit communication in the dihydroorotase-aspartate transcarbamoylase complex of Aquifex aeolicus, Hedeel Guy-Evans, Roshini Fernando, Asmita Vaishnav, and Mahalakshmi Kotichukkala
In the shadow of Billy the Kid: Susan McSween and the Lincoln County War, Kathleen P. Chamberlain
Intramolecularly competitive Ireland-Claisen rearrangements: Scope and potential applications to natural product synthesis, S P. Hong, H A. Lindsay, T Yaramasu, and X Zhang
Intranational and international knowledge flows: Effects on the formal and informal sectors, Rajeev K. Goel, James W. Saunoris, and Xingyuan Zhang
Intranets for organizational innovation, David C. Yen and David C. Chou
Introduction, Elizabeth Currans and Melissa M. Wilcox
Introduction, Rhonda Longworth and Heather Neff
Introduction: Indigeneity and the work of settler archives, Melissa Adams-Campbell, Ashley Glassburn Falzetti, and Courtney Rivard
Introduction to philosophy, W. John Koolage
Introduction to Python programming, Pamela A. Moore and Zenia C. Bahorski
Introduction to Python programming, Pamela A. Moore and Zenia C. Bahorski
Investigating continental margins: An activity to help students better understand the continental margins of North America, Maria-Serena Poli and Marco Capodivacca
Investigating coupled impacts of climate change and socioeconomic transformation on desertification by using multitemporal landsat images: A case study in Central Xilingol, China, Shuang Li and Yichun Xie
Investigating the Species Relationships in Megistostegium (Malvaceae), Tahsina A. Shimu
Investigation of Atg11 and Its Interaction withYpt1 in Autophagy, Hayley Cawthon
Investigation of the asymmetric characteristics and temperature effects of CdZnTe detectors, B. W. Strum, Zhong Heimpel, T. H. Zurbuchen, and Patrick L. Koehn
Investigation of the radial compression of carbon nanotubes with a scanning probe microscope, Weidian Shen, Bin Jiang, Bao Shan Han, and Si-shen Xie Xie
Invite students to deconstruct stories and experience shared meaning making through reflective critical discourse, David Allbright
Is it an organization's ethical responsibility to provide interviewer training?, Richaurd R. Camp and John L. Waltman
Issues affecting on-line ESL learning: A Singapore case study, Jaya Kannan and Cynthia Jean Macknish
Issues with heterogeneous databases and solutions, Augustine C. Ikeji
"Is this pay-TV to be the end for us?": Film exhibitors confront pay television, 1968-76, Deron Overpeck
IT-business alignment: A two-level analysis, Monideepa Tarafdar and Sufian Qrunfleh
Jacobi and the problem of nihilism, Jeremy Proulx
James H. Brickley Oral History Interview, 1998 September 11, Laurence Smith
James M. Hare, Bowen Field House Dedicatory Address, 1955, James Hare
Japanese-Canadian youths as additive bilinguals: A case study, Hitomi Oketani
Japan’s postwar military and civil society: Contesting a better life, Tomoyuki Sasaki
Japan’s radical postwar turnaround, Tomoyuki Sasaki
Java! Java! Java!, Zenia C. Bahorski
Java! Java! Java! An Introduction!, Zenia C. Bahorski
JavaScript unleashed, Augustine C. Ikeji
Jenny Jones takes it on the chin, Mary Ann Watson
Jenseits von Frisch and Durrenmatt: Studies on the current German-Swiss Literature, Margrit Zinggeler
Joan Scott, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
John Fountain Oral History Interview, 1999 February 8, Laurence Smith
John Munson, Inauguration of Eugene B. Elliott, 1949, Munson John
John R. Emens, Centennial Address, 1949, John Emens
John W. Porter Oral History Interview, 1998 April 23, Laurence Smith
John W. Porter Oral History Interview, 1999 May 7, Laurence Smith
Joseph E. Warner, Bowen Field House Dedicatory Address, 1955, Joseph Warner
Julius Ceasar and the number 2, Jill M. Dieterle
Just food: Philosophy, justice and food, Jill M. Dieterle
Justice and the environment, J. Michael Scoville
Justice perceptions in extended service encounters, Donald E. Conlon, Linn Van Dyne, and Morgan Milner
Juvenile Delinquency and Cause of Death for Adolescents Between 13 and 17 Years in Detroit in 2015, Tao Lei
Kat(ching) metabolism by the tail: Insight into the links between lysine acetyltransferases and metabolism, B N. Albaugh
Key factors for developing a cross-cultural education program, Keeyung Yang and Sock H. Chung
Kinetic mechanism of the rtt109-vps75 histone acetyltransferase-chaperone complex, Brittany B. Albaugh, E M. Kolonko, and J M. Denu
Kinetics of the ligand exchange of bipyridine in tetradentate nickel complexes, Timothy R. Brewer, Mace Mattieson, and Larry Kolopajlo
Kinetics of the reaction between ni(tetren)2+and bipyridine, Lawrence Hugh Kolopajlo, Nekuma Korey Hollis, and Ian Pendelton
Kinetic studies of nickel speciation in model solutions of a well-characterized humic acid using the competing ligand exchange method, J W. Guthrie, R Mandal, M S.A. Salam, and N M. Hassan
Kitchener: Architect of victory, George H. Cassar
Kitchener’s war: British strategy from 1914 to 1916, George H. Cassar
Knights of the air: Manfred von Richthofen and the cult of the fighter ace in World War I, Jesse Kauffman
Knowing the difference: Eros and writing in Plato’s Phaedrus, Laura McMahon
Knowledge-acquisitions and post-acquisition innovation performance: A comparative hazards model, Pratim Datta and Yaman Roumani
Knowledge is Knowing Frankenstein isn’t the Monster, Wisdom is Knowing Frankenstein is the Monster: An Exploration on Mankind and Monstrosity, Alexandra Melnick
Knowledge, Language, and Nonexistent Entities, Alex Hoffman
Knowledge management tools adoption and knowledge workers' performance, Amy Y. Chou and David C. Chou
Knowledge representation on the connection machine, Matthew Evett, James Hendler, and Lee Spector
Labor quality, natural unemployment, and US inflation, David B. Crary
Laser surface thermal lensing (STL): An optical method for surface analysis of glass transition effects in transparent polymers, Nandita Prasad, Donald M. Snyder, and J. Marshall Thomsen
Law, ideology, and social perception: The King decision and other language-related litigation, Ronald C. Woods
Layer thickness fluctuations in optical coatings with non-quarter-wave design, Joseph Lowry, J. Marshall Thomsen, Ernest R. Behringer, and Zhouling Wu
Leadership and followership: The dynamic process of building high performance cultures., Donald C. Mosley and Dennis Keith Patrick
Leadership: Communication, innovation and change, Stewart L. Tubbs
Leadership competencies: Can they be learned?, Stewart L. Tubbs and Eric Schulz
Leadership within an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), Megan Somodi
Lean and agile supply chain strategies and supply chain responsiveness: The role of strategic supplier partnership and postponement, Sufian Qrunfleh and Monideepa Tarafdar
Learning and transfer in dynamic decision environments, Faison P. Gibson
Learning lessons about ethics, J. Marshall Thomsen
Learning the behavior of Boolean circuits from examples using cultural algorithms, Robert G. Reynolds and William Sverdlik
Lee M. Thurston, Centennial Address, 1949, Lee Thurston
Lee M. Thurston, Inauguration of Eugene B. Elliott, 1949, Lee Thurston
Le Soleil et le Tartare: L'image mythique du monde en Grece archaique, James P. Holoka
Lexicon Rhetoricae: The narrative theory of Kenneth Burke and its application to marketing, Lewis B. Hershey and John Branch
LibQual Summary 2014, Eastern Michigan University Library
Ligand exchange kinetics of ni(tren) and bipyridine, Larry Kolopajlo and Michael Kallio
Lights, camera, action! Teaching about privacy and the law, Konnie Kustron and Zenia C. Bahorski
L'Inconnu Daumal et le Grand Jeu, Thomas R . Vosteen
Linear programming and extensions, Richard Coppins and Nesa L'abbe Wu
Linking small business management with entrepreneurial growth, G. Russell Merz, Patricia B. Weber, and Virginia B. Laetz
Liposome Damage and Modeling of Fragments of Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (IAPP) Support a Two-Step Model of Membrane Destruction, Deborah L. Heyl, Joshua M. Osborne, Sarika Pamarthy, and Shyamprasad Samisetti
Listening and new approaches to the creation of communication centers, Sally R. McCracken
List of Published Articles, Volumes One - Ten, Heather Neff
Literary freedom and social constraints in the works of Swiss writer Gertrud Leutenegger, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Lives and times: A world history reader, James P. Holoka and Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur
Lloyd George at war, 1916-1918, George H. Cassar
Lloyd Olds, Farewell Address, 1963, Lloyd Olds
Localized data assimilation in the ionosphere-thermosphere using a sampled-data unscented Kalman filter, Insung Kim, David J. Pawlowski, Aaron J. Ridley, and Dennis S. Bernstein
Localizing the threat: Hokkaido and Cold-War security, Tomoyuki Sasaki
LOEX 2017 Conference Report: Lexington, KY, Heather Beirne and Clay Howard
Long, directional interactions in cofacial silicon phthalocyanine oligomers, Yang Yang, Brian Samas, Vance O. Kennedy, Dainius Macikenas, Brian L. Chaloux, Jacob A. Miller, Richard L. Speer, John Protasiewicz, A Alan Pinkerton, and Malcom E. Kinney
Long, directional interactions in cofacial silicon phthalocyanine oligomers, Yang Yang, Brian Samas, Vance O. Kennedy, and Dainius Macikenas
Long directional interactions (LDIs) in oligomeric cofacial silicon phthalocyanines and other oligomeric and polymeric cofacial phthalocyanines, Yang Yang, Vance O. Kennedy, James B. Updegraph, Brian Samas, Dainius Macikenas, Brian Chaloux, Jacob A. Miller, Erika M. Van Goethem, and Malcom E. Kenney
Long directional interactions (LDIs) in oligomeric cofacial silicon phthalocyanines and other oligomeric and polymeric cofacial phthalocyanines, Yang Yang, Vance O. Kennedy, James B. Updegraph, and Brian Samas
Long-run and short-run dynamics between foreign exchange and stock markets: Evidence from Thailand and the Philippines, Mahmud Rahman, Matiur Rahman, and Muhammad Mustafa
Long Term Negative Effects of Childhood Maltreatment, the Causes of the Growing Phenomena, and Ways to Help in Prevention, Lindsey McCarty
"Looking Darkly" (ϒΠΟΔΡΑΙΔΩ x039D;): Reflections on Status and Decorum in Homer, James P. Holoka
Loss of arabidopsis thaliana dynamin-related protein 2b reveals separation of innate immune signaling pathways, J M. Smith, M E. Leslie, S J. Robinson, and D A. Korasick
Low-Energy differential scattering of electrons and positrons from noble-gases, David D. Reid and J. M. Wadehra
Low-temperature infrared studies of some chloroethylene-ozone reactions, I C. Hisatsune, L H. Kolopajlo, and Julian Heicklen
Lucid cameras: Imaging Haiti after the earthquake of 2010, Toni Pressley-Sanon
Macroeconometrics of stock price fluctuations, Abdullah A. Dewan and Steven C. Hayworth
Maintaining customer relationships through effective database marketing: A perspective for small retailers, Judy F. Davis
Make Excel a little smarter, Lois S. Mahoney and Charles Kelliher
Making a difference by being yourself : Using your personality type to find your life's true purpose, Gregory E. Huszczo
Making connections via instant messenger (IM): Student use of IM to maintain personal relationships, Jeanette Kindred and Shannnon L. Rober
Making connections with health care information: A senior center and an academic library collaboration, Elizabeth Retzel Bucciarelli
Making cooperative learning visible without the group grade, Jeanette Kindred
Making useful workers: The self-defense forces in the postwar Japanese economy, Tomoyuki Sasaki
Malcolm x: An appostle of violence or an advocate for Black human rights?, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Managerial business ethics in South Africa: An exploratory comparison - 1987 and 2009, Christo Bisschoff and Sam Fullerton
Managers at work: Helping new leaders succeed, Raymond E. Hill and Tammy McCullough
Managing global development of information systems- A user perspective, Badie N. Farah
Managing learning and learning to manage: Pedagogies for HR and OD graduate education in China, Diana J. Wong, Mary E. Vielhaber, and Fraya Wagner-Marsh
Managing organizational identity: Strategic decision making in a period of change, Stephanie E. Newell
Managing quality in online education: A conceptual model for program development and improvement, Judy F. Davis, Matthew H. Sauber, and Elizabeth A. Edwards
Managing retention in Big Eight public accounting: Why employees stay, Matthew H. Sauber, Andrew G. Snyir, and Mohsen Sharifi
Managing Suppy Chain Risk Through Collaboration, Alyssa Rollins
Managing the S corporation built-in gains tax, Linda J. Burilovich and Gary B. McCombs
Manifold dimension of a causal set: Tests in conformally flat spacetimes, David D. Reid
Manufacturing control, asset tracking, and asset maintenance: Assessing the impact of RFID technology adoption, Abubaker Haddud, John C. Dugger, and Huei Lee
Mapping wetlands and phragmites using publically available remotely sensed images, Yichun Xie, Anbing Zhang, and William Welsh
Marathon and the myth of the same-day march, James P. Holoka
Marbury v. Madison (1803), The Lynn Rivers Show, WEMU 89.1, John Gilbert McCurdy
Market efficiency and profitable wagering in the National Hockey League: Can bettors score on longshots?, Linda M. Woodland and Bill M. Woodland
Market efficiency and the favorite-longshot bias: The baseball betting market, Linda M. Woodland and Bill M. Woodland
Market efficiency and the NHL totals betting market: Is there an under bias?, Linda M. Woodland and Bill M. Woodland
Marketing plan competition for experiential learning, Emin Civi and Elif S. Persinger
Marketing research, H. Robert Dodge, Sam Fullerton, and David Rink
Marketplace activism: A history of the African American elite market segment, Blaine J. Branchik and Judy F. Davis
Massively parallel matching of knowledge structures, William A. Andersen, James A. Hendler, Matthew P. Evett, and Brian P. Kettler
Massively parallel support for case-based planning, Brian P. Kettler, James A. Hendler, William A. Andersen, and Matthew P. Evett
Matching creative agencies with results-driven marketers: Do clients really need highly creative advertising?, Sheila L. Sasser, Scott Koslow, and Mark Kilgour
Mathematical, astrological, and theological naturalism, Jill M. Dieterle
McNair Challenger, December 2016, McNair Scholars Program
McNair Challenger, February 2017, McNair Scholars Program
McNair Challenger, January 2017, McNair Scholars Program
McNair Challenger, November 2016, McNair Scholars Program
Measurement Invariance Between Genders on Two Measures of Borderline Personality Disorder, Amy Paggeot
Measurement of hexanal production by myoglobin-induced lipid peroxidation using a miniature incubator and cryofocusing inlet system with gas chromatography and time-of-flight mass spectrometry, M Amunugama, C D. Clifford, P M. Gutman, and M Soltani
Measurements of tropospheric HO2 and RO2 by oxygen dilution modulation and chemical ionization mass spectrometry, R S. Hornbrook, J H. Crawford, G D. Edwards, and O Goyea
Measuring the dragging effect of natural resources on economic growth: Evidence from a space-time panel filter modeling in China, Yaobin Liu and Yichun Xie
Measuring the plasma environment at Mercury: The fast imaging plasma spectrometer, Patrick L. Koehn, T. H. Zurbuchen, G. Gloeckler, R. A. Lundgren, and L. A. Fisk
Measuring the quality of university computer labs using SERVQUAL: A longitudinal study, David W. Hughey, Sudhir K. Chawla, and Zafar U. Khan
Mechanical and biological properties of nanoporous carbon membranes, Roger J. Narayan, Ravi Aggarwal, Wei Wei, Chunming Jin, Nancy A. Monteiro-Riviere, Rene Crombz, and Weidian Shen
Mechanistic characterization and crystal structure of a small molecule inactivator bound to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, Shih-Hon Li, Ashley A. Reinke, Karen L. Sanders, and Cory D. Emal
Medusaegraptus (Chlorophyta, Dasycladales) from the Pridolian to middle Lochkovian Indian Point Formation, New Brunswick, Canada, Steven T. LoDuca, Randall F. Miller, and Reginald A. Wilson
Medusaegraptus-mirabilis ruedemann as a noncalcified dasyclad alga, Steven T. LoDuca
Membrane disordering is not sufficient for membrane permeabilization by islet amyloid polypeptide: studies of IAPP(20–29) fragments, Jeffrey R. Brender, Deborah L. Heyl, Shyamprasad Samisetti, and Samuel A. Kotler
Membrane fragmentation by an amyloidogenic fragment of human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide detected by solid-state NMR spectroscopy of membrane nanotubes, Jeffrey R. Brender, Ulrich H.N. Durr, Deborah Heyl, and Mahender B. Budarapu
Mercury's atmosphere: A surface-bounded exosphere, Deborah L. Domingue, Patrick L. Koehn, Rosemary M. Killen, Ann L. Sprague, Menelaos Sarantos, Andrew F. Cheng, Eric T. Bradley, and William E. McClintock
Meritor Savings Bank v Vinson, 477 U.S. 57 (1986), Margaret Crouch
Merit pay in a public higher education institution: Questions of impact and attitudes, Eric Schulz and Denise M. Tanguay
MESSENGER: Exploring mercury's magnetosphere, James A. Slavin, Stamatios M. Krimigis, Mario H. Acuna, Brian J. Anderson, Daniel N. Baker, Patrick L. Koehn, Haje Korth, Stefano Livi, Barry H. Mauk, Sean C. Solomon, and Thomas Zurbuchen
MESSENGER observations of the composition of Mercury's ionized exosphere and plasma environment, Thomas H. Zurbuchen, Jim M. Raines, George Gloeckler, Stamatios M. Krimigis, James A. Slavin, Patrick L. Koehn, Rosemary M. Killen, Ann L. Sprague, Ralph L. McNutt, and Sean C. Solomon
Michigan State Normal College - Annual Catalog, 1916 - 1917, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Annual Catalog, 1917 - 1918, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Annual Catalog, 1918 - 1919, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Annual Catalog, 1921 - 1922, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Annual Year Book, 1910 - 1911, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Annual Year Book, 1914 - 1915, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Brass Ensemble, Wagner’s “King’s Prayer,” 1949, Brass Ensemble
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin, 1930 - 1931, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin, 1950, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Annual Catalog, 1920 - 1921, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - College Extension, 1928 - 1929, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - College Extension, 1929 - 1930, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - College Extension, 1932 - 1933, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - College Extension, 1938 - 1939, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Conservatory of Music, 1914, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Conservatory of Music, 1931, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Conservatory of Music, 1932 - 1933, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer School, 1926, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer School, 1928, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer School, 1930, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer School, 1955, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1920, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1924, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1925, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1927, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1931, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1939, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1940, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1941, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1942, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1943, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1944, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1945, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1946, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1947, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1948, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1949, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1950, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1951, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1952, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1953, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Summer Session, 1954, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Bulletin - Year Book, 1913 - 1914, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Choral Ensemble, 1940, Frederick Alexander
Michigan State Normal College Choral Ensemble, "Faiths of Our Fathers," 1949, John Elwell
Michigan State Normal College Graduate Announcement, 1954-1955, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College Graduate Announcement, Summer 1941, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Quarter, 1900, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Quarter, 1901, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1902, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1903, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1904, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1905, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1906, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1907, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1908, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1909, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1910, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1911, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1913, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1914, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1915, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1916, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1929, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1932, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer School, 1933, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1898, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1899, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1918, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1919, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1921, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1922, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1923, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1934, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1935, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1936, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1937, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Summer Session, 1938, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Year Book, 1902 - 1903, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Year Book, 1906 - 1907, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Year Book, 1907 - 1908, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Year Book, 1908 - 1909, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Year Book, 1909-1910, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Year Book, 1912 - 1913, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal College - Year Book, 1915 - 1916, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal School - Annual Catalogue, 1870 - 1871, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal School - Annual Catalogue, 1873 - 1874, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal School - Annual Catalogue, 1875 - 1876, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal School - Annual Catalogue, 1876 - 1877, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal School - Calendar, 1884 - 1885, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal School Catalogue, 1853, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal School Catalogue, 1857 - 1858, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal School Catalogue, 1861 - 1862, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal School - Register, 1893 - 1894, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal School - Year Book, 1894 - 1895, Office of the Registrar
Michigan State Normal Year Book, 1897-1898, Office of the Registrar
Michigan, the Great Lakes state: An illustrated history, George S. May and JoEllen McNergney Vinyard
Microscale patterning of two-component biomedical hydrogel, Anand Doraiswamy, Rene Crombez, Weidian Shen, Yuan-Shin Lee, and Roger J. Narayan
Microwave-induced synthesis of a cis–trans mixture of 2-butyl-5-phenyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-ones and their stereochemical determination using noesy 2-d nmr spectroscopy, Timothy L. Friebe
Mildred Beatty Smith, Address at the Dedication of University Library, 1967, Mildred Beatty Smith
Military buildups, economic development and corruption, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
Military in politics and geographic location: Effects on corruption, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
Military versus non-military government spending and the shadow economy, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
Millennial-scale changes in North Atlantic Deep Water circulation during marine isotope stages 11 and 12: Linkage to Antarctic climate, M S. Poli, R C. Thunell, and D Rio
Minds and Bodies: Early Modern Social Justice, Clare Áine Keefer
Miraculous consilience? Constraints on formulations of the no miracles argument, W. John Koolage
Mitigating epistemic injustice in the humanities, W. John Koolage
Modeling grassland ecosystem responses to coupled climate and socioeconomics influences in multi-spatial-and-temporal scales, Yichun Xie, David W. Crary, Y Bai, and X Cui
Modeling institutional change: Some critical thoughts, John Edgren
Modeling market orientation and organizational antecedents in a social marketing context: Evidence from China, Yanfeng Zhou, Paul Chao, and Guang Huang
Modeling the interface between islet amyloid polypeptide and insulin-based aggregation inhibitors: correlation to aggregation kinetics and membrane damage, H Figueroa, D Peddi, J M. Osborne, and B M. Wilson
Modeling the ionospheric response to the 28 October 2003 solar flare due to coupling with the thermosphere, David J. Pawlowski and Aaron J. Ridley
Modeling the thermospheric response to solar flares, David J. Pawlowski and Aaron J. Ridley
Modelling software quality with GP, Matthew Evett, Taghi Khoshgoftaar, Pei-der Chien, and Edward Allen
Modern ideas, traditional behaviors, and the persistence of gender inequality in Brazil, Solange Simões and Marlise Matos
Modified cysteine-deleted tachyplesin (CDT) analogs as linear antimicrobial peptides: Influence of chain length, positive charge, and hydrophobicity on antimicrobial and hemolytic activity, Stacie J. Wood, Yeji A. Park, Naga Pooja Kanneganti, and Hareesh Reddy Mukkisa
Money and the business cycle: Another look, Abdullah A. Dewan and Peter C. Rangazas
Money growth variability and stock returns: An innovations accounting analysis, Abdullah A. Dewan
Monitoring and managing cloud computing security using denial of service bandwidth allowance, Biswajit Panja, Bharat Bhargava, Sourav Pati, Paul Dayton, Leszek T. Lilien, and Priyanka Meharia
More on non-white poverty and economic growth in the United States, Gary A. Hoover, Mehmet E. Yaya, and Sondra R. Collins
Morphometric characterization of fossil noncalcified macroalgae, Ellen O'Neil, Matthew LeRoy, and Steven T. LoDuca
Mothers and children: Caught in the warzone, Jacqueline Goodman
Motivations for issuing standalone CSR reports: A survey of Canadian firms, Linda Thorne, Lois S. Mahoney, and Giacomo Manetti
Multi-city sustainable regional urban growth simulation-MSRUGS: A case study along the mid-section of Silk Road of China, Yichun Xie and Siyu Fan
Multiple discriminant analysis: Tool for effective marketing of computer information systems to small business clients, Zafar U. Khan, Sudhir K. Chawla, and S. Thomas A. Cianciolo
Nationalism and imperialism in South and Southeast Asia: Essays presented to Damodar R. SarDesai, D. R. SarDesai, Arnold P. Kaminsky, and Roger D. Long
Nature, judgment, and art: Kant and the problem of genius, Jeremy Proulx
Negotiating rights and welfare: The postwar Japanese state and military towns, Tomoyuki Sasaki
Negotiating treacherous terrain: Disciplinary power, security cultures, and affective ties in a local antiwar movement, Elizabeth Currans, Mark Schuler, and Tiffany Willougby-Herard
Neighborhood Risk Factors for Obesity in the Detroit, Michigan Latino Community, Ivan E. LeBron
Nepotism, discrimination, and the persistence of utility-maximizing, owner-operated firms, Larry D. Singell Jr. and James A. Thornton
Nepotism, discrimination, and the persistence of utility-maximizing, owner-operated firms: Reply, Larry D. Singell Jr. and James A. Thornton
Neutrality’s Much Needed Place In Dewey’s Two-Part Criterion For Democratic Education, Taylor Wisneski
New aspects of the Ireland and related Claisen rearrangements, Yonghai Chai, Sang-phyo Hong, Harriet A. Lindsay, and Chris McFarland
New developments in the “nondestructive” dating of perishable artifacts using plasma-chemical oxidation, Ruth Ann Armitage, Mary Ellen Ellis, and Carolynne Merrell
New evidence on factors affecting the level and growth of U.S. health care spending, James A. Thornton and Svetlana N. Beilfuss
New evidence on modeling the Phillips curve and time-varying volatility, James W. Saunoris and James E. Payne
Nigeria’s census jinx: Is there a way out?, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Nigeria’s disputed elections: Symptons of a national malaise, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Nigeria’s electoral challenge: What is to blame, the ballot-box or the political culture?, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Nigeria’s stumbling democracy and its implications for Africa’s democratic movement, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Node security in hierarchical sensor networks: Distribution of functions versus keys, Biswajit Panja and Sanjay Madria
No longer complacent about complacency, Michael D. Doan
Noncalcified macroalgal communities in Ordovician Midwestern seas; an overview, Steven T. LoDuca
Nondipole optical scattering from liquids and nanoparticles, Natthi L. Sharma
Non-ideal theory and complacency, Michael D. Doan
No piano no problem: Dynamic music playback without a keyboardist using a new midi standard, Scott Lynn and Susan Haynes
Norwegian internet shopping sites: An application & extension of the Technology Acceptance Model, Katrina Savitskie, Maria B. Royne, Elif S. Persinger, Marko Grunhagen, and Carl L. White
No Soft Doctrine: Royce on the Problem of Evil, Brandon Wright
“Now we have spoken”, Patricia Moore Zimmer
N-terminal modifications that alter P450 membrane targeting and function, S J. Pernecky and M J. Coon
Nuclear factor-κB mediated inhibition of cytokine production by imidazoline scaffolds, Daljinder K. Kahlon, Theresa A. Lansdell, Jason S. Fisk, and Christopher D. Hupp
Numeric mutation as an improvement to symbolic regression in genetic programming, Thomas Fernandez and Matthew P. Evett
Numeric mutation: Improved search in genetic programming, Matthew P. Evett and Thomas Fernandez
Object-oriented technology for electronic commerce systems, Steve Martin, David C. Yen, and David C. Chou
Object relation theories: Psychoanalytical applications to Gertrud Leutenegger's Gouverneur, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Observation of superfluorescent emissions from laser-cooled atoms, Eric G. Paradis, B. Barrett, A. Kumarakrishnan, R. Zhang, and R. Raithel
Ockham’s Razor, encounterability, and ontological naturalism, Jill M. Dieterle
Office of Graduate Studies & Research Newsletter, Fall 2016, Office of Graduate Studies & Research
Office of Graduate Studies & Research Newsletter, Fall 2017, Office of Graduate Studies & Research
Office of Graduate Studies & Research Newsletter, Winter 2016, Office of Graduate Studies & Research
On a Challenging File I/O Problem in CS2, Ranjan Chaudhuri
On a property of probabilistic context-free grammars, Ranjan Chaudhuri and A. N. V. Rao
One plus one equals three: Marasa consciousness, the Lwa, and three stories, Toni Pressley-Sanon
On learning from our pasts, science, technology, and gender: Challenges and opportunities, Michael D. Doan
Only a body “who nobody owns:” Adolescent identity in Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book, Aleesa Marie Millet
On preorder splaying in binary search trees, Ranjan Chaudhuri
On rational solution of the state equation of a finite automaton, Ranjan Chaudhuri and Hartmut Höft
On Sense Perception and Theory of Recollection in Phaedo, Minji Jang
On synchronizing instructions and edge coloring of digraphs, Ranjan Chaudhuri
On the Logic of Evolution and the Vanity of Scientism, Thomas E. Elliott
On the parent-array representation of trees, Ranjan Chaudhuri
On the real effects of short- and long-run inflation and relative sector price variability: Some empirical evidence using the Kalman filter, Sharon J. Erenburg
On the relevance of John Rawls's theory of justice to welfare economics, John A. Edgren
On the space environment of Mercury, T. H. Zurbuchen, Patrick L. Koehn, L. A. Fisk, T. Gombosi, George Gloeckler, and K. Kabin
Open borders and the right to immigration, Peter W. Higgins
"Open End": A mirror of the 1960s, Mary Ann Watson
Opioid receptor-binding requirements for the delta-selective peptide deltorphin-i - phe(3) replacement with ring-substituted and heterocyclic amino-acids, D L. Heyl, M Dandabathula, K R. Kurtz, and C Mousigian
Oral communication skills, Cynthia Jean Macknish and X. L. Liu
ORDA FY2015 Grant Awardees, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA FY2016 Grant Awardees, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2016 11 21, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2016 11 28, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2016 12 05, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2016 12 12, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2016 12 19, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 01 03, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 01 30, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 02 06, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 02 13, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 02 27, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 03 06, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 03 13, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 03 20, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 03 27, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 04 03, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 04 10, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 04 17, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 04 24, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 05 01, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 05 08, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 05 22, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 05 30, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 06 13, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 06 26, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 07 10, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 07 17, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 07 31, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 08 07, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 09 05, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 09 11, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 09 25, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 10 02, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 10 09, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 10 16, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 10 23, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 11 13, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 11 27, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 12 04, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 12 11, Office of Research Development and Administration
ORDA Weekly Update, 2017 12 18, Office of Research Development and Administration
Organizational identity as a strategic response to a changing environment: Examples from Ford and Toyota, Stephanie E. Newell and Robert S. Goodman
Organizational responses to a hypercompetitive environment: A case study of Pepsi Canada, Deepika Nath and Stephanie E. Newell
Organization structure and service capabilities as predictors of supply chain performance: B2B seller’s perspective, Harash J. Sachdev and G. Russell Merz
Otra empanada en la parilla: Examining the role of culture and information sharing in Chile and Australia, Stephen B. Salter, Axel K.-D. Schulz, Philip A. Lewis, and Juan Claudio Lopez
Our towns revisited: Communities of northern Michigan, Louis B. Gimelli and JoEllen McNergney Vinyard
Outsourcing information systems and project management, Badie N. Farah
Outsourcing vs insourcing in the human resource supply chain: A comparison of five generic models, Tom Kosnik, Diana J. Wong, and Kristine Hoover
O Voo Silencioso, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
Paracelsus on Erfahrung and the wisdom of praxis, Michael D. Doan
Parallel hybrid clustering using genetic programming and multi-objective fitness with density (PYRAMID), Samir Tout, William Sverdlik, and Junping Sun
Parallel knowledge representation on the connection machine, Matthew P. Evett, James A. Hendler, and Lee Spector
Par ici: Lectures et vidéos, Robert Ariew and Anne G. Nerenz
Partisanship in the Ohio House of Representatives, 1900-1911: An analysis of roll-call voting, John M. Wegner
Pathways and hidden benefits of healthcare spending growth in the U.S., Svetlana N. Beilfuss and James A. Thornton
Patient adherence to smartphone weight loss applications: A dietitian perception study, Kathleen Abernathy
Patient proactivity: Behaviors, attitudes, and its relationship with satisfaction with the American health care delivery system, Sam Fullerton and Tammy McCullough
Patrick Floyd Garrett : The man who shot Billy the Kid, Kathleen P. Chamberlain
Patterns and drivers of soil microbial communities along a precipitation gradient on the Mongolian Plateau, Dima Chen, Jia Mi, Pengfeir Chu, Jenhui Cheng, Lixia Zhang, Qingmin Pan, Yichun Xie, and Yongfei Bai
Pay me more: What companies need to know about employee pay satisfaction, Millicent F. Nelson, Thomas H. Stone, Crissie M. Frye, and David W. Chown
PC movies get two thumbs up for computer application training, Lois S. Mahoney and Judith K. Welch
Peptide inhibitors of a-amylase based on tendamistat: Development of analogues with ϖ-amino acids linking critical binding segments, Deborah L. Heyl
Percentile and percentile- t bootstrap confidence intervals: A practical comparison, Christopher J. Elias
Perception gaps between IS academics and IS practitioners: An exploratory study, Sooun Lee, Seokha Koh, and Hung-Lian Tang
Perceptions of entrepreneurs in the perceived criticality of human resource activities, Megan L. Endres, Sanjib Chowdhury, Richaurd R. Camp, and Eric Schulz
Performing faculty stories: How to craft and use story as a teaching and learning tool, W. John Koolage, Jessica Alexander, and Jeannette Kindred
Personal privacy: A study to determine views on privacy as it relates to technology acceptance, Keith A. Wuotinen
Personal privacy & security, Zenia C. Bahorski
P. George Bird and Reinhard Wittke Oral History Interview, 2016 April 23, Alexis Braun Marks
P. George Bird Oral History Interview, 2016 April 19, Alexis Braun Marks
P. George Bird Oral History Interview, 2016 April 22, Alexis Braun Marks
Phenomenology as first-order perception: Speech, vision, and reflection in Merleau- Ponty, Laura McMahon
Philip Incarnati Oral History Interview, 1998 May 25, Laurence Smith
Phoenician KRNTRYŠ, Archaic Greek* KOPYNHTHPIOΣ, and the storm-god of Aleppo, Philip C. Schmitz
Phoenician-Punic religion, Philip C. Schmitz
PHONOGRIMM: German phonetics through the magic of the Brother's Grimm fairy tale, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Phosphorylation of Atg9 regulates movement to the phagophore assembly site and the rate of autophagosome formation, Yuchen Feng, Steven K. Backues, Misuzu Baba, and Jin-Mi Heo
Photovoice: Community-based Research in Bluefields, Jamaica, Renee Romer
Physician assisted suicide: A new look at the arguments, Jill M. Dieterle
Physician choice of medical specialty: Do economic incentives matter?, James A. Thornton
Physician recruitment: Understanding what physicians want, Tammy McCullough, H. Robert Dodge, and Susan E. Moeller
Pioneer profile: Greg Shuker, Mary Ann Watson
pK(a) and volume of residue one influence delta/mu opioid binding: QSAR analysis of tyrosine replacement in a nonselective deltorphin analogue, D L. Heyl, S E. Schullery, K Renganathan, and M N. Jayamaha
Placement of the Wenlockian/Ludlovian boundary in western New York State, Steven T. LoDuca and Carlton E. Breit
Placing virtual heritage: Cultural heritage, serious games, and spatial storytelling, Danny J. Bonenberger and Trevor M. Harris
Placing virtual heritage: Reconciling virtual and cultural heritage with the spatial turn, Danny J. Bonenberger and Trevor M. Harris
Planning techniques to avoid the reclassification of shareholder debt as equity, Linda J. Burilovich
Poisson cluster analysis of cardiac arrest incidence in Columbus, Ohio, Craig Warden, Michael T. Cudnik, Comilla Sasson, Greg Schwartz, and Hugh Semple
Polarizing and reflective coatings based on half-wave layer pairs, J. Marshall Thomsen and Z. L. Wu
Policy matters: Understanding the global regulatory environment for social media and user-generated advertising content, Judy F. Davis
Polishing the Papal image in the Counter-Reformation: The case of Agostino Steuco, Ronald K. Delph
Political affects: Transdisciplinary trajectories of affect and emotion, Ashley Glassburn Falzetti
Political institutions, trade openness, and economic growth: New evidence, Michael Bonnal and Mehmet E. Yaya
Population mobility and the survival of small farming in the Rio Grande Valley, Jamaica, Amani Ishemo, Hugh Semple, and Elizabeth Thomas-Hope
Positioning Foucault: Critique in the face of the blackmail of the Enlightenment, Laura McMahon
Possible urban automata, M Batty and Yichun Xie
Power and promise: The changing American West, Gary Clayton Anderson and Kathleen P. Chamberlain
PRA*: A memory-limited heuristic search procedure for the connection machine, Matthew Evett, James Hendler, Ambujashka Mahanti, and Nau Dana
Practical issues in implementing FASB 133, Angela L. J. Hwang and John S. Patouhas
Practical paths in philosophy: Observations on the 1785-6 Spinoza controversy, Jeremy Proulx
PRA*: Massively parallel heuristic search, Matthew Evett, James Hendler, Ambujashka Mahanti, and Nau Dana
Preclinical characterization of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 small molecule inhibitors for primary and metastatic brain cancer therapy, Hikmat H. Assi, Chris Paran, Nathan VanderVeen, and Jonathan Savakus
Predicted effects of proposed new regulation plans on sedge/grass meadows of Lake Ontario, Douglas A. Wilcox and Yichun Xie
Predicting the Truth: Overcoming Problems with Poppers Verisimilitude Through Model Selection Theory, K. Raleigh Hanson
Predicting wetland plant community responses to proposed water-level-regulation plans for Lake Ontario: GIS-based modeling, Douglas A. Wilcox and Yichun Xie
Predominant control of moisture on soil organic carbon mineralization across a broad range of arid and semiarid ecosystems on the Mongolia plateau, Jia Mi, Li Jianjun, Dima Chen, Yichun Xie, and Yongfei Bai
Preface, Ruth Ann Armitage and James H. Burton
Preface, Patricia L. Lang and Ruth Ann Armitage
Preface, Peggy Liggit
Preliminary evidence for a theory of the fractal city, M Batty and Yichun Xie
Premiers échanges, Robert Ariew and Anne G . Nerenz
Preparing students for success in team work environments: The importance of building confidence, Sanjib Chowdhury, Megan Endres, and Thomas W. Landis
Preventing credit damage in divorce cases, Ian B. Lyngklip and Gary M. Victor
Preventing overfitting in GP with canary functions, Nate Foreman and Matthew Evett
Primetime parables of the new frontier: Mr. Novak asks what he can do for his country, Mary Ann Watson
Problem solving using cultural algorithms, Robert G. Reynolds and William Sverdlik
Procopius’ Phoenician inscriptions: Never lost, not found, Philip C. Schmitz
Product design innovation and customer value: Cross-cultural research in the United States and Korea, Hakil Moon, Douglas R. Miller, and Sun Hyun Kim
Productivity management of indirect labour through variable work measurement and control, Jack Andin Wu and Nesa L'abbe Wu
Productivity, private and public capital, and real wage in the U.S., Sharon J. Erenburg
Professor John Sattler, Eulogy for John F. Kennedy, 1963, John Sattler
Profiles of managerial activities in small firms, G. Russell Merz and Matthew H. Sauber
Programming in the 21st century, Zenia C. Bahorski
Programming principles - Instructor's top list, Vladan Jovanovic, James Harris, Richard Chambers, Han Reichgelt, Ron MacKinnon, Sonny Butler, Stevan Mrdalj, and Daniel Shoemaker
Program understanding task in the contest of PSP, Vladan Jovanovic, Richard Chambers, and Stevan Mrdalj
Promoting ethics to computer science students: A "how to" guide, Zenia C. Bahorski
Promoting health in a virtual world: Impressions of health communication messages delivered in Second Life, Joan Cowdery, Jeanette Kindred, Anna Michalakis, and Suzanne L. Suggs
Promoting international collaboration: A two‐way cross‐national experiential learning model, Margaret Crouch
Property rights to consumer information: A proposed policy framework for direct marketing, Judy F. Davis
Prospects and challenges for developing securities markets in Ethiopia: An analytical review, Asrat Tessema
Protecting communications and documents from IRS summons enforcement, Linda J. Burilovich
Protecting your privacy and why YOU should care, Konnie Kustron and Zenia C. Bahorski
Protein expression molecular pattern discovery by nonnegative principal component analysis, Xiaoxu Han and Joseph A. Scazzero
Protein kinase A phosphorylation of the multifunctional protein CAD antagonizes activation by the MAP kinase cascade, Dammian Kotsis, Elizabeth Masko, Frederic Sigoillot, and Roberto Gregorio
Protein kinase C modulates the up-regulation of the pyrimidine biosynthetic complex, CAD, by MAP kinase, Frederic D. Sigoillot, Damian H. Kotsis, Elizabeth M. Masko, and Monica Bame
Providing an applied-learning exercise in teaching fraud detection: A case of academic partnering with IRS criminal investigation, Daniel R. Brickner, Lois S. Mahoney, and Stephen J. Moore
Psychographic segmentation in a unique service industry: A typology based on consumers’ levels of consumption of live and media-based spectator sports, Tammy McCullough and Sam Fullerton
Psychological trauma: How the dissociative model of memory wrecks client normative capacities, Kate Mehuron
Psychosocial influences on 305 adults' survival after bone marrow transplantation - Depression, smoking, and behavioral self-regulation, Flora Hoodin, Karen R. Kalbfleisch, James A. Thornton, and Voravit Ratanatharathorn
Public and private investment: Are there causal linkages?, Sharon J. Erenburg and Mark E. Wohar
Public goods and optimal income taxation, Kemper W. Moreland
Public intellectuals for a more human humanity: The Afrocentric idea, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
Pulsed photothermal deflection and diffraction effects: numerical modeling based on Fresnel diffraction theory, Yue Han, Z. L. Wu, Joseph S. Rosenshein, J. Marshall Thomsen, Qiang Zhao, and K. Moncur
Punishing excellence/rewarding mediocrity: The impact of the dominant culture on the creation and dissemination of knowledge, Stephanie E. Newell and Dianna L. Stone
Putting pair programming to the test, Ranjan Chaudhuri and A Tehranipour
Pyrolysis GC–MS and THM-GC–MS studies of a black coating from Little Lost River Cave, Idaho, Sarah Fezzey and Ruth A. Armitage
QLab 3 show control: Projects for live performances & installations, Jeromy Hopgood
Quality management practices in Indian service firms, Jean L. Bush-Bacelis
Quantification of intrinsic water use efficiency along a moisture gradient in Northeastern China, M Yu, Yichun C. Xie, and X S. Zhang
Quantifying the effect of thermospheric parameterization in a global model, David J. Pawlowski and Aaron J. Ridley
Quantitative analysis of driving factors of grassland degradation: A case study in Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia, Yichun Xie and Zongyao Sha
Quantitative evaluation of adhesion strength of ink deposited on plastic films with a nano indenter and a scanning probe microscope, Bin Jiang, Weidian Shen, Richard J. Czarnecki, Lan Mi, and Pei-Nan Wang
Queerness Without Binary, Jeffrey Davis
Questioning Authority: An Exploration of Diverse Sources, Gabriel Duque, Jo Angela Oehrli, Amanda Peters, and Alexandra Stark
Racial/ethnic differences in income inequality across U.S. regions, Gary A. Hoover and Mehmet E. Yaya
Racial/ethnic income inequality responses to a government maintenance program in the united states, Gary A. Hoover and Mehmet E. Yaya
Ralph Gilden Address, Announcement of the George Marshall Scholarship, 1967, Ralph Gilden
Random and cooperative sequential adsorption on infinite ladders and strips, J W. Evans and R S. Nord
Raoul Peck: Power, politics, and the cinematic imagination, Toni Pressley-Sanon
Raoul Peck’s The Man by the Shore, orality, film and repression, Toni Pressley-Sanon
Reading voices and hearing text: Talker-specific auditory imagery in reading, Jessica D. Alexander and Lynne C. Nygaard
Reading Youtube, contextualizing theory, Ashley Glassburn Falzetti
Realistic problems involving thermal conductivity, Gregory Bee, Katherine Ballentine, and J. Marshall Thomsen
Realizing marketplace opportunity: How research on the black consumer market influenced mainstream marketers, 1920-1970, Judy F. Davis
Real-Time Logic Verification of a Wireless Sensor Network, J Green, S Bhattacharyya, and Biswajit Panja
Rearmament and the question of patriotism in 1950s Japan, Tomoyuki Sasaki
Reasons for and against the use of the team concept in joint settings, Gregory E. Huszczo and Danny Hoffman
Rebuilding continental-diaspora African relations: An examination of path-breaking trends in governmental, pan-African and educational linkages, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Recognizing the risk of erectile dysfunction in a urology clinic practice, David L. Rowland, James A. Thornton, and Arthur L. Burnett
Reconsidering a Phoenician inscribed amulet from the vicinity of Tyre, Philip C. Schmitz
Recording and exploring historic places with serious gaming engines and geographic information systems, Danny J. Bonenberger and Trevor M. Harris
Reevaluating Zulu religion: An Afrocentric analysis, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
Re-examination of Zipf's law and urban dynamic in China: A regional approach, Xinyue Ye and Yichun Xie
Refinement and Architecture in Early Ypsilanti, Lynda McCarron
Reflection, refraction, and multislit interference, Natthi L. Sharma
Regional-scale patterns of soil microbes and nematodes across grasslands on the Mongolian plateau: Relationships with climate, soil, and plants, Dima Chen, Junhui Cheng, Pengfei Chu, Shuijin Hu, Yichun Xie, Indree Tuvshintogtokh, and Yongfei Bai
Regression strategies for analyzing the study and pharmacological treatment of sexual response: ANOVA and beyond, David L. Rowland and James A. Thornton
Relational solidarity and climate change in Western nations, Michael D. Doan
Relationship violence: How philosophical counseling can help, Kate Mehuron
Religion as a creative endeavour: Schelling’s philosophical letters, Jeremy Proulx
Religious giving and the invention of karma in Theravada Buddhism, James R. Egge
Remedies for identity theft victims: Strategies for protecting and preserving clients' rights, Gary M. Victor and Ian B. Lingklop
Remembering the “Rag Baby”: Toledo and the Greenback-National Movement in the 1870s, John M. Wegner
'Remember! It's only a movie!' Expectations and receptions of "The Day After" (1983), Deron Overpeck
Remote sensing imagery in vegetation mapping: A review, Yichun Xie, Zongyao Sha, and Mei Yu
Renovatio, reformatio, and humanist ambition in Rome, Ronald K. Delph
Reproducibility and reliability of chromatin immunoprecipitation in clinical research, Kelli McDonough
Required minimum distribution alternatives for IRA beneficiaries, Linda J. Burilovich
Rereading King’s letter, Michael D. Doan
Research as a Résumé Builder: Delivering a Career-focused Information Literacy Certificate Program, Megan Blauvelt Heuer
Research@EMU, Fall 2014, Office of Research Development and Administration
Research@EMU, Fall 2015, Office of Research Development and Administration
Residents’ and tourists’ knowledge of sea lions in the Galapagos, Lorden Lorden, Richard Sambrook, and Robert W. Mitchell
Response and relaxation of a dense electron-gas in D dimensions at long wavelengths, Natthi L. Sharma
Response of spectral vegetation indices to a stocking rate experiment in Inner Mongolia, China, Z Sha, D G. Brown, Y Xie, William F. Welsh, and Y Bai
Responses to climate and economic risks and opportunities across national and ecological boundaries: changing household strategies on the Mongolian plateau, Daniel G. Brown, Arun Agrawal, Daniel A. Sass, Jun Wang, Jin Hua, and Yichun Xie
Response to Bertha Du-Babcock’s plenary speech, David A. Victor
Retirement plans for small business owners, Linda J. Burilovich and Howard J. Bunsis
Revisiting [PtCl2(cis-1,4-DACH)]: an underestimated antitumor drug with potential application to the treatment of oxaliplatin-refractory colorectal cancer, Nicola Margiotta, Cristina Marzano, Valentina Gandin, and Domenico Osella
Revisiting the freedom-nature distinction: Kant on the prolongation of life, Jeremy Proulx
Richard Robb Oral History Interview, 1998 June 3, Laurence Smith
Right in Michigan’s grassroots: From the KKK to the Michigan militia, JoEllen McNergney Vinyard
Risk identification in green IT practice, David C. Chou
Robert F. Kennedy, Campaign Rally Speech, 1966, Robert Kennedy
Rome and America: A course description, James P. Holoka
Ronald Bridge, Bowen Field House Dedicatory Address, 1955, Ronald Bridge
Ron Collins Oral History Interview, 1998 August 12, Laurence Smith
Roy Wilbanks Oral History Interview, 1998 April 7, Laurence Smith
Rph1/KDM4 mediates nutrient-limitation signaling that leads to the transcriptional induction of autophagy, A Bernard, M Y. Jin, P Gonzalez-Rodriguez, and J Fullgrabe
Russ Olwell, Director of the Institute for the Study of Children, Families and Communities, Office of Research Development and Administration
Salesperson knowledge distinctions and sales performance, Thomas W. Leigh, Thomas E. DeCarlo, David Allbright, and James Lollar
Sally McCracken Oral History Interview, 1998 April 30, Laurence Smith
Sans doute: Lectures choisies : Niveau 2, Anne G. Nerenz and Robert Ariew
Sapere Aude: An academic study of world religions (Vol. 2nd), Rick Rogers
SAS 99: Another implement for the Fraud Examiner's Toolbox, Daniel R. Brickner and Michael A. Pearson
Say no to DMSO: Dimethylsulfoxide inactivates cisplatin, carboplatin, and other platinum complexes, Matthew D. Hall, Katherine A. Telma, Ki-Eun Chang, and Tobie D. Lee
Scaling in random-bond ising-models, J. Marshall Thomsen and Mei-ching Fok
Scaling up version spaces by using domain specific search algorithms, William Sverdlik and Robert G. Reynolds
Scaling up version spaces by using domain specific search algorithms, William Sverdlik and Robert G. Reynolds
Scattering of intermediate-energy positrons by C, N, O atoms and the corresponding diatomic molecules: Elastic and total cross-sections, David D. Reid and J. M. Wadehra
Scattering of low- to intermediate-energy positrons from molecular hydrogen, David D. Reid, William B. Klann, and J. M. Wadehra
School attrition and dropout recovery ameliorated by literacy, engagement, and resilience, Janice Carol McCarthy Voss
Schools, state-building, and national conflict in German-occupied Poland, 1915-1918, Jesse Kauffman
Schools that “flow", Brian J. Bruya and Russell B. Olwell
Science sampler: Designed by nature - Exploring linear and circular life cycles, Sandra Rutherford, Bonnie Wylo, and Peggy Liggit
Searching for Ethics’ Grounding: A Case for Moral Feeling and the Human Relationship to Nature, Katie Coulter
Searching, sharing, acting: How audiences assess and respond to social media messages about hazards, F. Vultee, Sadaf Rashad Ali, C. Stover, and D. Vultee
Securing Zion? Policing in British Palestine, 1917–39, John Knight
Security in sensor network based SCADA system for adaptive traffic signal operation, Biswajit Panja, Atul Prakash, Priyanka Meharia, and Bradley Schneider
Security in wireless sensor networks for health monitoring helmet with anomaly detection using power analysis and probabilistic model, Biswajit Panja, Zachary Scott, and Priyanka Meharia
Selecting appropriate digital recording devices for podcasting, Zenia C. Bahorski and Konnie Kustron
Selecting optimal executive compensation scheme under uncertainty and the role of the covariance factors, Sangphill Kim, Alahassane Diallo, and Lawrence Klein
Selection and analytical applications of aptamers, Camille L.A. Hamula, Jeffrey W. Guthrie, Hongquan Zhang, and Xing-Fang Li
Selective methoxy ether cleavage of 2,6-dimethoxyphenol followed by a selective acylation, E A. Adogla, R F.I. Janser, S S. Fairbanks, and C M. Vortolomei
Self-delusion in Catullus 83 and 92, James P. Holoka
Self-organized criticality and urban development, M Batty and Yichun C. Xie
Senator Louis G. Christian, Bowen Field House Dedicatory Address, 1955, Louis Christian
Sequences, cycles, and basin dynamics in the Silurian of the Appalachian Foreland Basin, C E. Brett, W M. Goodman, and Steven T. LoDuca
Sequencing analytical methods for small sample dating and dye identification of textile fibers: Application to a fragment from Seip Mound Group, Ohio, Ruth Ann Armitage and Kathryn A. Jakes
Sexual disorientation: Moral implications of gender norms, Peter W. Higgins
Sexual harassment, Margaret Crouch
Sexual harassment in public places, Margaret Crouch
Shortcomings in Wilson’s “Chronicle of Higher Education” article on the state of Black studies programs, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Should physics students take a course in ethics? - Physicists respond, Bonnie Wylo and J. Marshall Thomsen
Should same-sex queer women get married? Making a home on contested terrain of feminism, queer politics, and gay marriage rights, Kathryn Ziegler
Should we continue teaching assembly language in a computer science curriculum?, Ranjan Chaudhuri
Should you cut retiree medical benefits?, Howard J. Bunsis
Simone Weil's The Iliad, or, The poem of force: A critical edition, Simone Weil
Simulating emergent urban form using agent-based modeling: Desakota in the Suzhou-Wuxian region in China, Yichun Xie, Michael Batty, and Kang Zhao
Simulation in spatial analysis and modeling, Yichun Xie and Daniel G. Brown
Simulation of a two-category secured access database, Marn Ling Shing, Chen-Chi Shing, Kuo Lane Chen, and Huei Lee
Simultaneous detection of ultraviolet B-induced DNA damage using capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence, Jeffrey W. Guthrie, Robert T. Limmer, Eric A. Brooks, and Chelsea C. Wisnewski
Simultaneous multi-angle observations of strong Langmuir turbulence at HAARP, Naomi Watanabe, Mark Golkowski, James P. Sheerin, and J. Brenton Watkins
Sitcom ruminations ... (Notes and thoughts about the 'Situating the Comedy' conference at Bowling-Green-State-University), Mary Ann Watson
Site planning and guiding principles of hi-tech parks in China: Shenzhen as a case study, Chuanglin Fang and Yichun Xie
Slamming the closet door: Working with gay and lesbian youth in care, Mark D. Ragg, Dennis Patrick, and Marjorie Ziefert
Slaves, sailors, citizens: African Americans in the Union Navy, Steven J. Ramold
Social construction in the philosophy of mathematics: A critical evaluation of Julian Cole’s theory, Jill M. Dieterle
Social reference group influence on mobile phone purchasing behaviour: a cross-nation comparative study, Jiaqin Yang, Xihao He, and Huei Lee
Socio-economic driving forces of arable land conversion: A case study of Wuxian City, China, Yichun Xie, Y Mei, J G. Tian, and X R. Xing
Solar oxygen and calcium in Mercury's exosphere, Patrick L. Koehn and Ann L. Sprague
Solar wind interaction with the Martian upper atmosphere: Crustal field orientation, solar cycle, and seasonal variations, Chuanfei Dong, Stephen W. Bougher, Yingjuan Ma, Gabor Toth, Yuni Lee, Andrew F. Nagy, Valeriy Tenishev, Dave Pawlowski, Michael R. Combi, and Dalal Najib
Solution of an open problem on probabilistic grammars, Ranjan Chaudhuri, Son Pham, and Oscar N. Garcia
Solving Frege’s Substitution Puzzle: Analyzing it in Light of Descriptivism and Direct Reference Theory, Ayesha Rehman
Solving problems in hierarchically structured systems using cultural algorithms, Robert G. Reynolds and William Sverdlik
Some complementary scratch resistance characterization methods, Lan Mi, Hao Ling, Weidian Shen, Rose Ryntz, Beth Wichterman, and Alex Scholten
Some results on synchronization in colored digraphs, Ranjan Chaudhuri
Spatial agent-based modelling, Daniel G. Brown and Yichun Xie
Spatial and temporal distribution of beach fouling in Saginaw Bay, Michigan, Daniela Bull
Spatial variability of the adaptation of grassland vegetation to climatic change in Inner Mongolia of China, Shuang Li, Yichun Xie, Daniel G. Brown, Yongfei Bai, Jin Hua, and Kristin Judd
Speaking intensive German: Sprechen, reden, erzählen und mehr, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Speciated hydrocarbon emissions and the associated local ozone production from an automotive gasoline engine, S V. Bohac, D N. Assanis, and H L.S. Holmes
Spillovers from health insurance to the U.S. underground economy, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
Splaying a search tree in preorder takes linear time, Ranjan Chaudhuri and Hartmut Höft
Splaying a search tree in preorder takes linear time, Ranjan Chaudhuri and Hartmut Höft
Splaying binary search trees, Ranjan Chaudhuri
Splitsville: Independent exhibitors court federal intervention in the American film industry, 1975-1988, Deron Overpeck
Sports marketing (2nd ed), Sam Fullerton
Spreadsheets with something extra, Lois S. Mahoney and Judith K. Welch
Stage of the organizational life cycle and competition as mediators of problem perception for small businesses, H. Robert Dodge, Sam Fullerton, and John E. Robbins
Stakeholder conceptions of the corporation: Their meaning and influence in accounting research, Robin W. Roberts and Lois S. Mahoney
State and nation-building in Pakistan: Beyond Islam and security, Roger D. Long, Yunas Samad, Gurharpal Singh, and Ian Talbot
State-building in German-occupied Poland, 1915-1918, Jesse Kauffman
Stephen Nisbet, Bowen Field House Dedicatory Address, 1955, Stephen Nisbet
"Stereotypisch Deutsch": An Examination of Stereotypes of Germans and the Effects in the Business Environment, Alicia Marvinetz
Strategic interviewing: How to hire good people, Richaurd R. Camp, Mary Vielhaber, and Jack L. Simonetti
Strategies for deploying business applications on the cloud, Badie N. Farah
Strategies for promoting active learning in a Principles of Accounting course, Daniel R. Brickner and Edwin R. Etter
Strategies to enhance student success: A discourse analysis of academic advice in international student handbooks, Nick J. Romerhausen
Stress and the workplace: Ten years of science, 1997-2007, Alankrita Pandey, James C. Quick, Ana Maria Rossi, and Debra L. Nelson
Strike a pose: comparing associated press and UNICEF visual representations of the children of Darfur, Sadaf Rashad Ali, Debbie James, and Fred Vultee
Structural requirements for binding to the δ opioid receptor: Alkyl replacements at the third residue of deltorphin I, Deborah L. Heyl, Hassiba Bouzit, and Carol Mousigian
Structure-activity relationships for inhibition of cysteine protease activity and development of Plasmodium falciparum by peptidyl vinyl sulfones, Bhaskar R. Shenai, Belinda J. Lee, Alejandro Alvarez-Hernandez, and Pek Y. Chong
Structure activity studies of a novel cytotoxic benzodiazepine, Anthony Boitano, Cory D. Emal, Francesco Leonetti, and Neal B. Blatt
Structuring and managing global information systems development, Badie N. Farah
Studies in African American leadership: Individuals, movements, and committees, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Study of binding stoichiometries of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase by capillary electrophoresis and laser-induced fluorescence polarization using aptamers as probes, H Fu, J W. Guthrie, and X C. Le
Study of corrosion initiation of a steel panel from a defect in coating using localized electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (LEIS), Xiaomei Wu, Tie Wang, Eva Montalvo, Theodore Provder, Carl Handsy, Weidian Shen, Sankara Papavinasam, Neal Berke, Sean Brossia, and S. W. Dean
Study of Microclimate Temperature Distribution in an Artificial Structure, Larry D. Borum
Study of plowing and friction at the surfaces of plastic deformed metals, Zhiqiang Liu, Jian Sun, and Weidian Shen
Study of tribological and mechanical properties of mold-in-color polypropylene used in automobile industry, Weidian Shen, Eva Montalvo, Rene Crombez, and Rose Ryntz
Study of tribological properties of coating/substrate system in micrometer and nanometer scales with a scanning probe microscope, Weidian Shen, Bin Jiang, Steven M. Gasworth, and Harold Mukamal
Study on the morphology and tribological properties of acrylic based polyurethane/fumed silica composite coatings, Shuxue Zhou, Limin Wu, Weidian Shen, and Guangxin Gu
Substitution on the phe(3) aromatic ring in cyclic delta opioid receptor-selective dermorphin deltorphin tetrapeptide analogs - electronic and lipophilic requirements for receptor affinity, D L. Heyl and H I. Mosberg
Subversion, desperation and captivity: Pre-film advertising in American film exhibition since 1977, Deron Overpeck
Superficialy [sic] and Maturity within J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye and Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Louise Caroline Barbosa
Supervenience and necessity: A response to Balaguer, Jill M. Dieterle
Supply chain information systems strategy: Impacts on supply chain performance and firm performance, Sufian Qrunfleh and Monideepa Tarafdar
Supply chain negotiator: A game of gains, losses, and equity, Young K. Ro, Yi-Su Chen, Thomas Callahan, and Tsai-Shan Shen
Surface analysis of a black deposit from Little Lost River Cave, Idaho, R Perumplavil and Ruth Ann Armitage
Survey on plagiarism and source use, Zuzana Tomaš
Synthesis and excited state dynamics of mu-oxo group IV metal phthalocyanine oligomers: Trimers and tetramers, T Gunaratne, Vance O. Kennedy, M E. Kenney, and M A.J. Rodgers
Synthesis and structure activity relationship of novel small molecules as inhibitors of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, Karl Michael Upman
Synthesis of a new group of deltorphin I/II analogs modified in the address domain with gamma-amino acids, and QSAR study of their delta/mu opioid binding, D L. Heyl, M D. Sanvordekar, G Dogruyol, and M D. Salamoun
Synthesis of macrocyclic lactam/lactone derivatives having antimicrobial activity, Paul Helquist, Mikael Bergdahl, Robert Hett, and A R. Gangloff
Synthesis of small peptides to probe oligomeric enzyme structure in pyrimidine biosynthesis, Betsy Huang, Allesha Cutlip, Raneem Alkhatib, and Mahalakshmi Kotichukkala
Synthesis of tert-Alkyl amino hydroxy carboxylic esters via an intermolecular ene-type reaction of oxazolones and enol ethers, R A. Mosey, J S. Fisk, T L. Friebe, and J J. Tepe
Synthesis, photochemistry, and electrochemistry of a series of phthalocyanines with graded steric hindrance, G Cheng, X Z. Peng, G L. Hao, and V O. Kennedy
Systematic approach to activity based costing of the production planning activity in the book manufacturing industry, Curtis Walker and Nesa L'abbe Wu
Tacit knowledge sharing, self‐efficacy theory, and application to the open source community, Megan L. Endres, Steven P. Endres, Sanjib Chowdhury, and Intakhab Alam
Target marketing in spectator sports: An examination of factors that influence attendance at sporting events among young amateur athletes who participate in organized sports, Tammy McCullough and Sam Fullerton
Taxation and representation: Pennsylvania bachelors and the American Revolution, John Gilbert McCurdy
Taxes and the corporate sector debt ratio: Some time series evidence, Peter Rangazas and Abdullah A. Dewan
Tax more or spend less? Asymmetries in the UK revenue-expenditure nexus, James W. Saunoris and James E. Payne
Tax-spend nexus in Greece: Are there asymmetries?, Nicholas Apergis, James E. Payne, and James W. Saunoris
Teacher language awareness in content-based activity design, Kristen Lindahl, Laura Baecher, and Zuzana Tomaš
Teaching amortized analysis of algorithms effectively, Ranjan Chaudhuri
Teaching an applied business intelligence course, Stevan Mrdalj
Teaching bit-level algorithm analysis to the undergraduates in computer science, Ranjan Chaudhuri
Teaching enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in the supply chain management course, Huei Lee, Kuo Lane Chen, and Jiaqin Yang
Teaching management of information resources: A course description, Badie N. Farah
Teaching Reading to Emergent Adults: Focus on Pedagogical Materials, Rachel Turner
Teaching the indirect method of the statement of cash flows in Introductory Financial Accounting: A comprehensive, problem-based approach, Daniel R. Brickner and Gary B. McCombs
Teaching with Great Lakes data, Ann Marshall, Elizabeth LaPorte, Sandra Rutherford, and Rochelle Sturtevant
Teaching writing, Zuzana Tomaš, Ilka Kostka, and Jennifer A. Mott-Smith
Team-based learning, faculty research, and grant writing bring significant learning experiences to an undergraduate biochemistry laboratory course, Hedeel Guy-Evans, Deborah L. Heyl, and Peggy Liggit
Team emotional intelligence and team interpersonal process effectiveness, Crissie M. Frye, Rebecca Bennett, and Sheri Caldwell
TechMatters: Asana: Task Management and Collaboration in the Cloud, Krista Graham
TechMatters: Getting on the “Kanban”-wagon: Using KanbanFlow for Time and Project Management, Krista Graham
TechMatters: Let’s Get Interactive, (Videos That Is), with EdPuzzle and Vialogues, Krista Graham
Technological factors linking ERP to supply chain management: Modularity and integration, Sock H. Chung
Technological factors relevant to continuity on ERP for e-business platform: Integration, modularity, and flexibility, Douglas Turner and Sock H. Chung
Technological, organizational, and environmental factors affecting the adoption of cloud enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, John Njenga Kinuthia
Telecommuting: Its structure, options and business implications, Anthony Lococo, David C. Yen, and David C. Chou
Tell Me More, Tell Me More: Getting Writing Teachers Excited About the Framework, Elise Silva
Tempo-spatial patterns of land use changes and urban development in globalizing China: A study of Beijing, Yichun Xie, Chuanglin Fang, C.S. George Lin, Hongmian Gong, and Biao Qiao
Ternary complex formation kinetics. 2. Reaction of (triethylenetetramine)nickel(II) with ethylenediamine, bipyridine and sarcosine, Ralph K. Steinhaus and L H. Kolopajlo
Ternary complex formation kinetics. 3. Reaction of (ethylenediamine-N,N'-diacetato)nickel(II) with ethylenediamine, bipyridine, 1,10-phenanthroline, glycine and sarcosine, Ralph K. Steinhaus and L H. Kolopajlo
Terrorism and tourism: The case of Turkey, Mehmet E. Yaya
Testing and analytical procedures for laboratory studies involving nonresponders during a limited observation period: an illustration using male sexual behavior in rats, David L. Rowland and James A. Thornton
Testing contrarian strategies in the National Football League, Bill M. Woodland and Linda M. Woodland
Testing profitability in the NBA season wins total betting market, Bill M. Woodland and Linda M. Woodland
Testing some monetarist propositions, Peter Rangazas and Abdullah A. Dewan
Testing the exogeneity of economic time series: An application of innovation accounting, Abdullah A. Dewan
Thai exporter and U.S. importer relations: A pilot study using email survey, Harash J. Sachdev
The AACSB: A valuable tool for the language educator, Jean L. Bush-Bacelis
The Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 and the reaction of state historic preservation offices, Kelly A. Victor and Gary M. Victor
The ABCs of intellectual property in the classroom, Zenia C. Bahorski
The accreditation process for science: The path leads to unintended (positive) consequences, Beth W. Kubitskey, Sandra Rutherford, Bonnie Wylo, and Peggy Liggit
The advocacy approach to OD consulting: neutral is not enough, Gregory E. Huszczo and Maureen Sheahan
The Arabidopsis Dynamin-Related Protein2 Family Is Essential for Gametophyte Development, Steven K. Backues, David A. Korasick, Antje Heese, and Sebastian Y. Bednarek
The Asian financial crisis of 1997 and its consequences, Ramesh C. Garg, Suk H. Kim, and Eugene Swinnerton
The basic region of the diaphanous-autoregulatory domain (DAD) is required for autoregulatory interactions with the diaphanous-related formin inhibitory domain, Bradley J. Waller, Brittany N. Albaugh, Jessica A. Schoenherr, and Holly A. Holman
The born global entrepreneur in emerging economies, Elif S. Persinger, Ein Civi, and Suzanne Walsh Vostina
The case method: Bridging the college classroom and secondary classrooms, Sally M. McCombie and Patricia M. Zimmer
The challenges of obtaining a competitive advantage for processed material suppliers: A conceptual study, Harash J. Sachdev and Cipto Y. Joegiono
The change in real interest rate persistence in OECD countries: Evidence from modified panel ratio tests, Nicholas Apergis, Christina Christou, James E. Payne, and James W. Saunoris
The change of the properties of acrylic-based polyurethane via addition of nano-silica, Shuxue Zhou, Lumin Wu, Jian Sun, and Weidian Shen
The Claims of States to Cultural Property, Zac Robbins
The cognitive science of Wu Wei, Brian J. Bruya
The colonial u-turn: Why Poland is not Germany’s India, Jesse Kauffman
The commodification of nature & nonhumans: Some ethical, political & ontological considerations, J. Michael Scoville
The community interactions of gay and lesbian foster parents, Dennis Patrick and John Palladino
The computer continuum, Kurt F. Lauckner and Zenia C. Bahorski
The connection between multi-state resonant charge transfer dynamics and many-electron states in atom-metal surface scattering, E. B. Dahl, Ernest R. Behringer, D. R. Andersson, and B. H. Cooper
The contribution of a soft thin (metallic) film to a friction pair in the running-in process, Zhiqiang Liu, Anne Neville, R. L. Reuben, and Weidian Shen
The crystal structure of a novel, latent dihydroorotase from Aquifex aeolicus at 1.7A resolution, Philip D. Martin, Cristina Purcarea, Pengfei Zhang, and Asmita Vaishnav
The demise of the inhuman: Afrocentricity, modernism, and postmodernism, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
The depathologization of everyday life: Implications for philosophical counseling, Kate Mehuron
The detection of cytochrome P450 2E1 and its catalytic activity in rat testis, Y C. Jiang, C L. Kuo, S J. Pernecky, and W N. Piper
The determinants of fixed investment over the business cycle: Some time series evidence, Abdullah A. Dewan and Frederick E. Tank
The development and psychometric testing of the health literacy knowledge, application, and confidence scale (HLKACS), Marguerite Catherine DeBello
The development of underdevelopment at Akwesasne: Cultural and economic subversion, Jacqueline Goodman
The dynamics of health and its determinants among the elderly in developing countries, Younoh Kim
The dynamics of sectoral electricity demand for a panel of U.S. states: New evidence on the consumption-growth nexus, James W. Saunoris and Brandon J. Sheridan
The dynamics of the revenue-expenditure nexus: Evidence from U.S. state government finances, James W. Saunoris
The economic loss doctrine and consumers, Gary M. Victor
The economics of aerobics, Kemper W. Moreland
The educational duty of the German Chamber of Commerce, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
The effectiveness of assigned goals in complex financial decision making and the importance of gender, Megan L. Endres
The effectiveness of the Section 29 fuel from a nonconventional source tax credit, Robert M. Kiss and Susan C. Kattelus
The Effectiveness of U.S. Development Assistance in Fostering Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Deborah L. Munganga
The effect of Ca–Fe–As coatings on microbial leaching of metals in arsenic bearing mine waste, C G. Weisener, J W. Guthrie, C M. Smeaton, and D Paktunc
The effect of inter-country competition on interest rate pass-through in the European Union, Rishav Bista, Biniv Maskay, and James W. Saunoris
The effect of Keiretsu affiliation and resource dependencies on supplier firm performance in the Japanese automobile industry, Rakesh B. Sambharya and Kunal Banerji
The Effect of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) on the Human Skeleton, Sarah Bruckler
The Effect of Temporary Anosmia on Olfactory Bulb Glomerular Neuron Activation, Kelsey E. Zuk
The effect of transaction cost antecedents on control mechanisms: Exporters' psychic distance and economic knowledge as moderators, Harash J. Sachdev and Daniel C. Bello
The effects of different solar flare characteristics on the global thermosphere, David J. Pawlowski and Aaron J. Ridley
The effects of GATS on higher education and democracy, Margaret Crouch
The effects of physical and social context on evaluations of captive, intensive service relationships, Donald E. Conlon, Linn Van Dyne, Morgan Milner, and Kok Yee Ng
The effects of public pressure on CSR behavior in a capital market experiencing excessive moral debt, Pamela Barton Roush, Lois S. Mahoney, and Linda Thorne
The effects of risk aversion on wagering - Point spread versus odds, Bill M. Woodland and Linda M. Woodland
The effects of the Alternative Minimum Tax on banks' municipal bond investments, Buagu Musazi, B. Anthony Billings, and Angela L. J. Hwang
The effects of the international-domestic interest rate gap on U.S. output, Sharon J. Erenburg and David W. Goebel
The Effects of Unpredictable Food on Corticosterone and Social Learning in Red Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra), Megan Catharine Wurtz
The Effects that War Has on Children and Child Soldiers, Breanna V. Kingsley
The energetic particle and plasma spectrometer instrument on the MESSENGER Spacecraft, G. Bruce Andrews, Thomas H. Zurbuchen, Barry H. Mauk, Horace Malcom, Lennard A. Fisk, George Gloeckler, George C. Ho, Jeffery S. Kelley, Patrick L. Koehn, Thomas W. LeFevere, Stefano S. Livi, Robert A. Lundgren, and Jim M. Raines
The environment of poverty and the limits of girlhood: The struggle for the right to an education in North India. Gareebi Ka Mahual Aur Ladkeo Ki Hud, Imandeep Kaur Grewal
The Epistle of Second Baruch: A study in form and message, Mark Whitters
The Ethical Character from Plato to James: Strict and Stable to Flexible, Erga Lemish
The ethics of immigration and the justice of immigration policies, Peter W. Higgins
The ethics of immigration and the justice of immigration policies, Peter W. Higgins
The Euthyphro Dilemma and Utilitarianism, Mark Taylor
The expanding scope of binding arbitration and some small victories for consumers, Gary A. Victor and Harry Hastings
The fight for the nation in Arnold Antonin’s Zombi Candidat à la Présidence … ou Les Amours d’un Zombi, Toni Pressley-Sanon
The forgotten front: The British campaign in Italy 1917-1918, George H. Cassar
The founding of Pakistan: An annotated bibliography, Roger D. Long
The four domains of sports marketing: A conceptual framework, Sam Fullerton and G. Russell Merz
The French and the Dardanelles: A study of failure in the conduct of war, George H. Cassar
The functional implications of Afrocentrism, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
The functional implications of Afrocentrism, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
The generalized M/G/C//N-queue as a model for time-sharing systems, Aby Tehranipour and Lester Lipsky
The German occupation of Poland during the Great War and the continuities of German history, Jesse Kauffman
The green alga Chaetocladus (Dasycladales), Steven T. LoDuca
The ground state of XY chains with nearest and next-nearest neighbour interactions, J. Marshall Thomsen
The hairdresser and the scholar, Mark D. Higbee
The Haitian peasantry through oral and written literature: Roumain, Alexis, Endore, Carpentier and Fountain, Toni Pressley-Sanon
The icon of the Egyptian revolution: Using social media in the toppling of a Mideast government, Sadaf Ali and Shahira Fahmy
The illusion of freedom, the tragedy of fate, and the moral development of Ender Wiggin, Jeremy Proulx and Kevin S. Decker
The impact of client variability on nurses' occupational strain and injury: Cross-level moderation by safety climate, Sanjib Chowdhury and Megan Endres
The Impact of Green Businesses on the Building of Sustainable Communities, Emily L. Plummer
The impact of incentives on the intention to try a new technology, Yaman Roumani, Joseph K. Nwankpa, and Yazan F. Roumani
The impact of medical malpractice insurance cost on physician behaviour: The role of income and tort signal effects, James A. Thornton
The impact of racial identity on perceived microaggressions, racial socialization and psychological outcomes, Terrence Harper II
The impact of raters' level and type of sports experiences on inferences drawn from resumes, Richaurd R. Camp, Denise M. Tanguay, Megan L. Endres, and Elisa M. Torres
The impact of reputational resources on event performance in international film festivals, Joseph Lampel, Shiva Nadavulakere, and Anushri Rawat
The impact of security control on business-to-consumer electronic commerce, Kuo Lane Chen, Huei Lee, and Bradley W. Mayer
The impact of sports participation and gender on inferences drawn from resumes, Denise M. Tanguay, Richaurd R. Camp, Megan L. Endres, and Elisa Torres
The impact of the ACA's extension of coverage to dependents on young adults’ access to care and prescription drugs, Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Mehmet E. Yaya
The implications of land contracts for property tax assessment practices, John Edgren and Steve Hayworth
The importance of an innovative product design on customer behavior: Development and validation of a scale, Hakil Moon, Jeongdoo Park, and Sangkyun Kim
The indirect economic penalties in SEC investigations of underwriters, Randolph P. Beatty, Howard J. Bunsis, and John R. M. Hand
The Influence of Age and Environmental Enrichment on Tarantula (Grammostola pulchripes) Behavior, Samantha Malley-Donato
The Influence of organizational trust and organizational mindfulness on ERP systems usage, Joseph K. Nwamkpa and Yaman Roumani
The international search for ethics norms: Which consumer behaviors do consumers consider (un)acceptable?, Larry Neale and Sam Fullerton
The intersectionality thesis, Peter W. Higgins
The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Leadership in the Legal Field, Jordan Giles
The invisible streetscape: Vernacular buildings and being in 1850s wheeling, Danny J. Bonenberger and Trevor M. Harris
The Irish on the urban frontier: Nineteenth century Detroit, 1850-1880, JoEllen McNergney Vinyard
Theis time and distance-drawdown equations without curves or tables, Michael Kasenow
The labour supply behaviour of self-employed solo practice physicians, James A. Thornton
The Man on the spot: Essays on British Empire History., Roger D. Long
The menstrual cycle and performance feedback alter gender differences in competitive choices, David G. Wozniak, William T. Harbaugh, and Ulrich Mayr
The metal exchange reaction between NiMIDA and copper(II), Larry Kolopajlo
The Michigan Consumer Protection Act is virtually dead: Yet the legislature, executive branch, and many attorneys don't seem to know it, Gary M. Victor and Ian B. Lingklop
The Michigan Consumer Protection Act: What's left after Smith v. Globe?, Gary M. Victor
The moderating effects of customer driven complexity on the structure and growth relationship in young firms, Sanjib Chowdhury
The mononuclear metal center of type-I dihydroorotase from aquifex aeolicus, B F.P. Edwards, R Fernando, P D. Martin, and Enming Grimley
The multifaceted nature of online MBA student satisfaction and impacts on behavioral intentions, Megan L. Endres, Sanjib Chowdhury, Crissie Frye, and Cheryl A. Hurtubis
The myth of the on-off switch, Mary Ann Watson
The National Football League season wins total betting market: The impact of heuristics on behavior, Linda M. Woodland and Bill M. Woodland
The nature of a-movement in Arabic raising and passive structures, Saja Alburarabi
The Nature of Identity: Ecofeminism, Women's Poetry, and Reclaiming Power through the Recognition of Parallel Oppressions, Jessica Dailey
The novelty and nostalgia effects of a new major league baseball stadium as measured by its impact on attendance, the corresponding costs of attending, and ticket revenue, Sam Fullerton and Carol L. Bruneau
The ongoing challenge of total quality management, Clinton O. Longenecker and Joseph A. Scazzero
Theophilus of Antioch, Rick Rogers
Theophilus of Antioch, Rick Rogers
Theophilus of Antioch: The life and thought of a second-century bishop, Rick Rogers
The optimal exemption, Kemper W. Moreland
Theorizing embodiment: Conceptual metaphor theory and the comparative study of religion, James R. Egge
The overlaid network algorithms for areal interpolation problem, Yichun C. Xie
The Owl in Phoenician mortuary practice, Philip C. Schmitz
The Paris Club deal: Reason to celebrate?, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
The perceived value of direct mail advertising in small retail firms: Threat to local newspapers?, Judy F. Davis
The persistence of the small firm/January effect: Is it consistent with investors' learning and arbitrage efforts?, Kathryn E. Easterday, Pradyot K. Sen, and Jens A. Stephan
The phantom organic: Merleau-Ponty and the “Psychoanalysis of Nature", Laura McMahon
The phantom organic: Merleau-Ponty and the “Psychoanalysis of Nature”, Laura McMahon
The philosophical challenge from China, Brian J. Bruya
The philosophical life as the practice of “Dying and Being Dead”: Plato’s Phaedo and the Death of Socrates, Laura McMahon
The place of Africalogy in the university curriculum, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
The point of the simile in Aeschylus Agamemnon 241, James P. Holoka
The political career of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, William S. Metz and Roger D. Long
The politics of slavery, Richard F. Nation
The potential for privacy violations in elecronic human resource practices, T. Nichole Phillips, Linda C. Isenhour, and Dianna Stone
The power of Nommo: The Case of African literature in Portuguese language, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
The present and future of Black studies, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
The private motivations of public action: Women's associational lives and political activism in Brazil, Solange Simões, Bruno P. W. Reis, Daniel Biagioni, and Fabricio M. Fialho
The Purpose, Praxis, and Future of Academia: Fichtean Approaches to Education, Eri Svenson
The Quarterly Interview: Jessica Critten, Jessica Critten
The Quarterly Interview: Jo Angela Oehrli, Jo Angela Oehrli
The Quarterly Interview: Lane Wilkinson, Lane Wilkinson
The real effects of public investment on private investment, Sharon J. Erenburg
The rehabilitation of spontaneity: A new approach in philosophy of action, Brian J. Bruya
“There is still life”: Torture, vulnerability, and the body, Laura McMahon
The relationship between instructional strategies and teacher evaluation in Michigan public schools, Stephen D. Laatsch
The Relationship Between Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Depression in the General Population, Krystal Moroney
The relationships between parenting factors and parental sensitivity to the child's depression, Sara Thompson
The reverse favorite--longshot bias in the National Hockey League: Do bettors still score on longshots?, Linda M. Woodland and Bill M. Woodland
The reverse favourite-longshot bias and market efficiency in major league baseball: An update, Linda M. Woodland and Bill M. Woodland
The rise and fall of graduated income tax rates, Kemper W. Moreland
The Rise and Fall of the Library Science Program at Eastern Michigan University, Michael V. Barnes
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects of the Lipid Peroxidation of Arachidonic Acid, Claire E. Turnow, Betsy Lau, and M C. Milletti
Thermodynamic and kinetic factors in the aza-Cope rearrangement of a series of iminium cations, Mark Lukowski, Kathryn Jacobs, Powen Hsueh, and Harriet A. Lindsay
The role of affect- and cognition-based trust in complex knowledge sharing, Sanjib Chowdhury
The role of backbone conformation in deltorphin II binding: A QSAR study of new analogues modified in the 5-, 6-positions of the address domain, Stephen E. Schullery, David W. Rodgers, Sakambari Tripathy, and Don Eranda Jayamaha
The role of medium of exchange in acquisitions, Asrat Tessema
The roles of the university supervisor: Perceived importance and practical implications, Anne G. Nerenz
The Science of Communication: A Bayesian Account of Communication Strategy Selection, Danielle Clevenger
The Seinfeld doctrine - "No Hugging, No Learning" - Imprints the 1990s, Mary Ann Watson
The short-run relationship between real effective exchange rate and balance of trade in China, Mehmet E. Yaya and Xiaoxia Lu
The smallest active carbamoyl phosphate synthetase was identified in the human gut archaeon Methanobrevibacter smithii, Elena Popa, Nirosha Perera, Csaba Z. Kibedi-Szabo, and Hedeel Guy-Evans
The small in the large, the large in the small. Multiculturalism: An American concept from the Swiss perspective, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
The social media transformation process: Curating content into strategy, Mark Kilgour, Sheila L. Sasser, and Roy Larke
The sole serine/threonine protein kinase and its cognate phosphatase from Aquifex aeolicus targets pyrimidine biosynthesis, Cristina Purcarea, Roshini Fernando, Hedeel Evans, and David Evans
The spr š lh ̣“Tablet Scribe” at Phoenician Kition (CIS I 86 A 14), Philip C. Schmitz
The state of Africana studies today: Essays on scholarship and pedagogy, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
The Status of Green Criminology in Victimology Research, Demarco S. Johnson
The status of marketing information systems, decision support systems and expert systems in the marketing function of U.S. firms, Mary A. Higby and Badie N. Farah
The story of a gay foster parent, Dennis Patrick
The Struggle is Real: Facilitating Information Literacy Learning by Being Leaders of Failure, Liz McGlynn Bellamy
The tacit rejection of multiculturalism in American philosophy Ph.D. programs: The case of Chinese philosophy, Brian J. Bruya
The taste of virtue: Kant on ethics and aesthetics in the culinary arts, Jeremy Proulx
The theme of social protest in the literary fables of Tomás de Iriarte, Ronald Cere
The tragedy of Sir John French, George H. Cassar
The training of graduate teaching assistants in foreign languages: A review of literature and description of contemporary programs, Anne G. Nerenz
The transformation of U.S. steel 1945-1985: Perspectives from the corporation and the union, Stephanie E. Newell
The transformative power of the Afrocentric paradigm, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
The Ume6-Sin3-Rpd3 complex regulatesATG8transcription to control autophagosome size, Steven K. Backues, Melinda A. Lynch-Day, and Daniel J. Klionsky
The United States of Africa and the Marxist model, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira
The urban system in West China: A case study along the midsection of the ancient Silk Road - He-Xi Corridor, Yichun Xie, Robert Ward, Chuangline Fang, and Biao Qiao
The use of article summaries in accounting courses: Improving students' reading comprehension, learning, thinking, and communication skills, Edwin R. Etter and Barbara W. Ross
The Use of Mass Spectrometry to Differentiate Blue Dyes From Indigo and Woad, Precious I. Humphrey
The utility-maximizing self-employed physician, James A. Thornton and B. Kelly Eakin
The value relevance of industry and firm cash flows and accruals, William D. LaGore and Gary B. McCombs
The variable rate put bond: An efficient development for shareholders' wealth preservation under volatile interest rates, Sangphill Kim and Alahassane Diallo
The western North Atlantic record of MIS 13 to 10: Changes in primary productivity, organic carbon accumulation and benthic foraminiferal assemblages in sediments from the Blake Outer Ridge (ODP Site 1058), Maria-Serena Poli, Philip A. Meyers, and Robert C. Thunell
The Write-In in Fresno State: A Writing and Research Collaboration, Raymond Pun
Thomas J. Murray, Address at the Dedication of University Library, 1967, Thomas Murray
Three hypotheses for explaining the so-called oppression of men, Peter W. Higgins
Time series modeling of vulnerabilities, Yaman Roumani, Joseph K. Nwankpa, and Yazan F. Roumani
Timing contributions to state educational savings plans, Kemper W. Moreland
Timothy Dyer, Address at the Dedication of Bowen Field House, 1967, Timothy Dyer
Tips for successful podcasting, Zenia C. Bahorski
Title, Copyright, & Dedication
TL;DR - Communicating in the Age of Social Media, Julia L. Czekaj
Today's ethical perspectives of tomorrow's business leaders, Jim Fisher, Sam Fullerton, and Gordon Woodbine
To downsize human capital: The strategic human resource outcomes of downsizing, Gary C. McMahan, Alankrita Pandey, and Brian Martinson
Tools for team excellence: Getting your team into high gear and keeping it there, Gregory E. Huszczo
Tools for team leadership: Delivering the X-factor in team excellence, Gregory E. Huszczo
Too Retro for Religion: Self-Identity and the Presence of God in the works of L. J. Smith and Bram Stoker, Jasmyn C. Barringer
Tourmaline chemistry and the IIIB site, Christine M. Clark, Eva R. Wadoski, and Emily D. Freeman
Tourmaline; structural formula calculations, Christine M. Clark
Toward an Afrocological pedagogical approach to African civilization, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Toward a transnational history of German war aims in occupied Poland, 1915-1918, Jesse Kauffman
Towards an Africological pedagogical approach to African civilization, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Towards an Africological pedagogical approach to African civilization, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Towards an understanding of Africology, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Towards an understanding of Africology (2nd ed.), Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Towards an understanding of Africology (3rd ed.), Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Towards an understanding of Africology (4th ed.), Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Towards an understanding of the Afrocentric conceptual paradigm, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Towards long-term international collaboration in computer science education, Sufyan Al-Janabi and William Sverdlik
Towards semantic-based object-oriented CASE tools, R France, Matthew P. Evett, and E Grant
Traffic jamming on hexagonal lattice, S Maniccam
Training for team building, Gregory E. Huszczo
Training of intelligent intrusion detection system using neuro fuzzy, Biswajit Panja, Olugbenga Ogunyanwo, and Priyanka Meharia
Transcriptional regulation by pho23 modulates the frequency of autophagosome formation, M Y. Jin, D He, S K. Backues, and M A. Freeberg
Transfer of knowledge, Amy Flanagan Johnson and Sandra Rutherford
Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Et Al.: A survey of emergent grassroots protests & public perceptions of justice, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
Trial by gas: The British army at the Second Battle of Ypres, George H. Cassar
Tricking for change: Establishing the literary trickster in the western tradition, Christopher Michael Stuart
Tsu Yin Wu, Professor of Nursing, Office of Research Development and Administration
Type Dirty to Me: An Analysis of Sexting as a Form of Communication in Long-term Romantic Relationships, Catlin Cole
Ume6 transcription factor is part of a signaling cascade that regulates autophagy, Clinton R. Bartholomew, Tsukasa Suzuki, Zhou Du, and Steven K. Backues
UML coverage in systems analysis and design textbooks, Stevan Mrdalj and Vladan Jovanovic
Undergraduates Evaluate Resources and Services, Eastern Michigan University Library and Susann deVries
Undergraduate Symposium, 2013, College of Arts & Sciences
Undergraduate Symposium, 2016, College of Arts & Sciences
Undergraduate Symposium, 2017, College of Arts & Sciences
Under sacred ground: A history of Navajo oil, 1922-1982, Kathleen P. Chamberlain
Understanding and teaching variations of every-day business language and behavior in German-speaking countries, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Understanding critical reading in an ESL class in Singapore, Cynthia Jean Macknish
Understanding performance of joint ventures: Modeling the interactional strength of fit between partners, Shiri D. Vivek and R. Glenn Richey
Understanding the link between initial ERP systems and ERP-enabled adoption, Joseph K. Nwamkpa, Yaman Roumani, Alan Brandyberry, and Alfred Guiffrida
Understanding the role consumer involvement plays in the effectiveness of hospital advertising, Tammy McCullough and H. Robert Dodge
Understanding total cost ownership issues from a value analysis perspective, Harash J. Sachdev
University Library 2010-2011 Materials Cancellation Project, University Library
University Library Annual Report FY 2010-2011, Tara Lynn Fulton
University Library Annual Report FY 2011-12, Tara Lynn Fulton
University Library Annual Report FY 2012-2013, Tara Lynn Fulton
University Library Annual Report FY 2013-14, Tara Lynn Fulton
University Library Annual Report FY 2014-2015, Susann deVries
University Library Annual Report FY 2015-2016, Susann deVries
University Library Quick Facts 2014-2015, 2015-2016, Eastern Michigan University Library
Unlearning and the one minute paper, W. John Koolage
Unnecessary suffering, Jill M. Dieterle
Unraveling the mysteries of copyright protection in education, Zenia C. Bahorski and Konnie Kustron
Unusual reagent control of diastereoselectivity in the 1,2-addition of hard carbon nucleophiles to c6-heteroatom substituted cyclohexenones, Harriet A. Lindsay, Catherine L. Salisbury, Wally Cordes, and Matthias C. McIntosh
Up through the cracks: Raoul Peck’s Moloch Tropical and the ghosts of Haitian history, Toni Pressley-Sanon
Urban street systems in nineteenth century Ohio towns: An analysis of diffusion, John M. Wegner
User interface driven system design, Stevan Mrdalj and Vladan Jovanovic
Using accounting information for financial planning and forecasting: An application of the Sustainable Growth Model using Coca-Cola, John C. Gardner, Carl B. McGowan, and Susan E. Moeller
Using a hybrid fuzzy classifier (HFC) to map typical grassland vegetation in Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China, Z Sha, Y Bai, Yichun Xie, M Yu, and L Zhang
Using a regression approach to study the influence of male fetuses on the genital morphology of neonatal female rats, Elizabeth J. Houtwsmuller, James A. Thornton, and David L. Rowlands
Using classroom wikis for student collaboration, Russell D. Jones
Using credit-by-exam to connect advanced high school geology courses to university geology programs; Lessons learned from a state-wide pilot study in Michigan, Stephen Mattox, Sandra Rutherford, and Tom Fitz
Using debates to develop oral communication skills, Cynthia Jean Macknish
Using fundamental analysis of financial information to explain unexpected market behaviour, Daniel R. Brickner, Charles A. Brown, and Mark Myring
Using genetic programming to determine software quality, Matthew P. Evett, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Pei-der Chien, and Edward B. Allen
Using Microsoft corporation to demonstrate the optimal capital structure trade-off theory, John C. Gardner, Carl B. McGowan, and Susan E. Moeller
Using Monte Carlo simulation for a capital budgeting project, Virgina Clark, Margaret Reed, and Jens A. Stephan
Using Monte Carlo Simulation to improve long-term investment decisions, Charles F. Kelliher and Lois S. Mahoney
Using scenarios and vignettes in cross-cultural business communication instruction, David A. Victor
Using stationary points on potential energy surfaces to model intermolecular interactions and retention in gas chromatography, J E. Knox, H P. Hratchian, N Trease, and J Struble
Using the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database in the classroom, Christine Clark and Robert Downs
Utilizing geographic information systems to examine the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics in food oasis and food desert in Wayne County, MI, Arwa Hassan Almadan
Valla Grammaticus, Agostino Steuco, and the Donation of Constantine, Ronald K. Delph
Valuing Coca-Cola using the free cash flow to equity valuation model, John C. Gardner, Carl B. McGowan, and Susan E. Moeller
Variation of pKa in the N-terminal tyrosine side chain in octapeptide analogs of tendamistat influences α-Amylase Inhibition, D Heyl, B Sethi, A Rogalski, and C Bowen
Variations in the chemical composition of povondraite, Christine M. Clark and Frank C. Hawthorne
Vascular dementia: Philosophical and neurocognitive perspectives, Kate Mehuron
Vector model for window-diagram optimization of tunable column ensembles for high-speed GC, H Smith and Richard Sacks
Vice President Alben Barkley, Centennial Address, 1949, Alben Barkley
Victorio: Apache warrior and chief, Kathleen P. Chamberlain
Vigilant spreadsheets, Charles Kelliher and Lois S. Mahoney
Vijay Mannari, Professor of Polymers and Coatings, Office of Research Development and Administration
Violence and the rights of African Americans in Civil War-era Indiana, Richard F. Nation
Virtual prices and a general theory of the owner operated firm, James A. Thornton and B. Kelly Eakin
Visible-light photocatalysis of nitrogen-doped TiO2 nanoparticulate films prepared by low-energy ion implantation, Hong Shen, Lan Mi, Peng Xu, Weidian Shen, and Pei-Nan Wang
Visuomotor adaptation in young adults with and without motor difficulties, Chi-Mei Lee
Warsaw University under German occupation: State building and nation building in Poland during the Great War, Jesse Kauffman
Was das nun wieder soll?: von Im Block bis Letzte Grüsse ; zu Werk und Leben Walter Kempowskis, Carla Ann Damiano, Jörg Drews, and Doris Plöschberger
Watching you watching me: The work of the gaze in two films by Dany Laferriére, Toni Pressley-Sanon
Wavefront distortion analysis: Application of optical phase-shift measurements to the study of surface absorption behavior of transparent polymers, Donald M. Snyder
Ways of seeing: Towards a phenomenology of implication, Laura McMahon
Ways that female masculinity is a queer performance of feminist activism, Kathryn Ziegler
W. E. B. Du Bois, F. B. Ransom, the Madam Walker Company, and black business leadership in the 1930s, Mark D. Higbee
Web technology and supply chain management, David C. Chou, Xin Tan, and David C. Yen
“We have no right to shoot them:” Military executions in the Union Army, Steven J. Ramold
“We have yet to become human’”: Reappropriating universal human rights with Judith Butler, Laura McMahon
Welfare pluralism and sustainability, J. Michael Scoville
"We're Not Gonna Take It": An Examination of Congress and Controversial Music, Elizabeth Krochmalny
“We should have killed them all”: The violent reaction of Union soldiers to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Steven J. Ramold
Wes Vivian Introduces Zolton Ferency, 1966, Wes Vivian
We the bachelors, John Gilbert McCurdy
What do advertising awards actually reward?, Mark Kilgour, Scott Koslow, and Sheila L. Sasser
What is creative to whom and why? Perceptions in advertising agencies, Scott Koslow, Sheila L. Sasser, and Edward A. Riordan
What is poverty?, Peter W. Higgins, Audra King, and April Shaw
What is the language of business? Affecting business outcome before you say a word, David A. Victor
What sort of “cognitivist” was Robert C. Solomon? The development of Solomon’s emotion theory, Michael D. Doan
What would you do if ...? Perceptions about anticipating and responding to language classroom incidents, Cynthia Jean Macknish
What you need to start an academic career as a chemical educator, Larry Kolopajlo
When to stretch and when not to stretch an inherited IRA: The special case of the special needs trust, Lewis B. Hershey, Terence B. Stanaland, and Terry L. Owens
Where in the cell is SIRT3?--functional localization of an NAD+-dependent protein deacetylase, William C. Hallows, Brittany N. Albaugh, and John M. Denu
Whose peace? Anti-military litigation and the right to live in peace in postwar Japan, Tomoyuki Sasaki
Why can’t we behave?—with apologies to Cole Porter, Margaret Crouch
Why do customers utilize the internet as a retailing platform?: A view from consumer perceived value, Julian Ming-Sung Cheng, Edward Shih-Tse Wang, Julia Ying-Chao Lin, and Shiri D. Vivek
William Shelton Oral History Interview, 1998 April 3, Laurence Smith
William Shelton Oral History Interview, 1999 April 19, Laurence Smith
William Stephens Oral History Interview, 1998 May 13, Laurence Smith
Wirelessly Sensing Open Parking Spaces: Accounting and Management of Parking Facility., Biswajit Panja, Bradley Schneider, and Priyanka Meharia
With AJAX who needs applets for web page development?, Augustine C. Ikeji
With a nod to Cosby, the black family channel steps up to the plate, Mary Ann Watson
Within inequality characteristics and adaptation of immigrants in the United States, Mehmet E. Yaya
Working memory and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, Alison Margaret Colbert
World history (2nd ed), Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur, Janice J. Terry, James P. Holoka, and Richard D. Goff
World history (3rd ed), Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur, Janice J. Terry, James P. Holoka, and Richard D. Goff
World history (4th ed), Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur, Janice J. Terry, James P. Holoka, and Richard D. Goff
World history (5th ed), Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur, Janice J. Terry, James P. Holoka, and Richard D. Goff
“Your affectionate brother”: Complementary manhoods in the letters of John and Timothy Pickering, John Gilbert McCurdy
Your M&A map for success, Mohsen Sharifi, Vijay Karan, and Zafar U. Khan
You've always been wrong, René Daumal and Thomas Vorsteen
Zolton Ferency Introduces G. Mennen Williams, 1966, Zolton Ferency
Zombifying a nation: Race, gender and the Haitian Loas on screen, Toni Pressley-Sanon