Content Posted in 2023
Race differences in opioid misuse and adolescent suicidality, Keith Tsz-Kit Chan, Shagyun Zhou, and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski
Racial difference in the relationship between health and happiness in the United States, Sharon Cobb, Arash Javanbakht, Ebrahim Khalifeh Soltani, Mohsen Bazargan, and Shervin Assari
Radical love as resistance: Youth Participatory Action Research for transformation, Rachel Radina and Tammy Schwartz
Ramos v. Louisiana on unanimous juries, David Klein
Rapid prompting, James T. Todd
Rapid prompting, James T. Todd
R. Crumb: Literature, autobiography, and the quest for self, David Stephen Calonne
Reactive CeO2 nanofluids for UV protective films, Rafael Maniglia*, Kenneth J. Reed, and John Texter
Reading the spirits in Julia Alvarez’s A wedding in Haiti, Toni Pressley-Sanon
Reasoning, science, and the ghost hunt, W. John Koolage and Timothy Hansel
Recent immigrant newcomers' socialization in the workplace: Roles of organizational socialization tactics and newcomer strategies, Amina Malik and Laxmikant Manroop
Reception and criticism (1960 to present), Joseph Csicsila
Recommendations for large-scale exhumations of Potter's Fields: Cases in the US, Jaymelee J. Kim and Megan K. Moore
Recounting racism, resistance, and repression: Examining the experiences and #hashtag activism of college students with critical race theory and counternarratives, Rema Reynolds and Darquilius Mayweather^
Reducing lactation support disparities for a marginalized community through a policy, systems, and environmental change approach: A case study in Michigan, Tsu-Yin Wu, Olivia Ford, Alice Jo Rainville, Rachel Bessire*, Xinging Yang, Tameka Jackson-Dyer*, and Amaal Haimout
Reflecting on academic service-learning research in a university intensive English program, Cynthia Macknish, Tiffany Johnson*, and Michael McLelland*
Reflective thinking, ambiguity tolerance, and knowledge sharing: Application of the motivation-opportunity-ability framework, Megan Lee Endres and Sanjib K. Chowdhury
Regulation of amyloid-beta levels by matrix metalloproteinase-2/9 (MMP2/9) in the media of lung cancer cells, Sadaf Dorandish*, Asana Williams*, Sarah Atali*, Sophia Sendo*, Deanna Price, Colton Thompson*, Deborah Heyl, Hedeel Guy-Evans, and Jeffrey Guthrie
Regulation of cisplatin resistance in lung cancer cells by nicotine, BDNF, and a β-adrenergic receptor blocker, Ravel Ray*, Hind Al Khashali*, Ben Haddad*, Jadziah Wareham*, Kai-Ling Coleman*, Danyah Alomari*, Robert Razenberger*, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, and Hedeel Guy Evans
Regulation of participation and athlete rights, Erica Zonder
Regulation of the soluble amyloid precursor protein α (sAPPα) levels by acetylcholinesterase and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in lung cancer cell media, Hind Al Khashali*, Ravel Ray*, Kai-Ling Coleman*, Sarah Atali*, Ben Haddad*, Jadziah Wareham*, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, and Hedeel Guy-Evans
Rehabilitating citizenship: Lessons from acrosss the curriculum, Jeffrey L. Bernstein, Michael B. Smith, and Rebecca S. Nowacek
Relationship of self-determination theory constructs and physical activity and diet in a Mexican American population in Nueces County, Texas, Joan E. Cowdery, Jiawei Xing, Brisa N. Sanchez, Kathleen M. Conley, Ken Resnicow, Lewis B. Morgenstern, and Devin L. Brown
Relationships among band festival ratings, director gender, and other selected factors, Healther Nelson Shouldice and Victoria Woolnough
Reliability and validity of using structured visual-inspection criteria to interpret latency-based functional analysis outcomes, Eleah Sunde*, Adam M. Briggs, and Daniel R. Mitteer
Religion, multiculturalism, and phenomenology as a critical practice: Lessons from the Algerian War of Independence, Laura McMahon
Reluctant partner: The complete story of the French participation in the Dardanelles expedition of 1915, George H. Cassar
Remembering Robert W. Eisenberger: A tribute to his life and his work on perceived organizational support, Salar Mesdaghinia
Remote sensing of sustainable ecosystems, Yichun Xie, Zongyao Sha, and Victor Mesev
Reply to Robert Neville, Brian Bruya
Reports of conferences, institutes and seminars, Courtney McAllister, Marie Seymour-Green, Katherine Mason, Tina Herman Buck, Tami Wilkerson, Dejah Rubel, Kristin Rogers, Shannon Keller, Katy DiVittorio, Jennifer W. Green, Anita Kazmierczak, Rachel K. Fischer, and Chris Palazzolo
Reports of conferences, institutes, and seminars, John Kimbrough, Ian Knabe, Jessica K. LaBrie, Sharon A. Purtee, Emily Ray, Kristen Twardowski, and Karen Rogers-Collins
Republication of: Finding our roots: An exercise for creating a personal teaching philosophy statement, Joy E. Beatty, Jennifer S. A. Leigh, and Kathy Lund Dean
Republication of: Philosophy rediscovered: Exploring the connections between teaching philosophies, educational philosophies, and philosophy, Joy E. Beatty, Jennifer S. A. Leigh, and Kathy Lund Dean
Research and the clinical education and supervision process, Sarah M. Ginsberg and Mark DeRuiter
Researching the effectiveness of an online human trafficking awareness program among community health nursing students, Jenni L. Hoffman and Grigoris Argeros
Resentment, Will, and Moral Identity, Nicole Reid
Responding to feedback, Jennifer Avery
Response to 1989-90 annual enrollment plan, (Eastern Michigan University), October 25, 1988, Eastern Michigan University
Resume assessors' experiences, attitudes toward job context, and corresponding evaluations and associated confidence, Richaurd R. Camp, Denise Tanguay, Megan Endres, and Kiplin N. Kaldahl
Rethinking and reconfiguring class meetings and assignments for remote instruction, Michael Foster
Reversible colloidal crystallization, Naveen Kuriakose, Pallavi Bapat, Harriet Lindsay, and John Texter
[Review of the book 1865: America makes war and peace in Lincoln's final year, edited by H. Holzer & S. V. Gabbard], Steven J. Ramold
[Review of the book A minor apocalypse: Warsaw during the First World War, by R. Blobaum], Jesse Kauffman
[Review of the book A philosophy of the social construction of crime, by D. Polizzi], Gregg Barak
[Review of the book Birds in winter: Surviving the most challenging season, by R. F. Pasquier], Peter A. Bednekoff
[Review of the book Black Elk: The life of an American visionary, by J. Jackson], Lori Burlingame
[Review of the book Carving out the commons: Tenant organizing and housing cooperatives in Washington, D.C., by A. Huron], Mary-Elizabeth B. Murphy
[Review of the book Coming of age in Jim Crow D.C.: Navigating the politics of everyday life, by P. C. Austin], Mary-Elizabeth B. Murphy
[Review of the book Contingent citizens: Inclusion, exclusion, and the shifting boundaries of American immigration laws, by P. J. Shapiro], Ashley Johnson Bavery
[Review of the book Cycle of segregation: Social processes and residential stratification, by M. Krysan & K. Crowder], Grigoris Argeros
[Review of the book Dirty money: On financial delinquency, by V. Ruggiero], Gregg Barak
[Review of the book Existential psychotherapy: A genetic-phenomenological approach, by D. Sousa], Kate Mehuron
[Review of the book Field hydrogeology (4th ed.), by R. Brassington], Christopher A. Gellasch
[Review of the book Global networks, local action: Rethinking adult education policy in the 21st century, edited by M. Milana], Michael McVey
[Review of the book Latin American extractivism: Dependency, resource nationalism, and resistance in broad perspective, by S. Ellner], Richard Stahler-Sholk
[Review of the book Merleau-Ponty between philosophy and symbolism: The matrixed ontology, by R. Kaushik], Laura McMahon
[Review of the book Mobile makes learning free: Building conceptual, professional, and school capacity, by B. Handal], Michael McVey
[Review of the book Shadow education and the curriculum and culture of schooling in South Korea, by Y. C. Kim.], Michael McVey
[Review of the book Shadow education as worldwide curriculum studies, by Y. C. Kim & J.-H. Jung], Michael McVey
[Review of the book The Arabic Freud: Psychoanalysis and Islam in modern Egypt, by O. El Shakry], Kate Mehuron
[Review of the book The birth of sense: Generative passivity in Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy, by D. Beith], Laura McMahon
[Review of the book The ladies of Llangollen: Desire, indeterminacy, and the legacies of criticism, by F. Brideoake], Abby Coykendall
[Review of the book The other in perception: A phenomenological account of our experiences of other persons, by S. Bredlau], Laura McMahon
[Review of the book The rise of the Arab American left: Activists, allies and their fight against imperialism and racism, 1960s–1980s, by P. E. Pennock], Kristine J. Ajrouch
[Review of the book The road to resegregation: Northern California and the failure of politics, by A. Schafran], Grigoris Argeros
[Review of the book Thinking between Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty, by J. Wambacq], Laura McMahon
Revising the national standards for sport coaches within the USA, Lori Gano-Overway, Pete Van Mullem, Melissa Long, Melissa Thompson, Bob Benham, Christine Bolger, Andrew Driska, Anthony Moreno, and Dan Schuster
Revisiting comfort women history and representing trauma in South Korean films Never ending story and Herstory, Ian Wojcik-Andrews and Hyun-Joo Yoo
Rewriting teacher education: Food, love, and community, Imandeep K. Grewall, Amanda Maher, Hanna Watters*, and Donacal Clemens*
Rigor in your school: A toolkit for leaders, Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn
Road salt chloride retention in wetland soils and effects on dissolved organic carbon export, Kayla M. McGuide* and Kristin E. Judd
Robert England, Oral History Interview, 2019, Matt Jones
Rob Musial, Oral History Interview, 2022, Akaiia Ridley and Matt Jones
Routledge handbook of public criminologies, Kathryn E. Henne (Editor) and Rita Shah (Editor)
Saffron Bloom: A novel, Heather Neff
Salad bars in school and fruit and vegetable selection and consumption: A review of recent research, Kari Slawson* and Alice Jo Rainville
Salary Roster, 2022 April, Eastern Michigan University
Salary Roster, 2022 August, Eastern Michigan University
Salary Roster, 2022 February, Eastern Michigan University
Salary Roster, 2022 July, Eastern Michigan University
Salary Roster, 2022 June, Eastern Michigan University
Salary Roster, 2022 June, Eastern Michigan University
Salary Roster, 2022 March, Eastern Michigan University
Salary Roster, 2022 May, Eastern Michigan University
Salary Roster, 2022 November, Eastern Michigan University
Salary Roster, 2022 October, Eastern Michigan University
Salary Roster, 2022 September, Eastern Michigan University
San Jose State violates Title IX, faces retaliation lawsuits: University failed to protect student-athletes from athletic trainer sexual harassment, Erica J. Zonder
Sara Jurca, Oral History Interview, 2022, Aaron Hughes
SARS-COV-2 as potential microRNA sponge in COVID-19 patients, Chang Li, Rebecca Wang, Aurora Wu, Tina Yuan, Kevin Song, and Yongsheng Bai
Satisfaction with the use of telehealth during COVID-19: An integrative review, Elizabeth Andrews*, Kendall Berghofer*, Julie Long*, Amber Prescott*, and Meriam Caboral-Stevens
Saudis’ attitude toward principles of modernity: Social progress, individualism, and democracy, Ammar Ali H Alhumood
Scalable exfoliation and dispersion of two-dimensional materials - an update, Hengcong Tao, Yuqin Zhang, Yunnan Gao, Zhenyu Sun, Chao Yan, and John Texter
School nutrition training needs regarding food sensitivities and food trends, Lauren Renn and Alice Jo Rainville
Scope of practice and standards of training across the clinical professions, Thomas J. Waltz
SCOTUS 2018: Major decisions and developments of the U.S. Supreme Court, David Klein and Morgan Marietta
SCOTUS 2019: Major decisions and developments of the U.S. Supreme Court, David Klein and Morgan Marietta
Screening for behavioral health problems in adult primary care, Michelle Byrd, Casiana Warfield*, Kristina Brookshire*, and Lauren Ostarello*
Seaweed morphology and ecology during the great animal diversification events of the early Paleozoic: A tale of two floras, S. T. LoDuca, N. Bykova, M. Wu, S. Xiao, and Y. Zhao
Seedling responses to decreased snow depend on canopy composition and small-mammal herbivore presence, Peter W. Guiden, Brian M. Connolly, and John L. Orrock
Seeking God in the works of T. S. Eliot and Michelangelo, Harry Edwin Eiss
Self-initiated international career transition: A qualitative case study of Pakistani immigrants to Canada, Amina Raza Malik, Laxmikant Manroop, and Parbudyal Singh
Self-regulation and psychopathology in young children, Jamie M. Lawler, Jerrica Pitzen, Kristin M. Aho*, Ka I. Ip, Yanni Liu, Jessica L. Hruschak, Maria Muzik, Katherine L. Rosenblum, and Kate D. Fitzgerald
“Sense of presence” in immersive virtual reality environment: An evolutionary concept analysis, Brigitte S. Cypress and Meriam Caboral-Stevens
Sensing air quality: Spatiotemporal interpolation and visualization of real-time air pollution data for the contiguous United States, Mark Kalo, Xiaolu Zhou, Lixin Li, Weitian Tong, and Reinhard Piltner
Serious mental illness, Alexandros Maragakis and Michael Vriesman*
Service-Learning in Language for Specific Purposes: A Case of Korean Language Practicum, Seung-Eun Chang, Jong Hyun Lee, and Lee Oh
SERVQUAL reliability and validity: A pilot study to evaluate patients’ satisfaction in the Jordanian hospitals, Mohammed S. Ibrahim* and Muhammad S. Ahmed
Set systems with positive intersection sizes, Jiuqiang Liu and Xiaodong Liu
Seventeenth Annual Commencement, June 30, 1870, Michigan State Normal School
Sexism and racism in STEM: A bleak history and a bright future, Abigail Hoskins
Sexual harassment, Erica J. Zonder
Shakespeare's cognitive ethology: Bias as plasticity, Craig Dionne
Shaping city government through effective technology management: The changing role of public libraries, Dorothy McAllen, Guy Downs, and Heather Ascani
Shifting the focus: Food choice, paternalism, and state regulation, Jill M. Dieterle
Should you be wearing a tinfoil hat?, Michael Goldsby and W. John Koolage
Silence has no place: A framing analysis of corporate statements about racial inequity, immigration policy and LGBTQ rights, Yvette M. Sterbenk, Jamie Ward, Regina Luttrell, and Summer Shelton
Simultaneous estimation of legal and illegal supply and demand: The case of motion pictures, Anthony Koschmann and Douglas Bowman
Single-molecule rna fluorescence in situ hybridization (Smfish) in caenorhabditis elegans, ChangHwan Lee, Hannah S. Seidel, Tina R. Lynch, Erika B. Sorensen, Sarah L. Crittenden, and Judith Kimble
Sleep and negative affect across toddlerhood in the context of stress, Jessica F. Sperber, Maureen E. McQuillan, Caroline P. Hoyniak, Angela D. Staples, Kathleen M. Rudasill, Victoria J. Molfese, and John E. Bates
Sleep in early childhood: The role of bedtime routines, Angela D. Staples and Leah LaLonde*
Slippery scripts: “SOAP dropping” threats in the gendered prison setting, Kaylee Mulholland and Uttara Manohar
Slope and line of best fit: A transfer of knowledge case study, Courtney Nagle, Stephanie Casey, and Deborah Moore-Russo
Smart microwave oven with image classification and temperature recommendation algorithm, Tareq Khan
Soar Higher History Wall created through the lens of a public relations-communications student, Brooke Whittaker
Social disorganization theory, Michael J. Lynch and Kimberly L. Barrett
Social formations analysis: Modes, class, gender, and the multiple contexts for agency, Bradley E. Ensor
Social justice, environmental destruction, and the Trump presidency: A criminological view, Michael J. Lynch, Paul B. Stretesky, Michael A. Long, and Kimberly L. Barrett
Social relations across the life span: Scientific advances, emerging issues, and future challenges, Toni C. Antonucci, Kristine J. Ajrouch, Noah J. Webster, and Laura B. Zahodne
Social relations and technology: Continuity, context, and change, Toni C. Antonucci, Kristine J. Ajrouch, and Jasmine A. Manalel
Social Security Amendments of 1965 (or “Medicare Act of 1965” and/or the “Medicaid Act of 1965”), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski
Socia media use in adolescence: Longitudinal relationships with social functioning and psychopathology, Aidan Schmitt
Sociophonetics, semantics, and intention, Eric K. Acton
Soil-borne seed pathogens: Contributors to the naturalization gauntlet in Pacific Northwest (USA) forest and steppe communities?, Brian M. Connolly, L. M. Carris, and R. N. Mack
Soil resources mediate the strength of species but not trait convergence across grassland restorations, Christopher P. Catano, Tyler J. Bassett, Jonathan T. Bauer, Emily Grman, Anna M. Groves, Chad R. Zirbel, and Lars A. Brudvig
So, what is Title IX? Assessing college athletes knowledge of the law, Ellen J. Staurowsky, Erica J. Zonder, and Brenda A. Riemer
Spatiotemporal analysis of air pollution and its application in public health, Lixin Li (Editor), Xiaolu Zhou (Editor), and Weitian Tong
Spatiotemporal analysis of interactions between seasonal water, climate, land use, policy, and socioeconomic changes: Hulun-Buir Steppe as a case study, Chenghu Zhou, Yichun Xie, Anbing Zhang, Chao Liu, and Jingyu Yang
Spatiotemporal interpolation methods for air pollution, Lixin Li, Weitian Tong, and Reinhard Piltner
Special Issue, Part II: Global Advances in Business Communication - World Languages for Specific Purposes: The Future is BLENDED, Steven J. Sacco and Diana M. Ruggiero
Special needs planning (SNP), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski
Special needs trust (SNT), Annemarie M. Kelly and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski
Species pool size alters species–area relationships during experimental community assembly, Christopher P. Catano, Emily Grman, Eric Behrens, and Lars A. Brudvig
Specific phobias, Ellen I. Koch and Michelle A. Fernando*
Spectroscopic studies of dye-doped porous alumina membranes, C. On, E. K. Tanyi, M. Pashchanka, Jonathan R. Skuza, V. N. Peters, and M. A. Noginov
Speech and language assessment of internationally adopted children, Lindsey Clifford
Speech-language pathologists' perspectives on augmentative communication and autism spectrum disorder, Madison Lambert
Spirituality and leader forgiveness: The role of spiritual self-regulation, Seyed Alireza Musavi Madani and Salar Mesdaghinia
Spiritual practices are associated with improved weight management following bariatric surgery, Kellsey N. Launius*, Leslie M. Schuh, Karen Saules, Carey Landry, David B. Creel, Linda Rodriguez, and Christopher Evanson
Spring Ceremonial Script, April 20, 1991, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Ceremonial Script, April 21, 1990, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Ceremonial Script, April 22, 1989, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Ceremonial Script, April 26, 1992, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Ceremonial Script, COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, April 25, 1993, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Ceremonial Script, COLLEGES OF BUSINESS, HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY, April 25, 1993, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Bruce T. Halle, April 23, 1995, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Carolyne K. Davis, National/International Health Care Adviser for Ernst and Whinney, April 22, 1989, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Dr. John A. DiBiaggio. President The University of Connecticut, April 20, 1985, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Dr. John Psarouthakis Founder, Chairman and President J.P. Industries, Inc., April 23, 1988, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, "Educated Choices for a Sustainable Future", Simon A. Levin, April 21, 1990, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Gene B. Sperling, April 27, 1997, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Hayes Jones, April 29, 2001, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, James B. Appleberry, April 26, 1992, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, John B. Damoose, April 22, 1991, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, John M. Engler Governor, State of Michigan, April 25, 1999, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, John Stewart, April, 23 2005, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Lana Pollack, April 25, 2004, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Phillip H. Power, April 27, 2003, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Richard W. Riley, U.S. Secretary of Education, April 26, 1998, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Senator Alma Wheeler Smith 18th Michigan State Senate District, April 25, 1999, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, "TECHNOLOGY AND CHANGE" Dr. Alvin E. Rudisill, Dean College of Technology Eastern Michigan University, April 25, 1987, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, "The American Mind", Thomas A. Fleming, April 25, 1993, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, "THE MORAL EQUIVALENT OF WAR", Elliot Lee Richardson, April 20, 1974, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Address, Walter J. McCarthy, Jr., Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Detroit Edison, april 30, 1983, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 16, 1977, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 16, 2011, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 19, 1980, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 19, 1986, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 20, 1985, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 20, 1991, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 21, 1979, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 21, 1990, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 21, 2018, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 22, 1989, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 22, 2017, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 23, 1978, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 23, 1988, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 23, 1995, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 23, 2005, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 24, 1994, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 24, 2016, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 25, 1987, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 25, 1993, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 25, 1999, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 25, 2004, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 25, 2010, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 26, 1992, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 26, 1998, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 26, 2009, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 26, 2015, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 27, 1997, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 27, 2002, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 27, 2003, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 27, 2008, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 28, 1984, Eastern Michigan College
Spring Commencement, April 28, 1996, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 28, 2013, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 29, 2001, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 29, 2007, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 29, 2012, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 30, 1983, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 30, 2000, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 30, 2006, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement, April 30, 2023, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Information, Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Candidates, April 25, 2004, Eastern Michigan University
Spring Commencement Script, April 19, 1986, Eastern Michigan University
Stakeholders perceptions of a universal sustainability assessment in higher education - A review of empirical evidence, Antonios Maragakis, Andy Van Den Dobbelsteen, and Alexandros Maragakis
Statistics and machine learning experiments in English and Romanian poetry, Ovidiu Calin
Statistics as unbiased estimators: Exploring the teaching of standard deviation, Nicholas H. Wasserman, Stephanie Casey, Joe Champion, and Maryann Huey
Stephon McArthur, Oral History Interview, 2022, Ja'Nae Lehman
Stereotype threat within the LGBTQ+ community, Chloe Laporte
Stimulation of Saginaw Bay charophyte photosynthesis by phosphorus, Steven N. Francoeur
Stimuli-responsively porating gels by condensation, John Texter, Naveen Kuriakose*, Swaroop Shendre*, Kendall Lewis*, Sundar Venkatraman, and Harshit Gupta*
Stimuli‐responsive polyurethane dispersions – aqueous auto‐dispersion, Harshit Gupta* and John Texter
Stochastic models for rust formation, Ovidiu Calin
Storage and querying of large provenance graphs using NoSQL DSE, Andrii Kashliev
Stories of success: African American speech-language pathologists’ academic resilience, Sarah Ginsberg
Storm time equatorial magnetospheric ion temperature derived from TWINS ENA flux, R. M. Katus, A. M. Keesee, E. Scime, and M. W. Liemohn
Strategies to “mitigate” corporate criminalization, Gregg Barak
Structural evaluation of historical churches in Gumushane, Kasim K. Korkmaz and Saadet Toker Beeson
Structural risk assessment and mitigation for low- to mid-rise residential buildings in China, Kasim A. Korkmaz
Structural vulnerability assessment of historical buildings in Turkey, Kasim A. Korkmaz and Asuman Carhoglu
Student perceptions of cloud applications effectiveness in higher education, Sadaf Ashtari* and Ali Eydgahi
Students' reasoning about association of categorical variables, Stephanie Casey, Rick A. Hudson, and Lauren Ridley*
Study of chameleon nylon and polyester fabrics using photochromic ink, Subhas Ghosh, Jeanneare Hall*, and Vikas Joshi*
Study of vibration of electric power steering systems using a continuous system model, Mary K. Freund, Es'Hagh Farzaneh Joubaneh, Oumar R. Barry, and Emad Y. Tanbour
Successes and failures in exploring biometric algorithms in NIST open source software and data, Abdul Razaque, Fathi Amsaad, Muder Almiani, Duisen Gulsezim, Mohammad Adnan Almahameed, Ayman Al-Dmour, Meer Jaro Khan, and Raouf Ganda
Success of American automotive industry post General Motors and Chrysler bankruptcy, Muhammad S. Ahmed and Curtis M. Damon*
Sue in Berlin, Carla Harryman
Suitability of behavior analysis in pediatric primary care, Leah LaLonde*, Alexandros Maragakis, Teryn Bruni, and Blake Lancaster
Summary: The National Strength and Conditioning Association position statement on long-term athletic development, Rick Howard, Joey Eisenmann, and Anthony Moreno
Summer, August 8, 1941, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Convocation, July 26, 1954, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Session, August 2, 1940, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term, August 3, 1934, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term, August 4, 1939, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term, August 5, 1938, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term, August 6, 1937, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term, August 7, 1936 and September 1, 1936, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term, August 9, 1935, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 1, 1918, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 1, 1929, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 2, 1917, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 2, 1923, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 3, 1916, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 3, 1922, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 3, 1933, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 4, 1921, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 4, 1927, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 4, 1932, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 5, 1915, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 5, 1926, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 6, 1925, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 7, 1919, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 7, 1924, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, August 7, 1930, Michigan State Normal College
Summer Term Convocation, December 18, 1928, Michigan State Normal College
Supports and recommendations for pregnant and newly parenting doctoral students in health professions, Stephanie P. Wladkowski and Rebecca G. Mirick
Support-staging model for caregivers of adults with intellectual disability affected by dementia, Nancy Jokinen, Kathryn Service, Christina Marsack-Topolewski, and Matthew Janicki
Survey on authentication and security protocols and schemes over 5G networks, Omar Darwish
Sustainable lighting system for university buildings, Farheen Zehra*, Kasim A. Korkmaz, and Mohammad Sohail Ahmed
Sustained feelings of success and agency: Keys to literacy motivation among adolescents with learning disabilities, Rebecca Louick and David Scanlon
Swiss maid: The untold story of women’s contributions to Switzerland’s success, Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Swiss maid: Verborgene kraefte und schaetze in der erfolgsgeschichte der schweiz, Margrit V. Zinggeler
Synthesis of non-isocyanate polyurethanes and their application in radiation-curable aerospace coatings, Forough Zareanshahraki*, Hamidreza Asemani*, Jonathan Skuza, and Vijaykumar Mannari
Tagging ATG5 with an epitope tag to measure the amount of ATG12-5 conjugation in atg10 mutants, Sophie Campbell
Take a deeper look at possible implications of Fresno State Title IX lawsuit, Erica J. Zonder
Taking the mystery out of Michigan school finance: A handbook for understanding state funding policy for Michigan public school districts, William J. Price
Teacher beliefs about factors that influence motivation among adolescents with learning disabilities, Rebecca Anne Louick
Teacher-implemented modified schema-based instruction with middle-grade students with autism and intellectual disability, Jenny R. Root, Sarah K. Cox, and M. Addie McConomy
Teacher motivation and professional commitment in the United States the role of motivations for teaching, teacher self-efficacy and sense of professional responsibility, Fani Lauermann, Stuart A. Karabenick, Robert Carpenter, and Colleen Kuusinen
Teaching effective source use: Classroom approaches that work, Jennifer Mott-Smith, Zuzana Tomaš, and Ilka Kostka
Teaching English in China: Changing self- perception, Patricia Williams-Boyd
Team and individual interactions with reciprocity in individual knowledge sharing, Megan L. Endres and Sanjib Chowdhury
Technologies used in responsive facade systems: A comparative study, Negar Heidari Matin and Ali Eydgahi
Technology and its impact on parental involvement in K-12 education, Kenyuano Jones
Temporal and stoichiometric patterns of algal stimulation of litter-associated heterotrophic microbial activity, Steven N. Francoeur, Robert K. Neely, Savannah Underwood, and Kevin A. Kuehn
Terminated ASU women’s lacrosse coach files retaliation and wrongful termination lawsuit, Erica J. Zonder and Emily Houghton
Terry Auten, Oral History Interview, 2022, Miaire An’Jané Price and Matt Jones
Testing ethnological theories on prehistoric kinship, Bradley E. Ensor
Testing the dependency theory on small island economies: The case of Cyprus, Mehmet Balcilar, Ali M. Kutan, and Mehmet E. Yaya
Testing the dose-response curve in a training clinic setting: Use of client pretreatment factors to minimize bias in estimates, Meagan M. Carr*, Karen K. Saules, Ellen I. Koch, and Thomas J. Waltz
Testing the spatial assimilation model on Black ethnic immigrant locational outcomes within mature and developing suburbs, Grigoris Argeros
Textual politics of Alabama’s historical markers: Slavery, emancipation, and civil rights, Matthew R. Cook
The 21st century opioid addiction: A concept analysis and implications for nursing, Kristen Kidd*, Tina Weinberg*, and Meriam Caboral-Stevens
The 7 keys to communicating in Japan: An intercultural approach, Haru Yamada, Orlando R. Kelm, and David A. Victor
The AAACF Community Scholarship Program: A strategic approach to building community, Shelley Strickland and Carmen M. McCallum
The Adelphi Theatre Calendar, Version 3: The completion of the revised Adelphi Theatre Calendar ends a project begun in 1973, Gilbert B. Cross
"The Algorithm Decides": Unintentional Agency Laundering & Explanation, Carson Johnston
The Ambrose J. and Vivian T. Seagrave Museum of 20th century American Art: A novel, Matthew Kirkpatrick
The analects, Confucius and Brian Bruya
The application of the Rorschach Inkblot test in the study of neural and cognitive aging, Eamonn Arble, Steven W. Steinert*, and Ana M. Daugherty
The art of war, Sunzi and Brian Bruya
The association between burnout and pediatrician management of adolescent depression, Leah LaLonde*, Teryn Bruni, Blake Lancaster, and Alexandros Maragakis
The association between implementation strategy use and the uptake of hepatitis C treatment in a national sample, Shari S. Rogal, Vera Yakovchenko, Thomas J. Waltz, Byron J. Powell, Jo Ann E. Kirchner, Enola K. Proctor, Rachel Gonzalez, Angela Park, David Ross, Timothy R. Morgan, Maggie Chartier, and Matthew J. Chinman
The association of opioid misuse and suicidality among people with disabilities, Keith T. Chan and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski
The association of standardized patient educators (ASPE) gynecological teaching associate (GTA) and male urogenital teaching associate (MUTA) standards of best practice, Holly Hopkins, Chelsea Weaks, Tim Webster, and Melih Elcin
The battle for the court: Interest groups, judicial elections, and public policy, Lawrence Baum, David Klein, and Matthew J. Streb
The Beats in Mexico, David Stephen Calonne
The bicentennial: A prologue, John McCurdy, Bill Nickels, Evan Milan, and Sarah Sawacki
The bioarchaeology of kinship: Proposed revisions to assumptions guiding interpretation, Bradley E. Ensor, Joel D. Irish, and William F. Keegan
The blackbird's sonnet and other tales: Stories imagining an art-eco-mad ethic, Jacquie Pruder St. Antoine
The case for studying social harm, Paul Leighton and Tanya Wyatt
The climate change-temperature-crime hypothesis: Evidence from a sample of 15 large US cities, 2002 to 2015, Michael J. Lynch, Paul B. Stretesky, Michael A. Long, and Kimberly L. Barrett
The Code Genie programming environment, Hadeel Mohammed Jawad*, Deb de Ladki-Smith, and Samir Tout
The commissioner’s power to discipline players for on- and off- field misconduct, Richard T. Karcher
The consequences of not being me: Longitudinal examination of the relations among anticipated discrimination, authenticity, and counterproductive work behaviors, Kayla B. Follmer, Mingang Geiger, Joy E. Beatty, and D. Jake Follmer
The convoy model and later-life family relationships, Heather R. Fuller, Kristine J. Ajrouch, and Toni C. Antonucci
The corporate response to government attacks on tax shelters, Noel P. Brock, Edward J. Schnee, and Shane R. Stinson
The corporate state: Technopoly, privatization and corporate predation, Robert M. Orrange
The cost of care: A closer look survey questionnaire, Alexis Braun Marks, Rachael Dryer, Jennifer Johnson, and Michelle Sweetser
The cost of care and the impact on the archives profession, Alexis Braun Marks, Rachael Dreyer, Jennifer Johnson, and Michelle Sweetser
The courses of history: Ideas for developing a history of mathematics course, Amy Shell-Gellasch
The creation of a multicultural foundational course: From research to practice, Audrey M. Farrugia
The crime world of Michael Connelly: A study of his works and their adaptations, David Geherin
The data literacy cookbook, Kelly Getz and Meryl Brodsky
The dissolution of strategic manufacturer–industrial supplier relationships: Are insights from the investment model valid and predictive?, Yi-Su Chen, Tsai-Shan S. Shen, and Manus J. Rungtusanatham
The Eastern Writer, (1969), Eastern Michigan University
The Eastern Writer, 1970, Eastern Michigan University
The Eastern Writer, Fall 1967-68, Eastern Michigan University
The Eastern Writer, Spring 1968, Eastern Michigan University
The effect of market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and human capital on positional advantage: Evidence from the restaurant industry, Giri Jogaratnam
The effect of network tie position on a firm’s innovation performance, Hakil Moon, Anthony Di Benedetto, and Sang Kyun Kim
The effect of ring current electron scattering rates on magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, N. J. Perlongo, A. J. Ridley, M. W. Liemohn, and R. M. Katus
The effect of smart colored windows on visual performance of buildings, Negar Hedari Matin, Ali Eydgahi, and Payam Matin
The effect of storm driver and intensity on magnetospheric ion temperatures, Amy M. Keesee, Roxanne M. Katus, and Earl E. Scime
The effects of African-American stereotype fluency on prejudicial evaluation of targets, Troy Deskins*, Rusty B. McIntyre, Michael Bartosek*, and Eric W. Fuller
The effects of building envelope parameters on energy performance for high-rise buildings in central Saudi Arabia, Nadia Arafah
The effects of childhood sexual abuse, mental health, and motives for sex on sexual risk-taking among United States men who have sex with women, Elizabeth C. Neilson, Trevor J. Schraufnagel, William H. George, and Kelly Cue Davis
The effects of lean implementation on hospital financial performance, Siriam Narayanan, Shawnee K. Vickery, Mariana L. Nicolae, Matthew J. Castel, and Michael K. McLeod
The embodied archive in the NON-STOP readings from Walter Kempowski’s Das Echolot: Performance as catharsis?, Carla Damiano
The end of Black studies: Conceptual, theoretical, and empirical concerns, Clovis E. Semmes
The epidemiology of medical diseases and associated behavioral risk factors, Sarah Lindeman, Jon Nolan, and Alexandros Maragakis
The fear of ebola: A tale of two cities in China, Xinyue Ye, Shengwen Li, Xining Yang, Jay Lee, and Ling Wu
The Fight to Be Seen: Black Girls and Discipline, Victoria M. Strickland
The fight to be seen: Black girls and discipline, Victoria Marie Strickland
The First 100 Years: Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan, Eastern Michigan University
The forgotten and misdiagnosed care transition: Live discharge from hospice care, Stephanie P. Wladkowski
The global carbon sink potential of terrestrial vegetation can be increased substantially by optimal land management, Zongyao Sha, Yongfei Bai, Ruren Li, Hai Lan, Xueliang Zhang, Jonathan Li, Xuefeng Liu, Shujuan Chang, and Yichun Xie
The graphic design reader, Teal Triggs and Leslie Atzmon
The "great phantom": Habitus, freedom, and political transformation in Merleau-Ponty and Fanon, Laura McMahon
The humanitarian crisis of the Israeli occupation and settler colonialism in the West Bank and Gaza, Sarah Raby
The Hunger Games game: Exploring ideology through game-based learning, Amanda K. Allen
The impact of a multi-modal childhood lead educational intervention among undergraduate nursing students in the United States, Jenni L. Hoffman, Tsu-Yin Wu, Lydia McBurrows, and Sarah Lally
The impact of belief in a just world and social dominance orientation on reactions to pay inequities, Sydney Rae Dhue
The impact of financial literacy on financial capability: Evidence based on the National Financial Capability Study, Ramon Müller
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Aid on Standard of Living: Evidence from West Africa, Odia Kaba
The impact of rubric use on peer feedback tasks in a TESOLpracticum, Kristen Lindahl, MaryAnn Christison, and Zuzana Tomaš
The impact of social influence, technophobia, and perceived safety on autonomous vehicle technology adoption, Sahil Koul* and Ali Eydgahi
The impact of supervisory support for high-performance human resource practices on employee in-role, extra-role and counterproductive behaviors, Alankrita Pandey, Eric R. Schulz, and Richaurd R. Camp
The impact of tax and expenditure limitations on municipal revenue volatility, Tucker C. Staley
The implementation of a multi-level reflective consultation model in a statewide infant & early childcare education professional development system: Evaluation of a pilot, Sarah E. Shea, Kelly Sipotz, Ashley McCormick, Nichole Paradis, and Brandy Fox
The inaugural issue of the Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime, Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi and Gregg Barak
The integration of native advertising in journalism and its impact on the news-advertising boundary, You Li
The internet: An educational system for equalizing educational opportunity, James Berry
The invisibility of farmworkers: Implications and remedies, Kennedy Saldanha
The levels of base pay and incentive pay used by small firms to compensate professional employees with general and specific human capital, Sanjib Chowdhury and Eric Schulz
The meaning of rehabilitation and its impact on parole: There and back again in California, Rita Shah
The motivation based on customer interaction: Are automotive product development engineers at a disadvantage?, Muhammad S. Ahmed and John Weisgerber
The narrative framework of psychological jurisprudence: Virtue ethics as criminal justice practice, Brian G. Sellers and Bruce A. Arrigo
The necessity of preparing teacher candidates to teach online, Michael McVey
The neglect of quantitative research in green criminology and its consequences, Michael J. Lynch, Kimberly L. Barrett, Paul B. Stretesky, and Michael A. Long
The new drug lag: EU lags in review times of monoclonal antibodies, Vibha Sharma*, Vivek Dasharath Deore*, Sahdhya Vivek Deore*, and Irwin G. Martin
The nexus of white collar crimes: Shadow economy, corruption and uninsured motorists, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
The Normal College News, April 11, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, April 13, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, April 18, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, April 20, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, April 25, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, April 27, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, April 6, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, August 2, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, December 14, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, December 7, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, December 8, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, February 1, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, February 15, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, February 16, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, February 2, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, February 22, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, February 23, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, February 29, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, February 8, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, February 9, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, January 11, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, January 12, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, January 18, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, January 19, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, January 25, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, January 26, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, January 5, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, July 12, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, July 19, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, July 26, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, July 5, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, June 1, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, June 14, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, June 26, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, June 8, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, March 14, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, March 16, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, March 21, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, March 2, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, March 28, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, March 7, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, March 9, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, May 18, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, May 2, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, May 4, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, May 9, 1924, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, November 10, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, November 16, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, November 17, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, November 2, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, November 23, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, November 24, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, November 28, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, November 29, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, November 4, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, November 9, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, October 12, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, October 13, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, October 19, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, October 20, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, October 26, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, October 27, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, October 5, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, October 6, 1992, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, September 22, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, September 25, 1923, Eastern Michigan University
The Normal College News, September 29, 1922, Eastern Michigan University
The not very patrilocal European neolithic strontium, aDNA, and archaeological kinship analyses, Bradley E. Ensor
The nuances of emotion regulation difficulties and mindfulness in food addiction, Lindsey K. Bunio*, Jennifer A. Battles*, and Tamara M. Loverich
The obesogenity of restaurant food: Mapping the nutritional foodscape of Franklin County, Ohio using food review images, Xiang Chen, Bo Zhao, and Xining Xie
The Palgrave handbook of social harm, Pamela Davies (Editor), Paul S. Leighton (Editor), and Tanya Wyatt
The Paris hours: Collected Poems, Heather Neff
The passing of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela: The end of a revolutionary chapter in African history, Victor O. Okafor
The Persianized liturgy of Nehemiah 8:1-8, Mark Whitters
The phenomenological sense of Hannah Arendt: Plurality, modernity, and political action, Laura McMahon
The phylogeographic history of Megistostegium (Malvaceae) in the dry, spiny thickets of southwestern Madagascar using RAD-seq data and ecological niche modeling, Margaret M. Hanes, Susan Shell*, Tahsina Shimu, Clarissa Crist, and Selima Machkour-M’Rabet
The plurality of police oversight: A method for building upon lessons learned for understanding an evolving strategy, Kevin G. Karpiak, Sameena Mulla, and Ramona L. Pérez
The prevalence of substance abuse within the nursing profession, Kaylie Paige Cox
The Progression of LGBTQ+ Acceptance in K-12 Schools in the United States: A Critical Literature Review, Justice Mangual
The projection designer's toolkit, Jeromy Hopgood
The promise and perils of molecular combing, Jeanmarie Mishler
The promise of interdisciplinary approaches for understanding motivation and learning disability: Introduction to the special issue, Rebecca Louick and Alyssa Emery
The public veil: Two millennia of strong women in politics, Hannah Slough* and David Anderson
THE RECIPIENTS OF DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES, June 24, 1981, Eastern Michigan University
The recovery community as a location for secular spirituality, Linda Farris Kurtz
The relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and substance use: A review of the literature, Alexandra Scott
The relationship between patient satisfaction with hospitalization and outcomes up to 6 months post-discharge in cardiac patients, Paige M. Anderson, Rachel Krallman, Daniel Montgomery, Eva Kline-Rogers, and Sherry M. Bumpus
The rich get richer and the poor get prison: Ideology, class, and criminal justice, Jeffrey Reiman and Paul Leighton
The 'risk' society thesis and the culture(s) of crime control, Bruce A. Arrigo and Brian G. Sellers
The role of dietary plant and animal protein intakes on mitigating sarcopenia risk, John W. Carbone and Stefan M. Pasiakos
The role of mixed methods in increasing the relevancy of education policy research and evaluation, Kim Kappler Hewitt and Katherine Cummings Mansfield
The role of socio-historic factors and income inequality in global innovation, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
The role of socio-historic factors and income inequality in global innovation, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
The Role of Special Education Advocates on the Lives of Students Facing Challenges, Ta'Aha Biles
The scientific aspects of the pulse: The pulsometer machine, Ovidiu Calin
The search for validity evidence for instruments in statistics education: Preliminary findings, Douglas Whitaker, Charlotte Bolch, Leigh Harrell-Williams, Stephanie Casey, Corinne Huggins-Manley, Christopher Engledowl, and Hartono Tjoe
“The Servant Campaigns”: African American women and the politics of economic justice in Washington, D.C., in the 1930s, Mary-Elizabeth Murphy
The spiritual imagination of the Beats, David Stephen Calonne
The stage manager's resources, Halle R. Stiverson
The state of green criminology, Kimberly L. Barrett, Michael A. Long, and Paul B. Stretesky
The unquiet Eastern Front: New work on the Great War, Jesse Kauffman
The use of virtual worlds in health promotion, Joan E. Cowdery and S. Ahn
The vanishing common law judge?, Neal Devins and David Klein
"Think before you click. Post. Type." Lessons learned from our university cyber security awareness campaign, Rachel Innocenzi*, Kaylee Brown*, Peggy Liggit, Samir Tout, Andrea Tanner^, Theodore Coutilish^, and Rocky Jenkins^
Thinking locally in a global context: Principles for designing a shared community-engaged study abroad program, Zuzana Tomaš, Amie Van Horn-Gabel, and Silvija Marnikovic
Thirst increases chorda tympani responses to sodium chloride, Thomas G. Mast, Joseph M. Breza, and Robert J. Contreras
This is a well-loved book: Weighing (in on) Jeff Smith's Bone, Annette Wannamaker
“This ruins lives”: Using Monopoly© to understand the prison industrial complex, Rita Shah
Three hypotheses for explaining the so-called oppression of men, Peter Higgins
Thunder in the soul: To be known by God, Abraham Joshua Heschel and Robert Erlewine
Time, regained, Kevin Karpiak
Title IX and the duty to report as a term for coaching employment, Lauren McCoy and Erica Zonder
To render Ren: Saving authoritativeness, Brian Bruya
Touching voids in sense, Rob Halpern
Tourism and prosperity in Miao land: Power and inequality in rural ethnic China, Xianghong Feng
Toward a research agenda on the impact of dementia upon carers of adults with intellectual disability, Matthew P. Janicki, Nancy S. Jokenin, Christina Marsack-Topolewski, and Seth M. Keller
Toward explaining language: The minimalist perspective, T. Daniel Seely
Towards an understanding of Africology, Vicor O. Okafor
Towards positive aging: Links between forgiveness and health, Noah J. Webster, Kristine J. Ajrouch, and Toni C. Antonucci
Towards sustainable e-learning platforms in the context of cybersecurity: A TAM-driven approach, Hebah Alquran
Towards ubiquitous learning in a transnational educational system, James E. Berry
Tracing the missteps of stepped care: Improving the implementation of stepped care through contextual behavioral science, Leah LaLonde*, Jessica Good*, Efthymia Orkopoulou*, Michael Vriesman*, and Alexandros Maragakis
Traditional masculinity ideology, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity, and treatment in service members and veterans: A systematic review., Elizabeth C. Neilson, R. Sonia Singh*, Kelly L. Harper*, and Ellen J. Teng*
Training Department, Closing and Graduating Exercises, June 18, 1890, Michigan State Normal School
Training Department, Closing and Graduating Exercises, June 19, 1889, Michigan State Normal School
Training Department, Closing Exercises, June 23, 1891, Michigan State Normal School
Training impact on novice and experienced research coordinators, Linda S. Behar-Horenstein, Jonell Efantis Potter, Alena Prikhidko, Stephanie Swords, Stephen Sonstein, and H. Robert Kolb
Transforming students’ definitions of function using a vending machine applet, Milan F. Sherman, Jennifer N. Lovett, Allison W. McCulloch, Lara K. Dick, Cyndi Edington, and Stephanie A. Casey
Transgender women belong here: Contested feminist visions at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, Elizabeth Currans
Translating brand names effectively: Brand attitude reversal and perceived brand name translation relevance in an emerging market, Paul Chao and Shengdong Lin
Transparent and flexible heaters based on Al:ZnO degenerate semiconductor, Monee K. Roul, Brandon Obasogie, Gilbert Kogo, Jonathan R. Skuza, R. M. Mundle, and A. K. Pradhan
Traumatic brain injury, Renee Lajiness-O'Neill, Laszlo A. Erdodi, and Jonathan D. Lichtenstein
Trends in calcium channel blocker use in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and comorbid atrial fibrillation, George Cholack, Joshua Garfein, Rachel Krallman, Daniel Montgomery, Eva Kline-Rogers, Melvyn Rubenfire, and Sherry Bumpus
TriHy: Teaching an MA TESOL class face-to-face, synchronously online, and asynchronously online, Ildiko Porter-Szucs and Barry DeCicco
T. S. Eliot bibliography 2016, Elizabeth Däumer and Dominic Meo
Two-dimensional nanosheets for electrocatalysis in energy generation and conversion, Hengcong Tao, Yunnan Gao, Neetu Talreja, Fen Guo, John Texter, Chao Yan, and Zhenyu Sun
Uncommon alliances: Cultural narratives of migration in the new Europe, Nataša Kovačević
Undergraduate & Graduate enrollment by college, department, & major, Fall 1979-1984, Eastern Michigan University
Understanding “native advertising” from the perspective of communication strategies, Ye Wang and You Li
Understanding racial capitalism using the photovoice method: Black tourism in France, Judy Foster Davis and Talé A. Mitchell
Understanding technology, Anne Arendt, Angela Trego, Cheryl Hanewicz, and Pamela Becker
Understanding the grocery store environment in a Michigan urban setting: A case study in a Bangladeshi community, Olivia Ford, Alice Jo Rainville, Rachel Bessire*, Xining Yang, and Ysu-Yin Wu
Understanding urban politics: Institutions, representation, and policies, Timothy B. Krebs and Arnold Fleischmann
Unemployment and international shadow economy: Gender differences, Rajeev K. Goel and James W. Saunoris
University Profile, April 30, 2000, Eastern Michigan University
Unlocking the potential of everyday opportunities, Amy J. Lamb
Unprepared: A qualitative exploration of the preparation practices of SLPs practicing in urban schools, Audrey M. Farrugia-Bernard
Unrequited hope: Obama and Palestine, Janice J. Terry
Updated strategies for making regular contact with the scholarly literature, Adam M. Briggs and Daniel R. Mitteer
Urban/rural differences in food security in America’s East North Central Region, Eva Marie Long
Urban sustainability: Integrating socioeconomic and environmental data for multi-objective assessment, Yichun Xie, Chao Liu, Shujuan Chang, and Bin Jiang
Using a systematic approach to improve undergraduate training in psychology., Alexandros Maragakis, Leah LaLonde*, Michael Vriesman*, and Efthymia Orkopoulou*
Using augmented reality and modified schema-based instruction to teach problem solving to students with autism, Jenny R. Root, Sarah K. Cox, Kathryn Davis, and Sarah Gonzale
Using community engagement and geographic information systems to address COVID-19 vaccination disparities, Tsu-Yin Wu, Xining Yang, Sarah Lally+, Alice Jo Rainville, Olivia Ford, Rachel Bessire+, and Jessica Donnelly+
Using creative assignments to help students integrate their learning in a campaigns and elections class, Jeffrey Bernstein, Austin N. Deljevic*, Emily K. Kindred*, Elizabeth M. Krochmalny*, and Annie Somerville*
Using “direct scribing” to capture the educational narratives of homeless young people, Kennedy Saldana
Using flipped-course pedagogy to promote competence-based professional education, Ken Saldanha and D. Mark Ragg
Using grounded theory to understand how commuter students develop a sense of belonging, Amy M. Barnhart
Using H5P to Venture Far with The BRIDGE's Entrepreneurship Open Learning Series Research 101 Modules, Sarah Shujah and Mariana Jardim
Using in-service retirement plan distributions with Roth conversions to fund special needs planning, Lewis B. Hershey, Annemarie M. Kelly, and Christina N. Marsack-Topolewski
Using Roth conversions of legacy retirement plans to fund special needs planning, Lewis Hershey and Annemarie Kelly
Using smart colored windows for improving users’ comfort in buildings, Negar Heidari Matin and Ali Eydgahi
Using the novel functional purchase task to examine prescription stimulant drug effect preferences in college students, Matthew J. Dwyer, Connor A. Burrows, Claudia Drossel, Bethany R. Raiff, and Kimberly C. Kirby
Using think-alouds to understand how students balance free speech and inclusion, Jeffrey L. Bernstein and Cameron W. Armstrong*
Utilizing listening sessions to assess COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among Asian Americans in Michigan, Olivia Ford, Rachel Bessire+, Alice Jo Rainville, and Tsu-Yin Wu
Utilizing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for driverless car technology adoption, Sahil Koul* and Ali Eydgahi
Validating the need to include the economic returns of graduates as a metric of a higher education institutions level of sustainability, Antonios Maragakis, Andy Van Den Dobbelsteen, and Alexandros Maragakis
Validation and extension of personality disorder spectra scales from MMPI-2-RF items, Andrew C. Hale, Sharon M. Nelson, Jaclyn Reckow, and Robert J. Spencer
Validation of a modified MOCA translation for use among Arabic-speaking immigrants in the U.S., Kristine J. Ajrouch, Wassim Tarrag, Simon Brauer, Laura B. Zahodne, and Toni C. Antonucci
Veteran friendships across lifetimes: Brothers and sisters in arms, Jamie Ward
V.i.a; 16-01 EMU SWRK 222 Midterm and Final 1997 with Computer Score Sheet.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-02 SWRK 222 - Syllabus, Winter 2000.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-03 EMU - SWRK 222 - Quizes, 2001.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-04 SWRK 222 - Social Welfare Policies and Services.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-05 SWRK 222 Fall 2007 Syllabi, Notes, Timeline.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-06 SWRK 222 - Instructor Lecture Materials and Copy of Final Exam 2007.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-07 Syllabi for SWRK 222, Fall 2007.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-08 SWRK 222 - Final Exam Key.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-09 Paper Preventing and Fighting Malnutrition.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-10 SWRK 222 - Fall 2010 Instructor Materials I.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-11 SWRK 222 Fall 2010 Instructor Materials II.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-12 SWRK 222 Fall 2010 - General Class Materials.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-13 The New York Times Magazine - Food Security.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-14 SWRK 222 - Fall 2010 Day Class.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-15 SWRK 222 - Fall 2010, Day - Student Work.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-16 SWRK 222 - Fall 2010, Evening.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-17 SWRK 222 Fall 2010, Evening - Student Work.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-18 SWRK 222 - Instructor and Course Evaluations Fall 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-19 SWRK 222 Course Syllabus Winter 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-20 Median Hourly Earnings of Wages and Salary Workers.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-21 EMU SWRK 222 Syllabi from Other Instructors Outlines 1993, 1995.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-22 SWRK 222 Policies and Services 1997-2000.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-23 Writing Across the Curriculum, 1999-2000.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-24 SWRK 222 - Final Exam and Answer Key Undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 16-25 SWRK 222 Handout, Study Questions - Women of Hull House and Answer Key, Undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 17-01 SWRK 222 Presentation, Undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 17-02 SWRK 251 - Final Grades_VR.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 17-03 SWRK 254 Social Work Profession and Policies 1999.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 17-04 EMU SWRK 254 - Syllabus, Quizzes, and Other Materials Fall 1999.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.a; 17-05 SW - 3-07 - Syllabus Fall 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-06 SWRK 405 - Sample Paper Violence Against Women Act of 1994 An Analysis.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-07 EMU SWRK 405; Syllabi, Quizzes, Study Questions & Key; Winter & Summer 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-08 SWRK 405 Lecture Materials 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-09 SWRK 405 - Grade Sheet for Policy Paper.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-10 SWRK 405 Summer 1998 Syllabus.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-11 SWRK 405 Transparency 'Protocol for Testimony'.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-12 EMU - SWRK 405 Section 1, Winter 1999; Student Quizzes.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-13 SWRK 405 Quiz 2, 1999 and grade sheet, 2002 (for Fall 2001).pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-14 SWRK Analysis & Change of Social Welfare Policy Older Americans Act of 2000 (H.R. 782-PL 106-501) Model 61.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-15 SWRK 405 Lecture Material 2000.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-16 SWRK 405 Model Policy Paper Winter 2000.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-17 SWRK 405 Analysis & Change of Social Work Policy; Fall 2001 Syllabus; Policy Paper; Policy Testimony Simulation; Log.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-18 SWRK 405 - Student Final Papers 2001 1 of 3.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 17-19 SWRK 405 - Student Final Papers 2001 2 of 3.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 18-01 SWRK 405 - Student Final Paper 2001 3 of 3.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 18-02 SWRK 405 - 2001 Syllabi, Assignments, Grade Sheets.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 18-03 MSS 186 PH 325 Community Outreach Partnership Center & Help Source - 'Juvenile Crime Prevention and Control Act of 2001 S.1165' April 15, 2020 - SAMPLE PAPERS.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 18-04 SWRK 405 Policy Analysis & Change Summer 2002.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 18-05 SWRK 405 Course Pack Winter 2003.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 18-06 SWRK 405 - Overheads Binder 2003 - First of Two.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 18-07 SWRK 405 - Overheads Binder 2003 - Second of two.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 18-08 SWRK 405 APA Manual Quick Reference, Quiz, Bibliography, Evaluations RE teacher, transparency, comic, sample paper, periodicals, Senator Levin Website, EMU Diversity Postcard.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 18-09 SWRK 405 Course Reading Fall 2004.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 18-10 SWRK 405 - Course Pack.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-01 SWRK 405 Fall 2005, 4 items, Topics-Social Policy RE American Welfare State; George W. Bush & Politics of Gender & Race; Barack Obama book, excerpt; Affirmative Action (NASW).pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-02 SWRK Testimony Grade Sheet & Simulation Rules as Politicians.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-02 SWRK Testimony Grade Sheet & Simulation Rules as Politicians.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-03 SWRK 405 - Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2003 August 15, 2005 Model Papers.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-03 SWRK 405 - Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2003 August 15, 2005 Model Papers.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-04 Testimony Simulation Instructions.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-04 Testimony Simulation Instructions.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-05 SWRK 405 - Syllabus, Handouts & Quiz Summer 2006.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-05 SWRK 405 - Syllabus, Handouts & Quiz Summer 2006.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-06 The New York Times Magazine.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-06 The New York Times Magazine.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-07 SWRK 405 - Quizzes, Keys, Handouts & Bibliography 1997-2004.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-08 SWRK 405 Policy Analysis & Change Paper Outline Bibliography 1999. 2000.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-09 SWRK 405 Syllabus & Course Material 1999-2001.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-10 SWRK 405 1998-2002 Syllabi.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-11 SWRK 405 Policy Analysis & Change Summer 1998 - 2002.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 19-12 SWRK 405 - Course Materials Binder 2000-2005.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-01 SWRK 405 - Course Materials Binder 2000-2005.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-02 SWRK 405 - Course Materials Binder 2000-2005.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-03 SWRK 405 - Course Materials Binder 2000-2005.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-04 SWRK 405 Course Materials 2005-2006.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-05 Citizen's Guide to State Government 2009-2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-06 SWRK 405 Class Participation Log undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-07 SWRK 405 - Course Pack Index.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-08 SWRK 405 - Handout For Overheads.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-09 SWRK 405 - Course Materials undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-10 EMU - SWRK - Lecture Notes, Sample Participation Log, Evaluation Forms, EMU enrollment list.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-11 EMU - SWRK 405 Model Papers; Subjects - 'Mental Disability Policy' & 'Historical Response to Homelessness'.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-12 SWRK - Personal Lecture Notes.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-14 SWRK - Policy Problems, Responses, & Roles undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-15 SWRK 405 - Syllabus & Handouts.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-16 SWRK 405 - Testimony Simulation.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.b; 20-17 SWRK 408 Syllabus 1992.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-01 SWRK 409 - Eight Steps to Strategic Planning 1988.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-03 SWRK 409 Assignment & Study Guide 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-04 SWRK 409 Bibliography of Group Work & Paper 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-05 SWRK 409 - Assignments Materials 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-06 SWRK 409 - Quiz on Video 'Holding Ground' 1998.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-07 SWRK 409 Course Materials Winter 1998.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-08 SWRK 409 6 Overheads 1998.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-09 SWRK 409 Spring 1999.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-10 SWRK 409 - Quiz, Assignment, & Model Letter 2001.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-11 SWRK 409 - Course Materials Binder 2003.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-12 SWRK 409 - Course Materials Binder - 2003.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-13 SWRK 409 - Course Materials Binder 2003.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-14 SWRK 409 - Course Materials Binder 2003.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-15 SWRK 409 - Book Request.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-16 SWRK 409 - Syllabi, Exercies, & Quiz 1997-1999.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 21-17 SWRK 409 - Puzzles undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 22-01 SWRK 409 Syllabi & Presentation models 1993-1994.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 22-02 SWRK 409 Personal Lecture Notes undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.c; 22-03 SWRK 409 Course Ideas From Canadian Conference.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-05 'The Aging Network - A Federal, State, and Local Partnership' Handout from the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-06 'The Basics - Older Americans Act' of 1965; National Health Policy Forum - 2008 April 21.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-07 Magazine- 'Smart Money'- 2010 May The Wall Street Journal Magazine.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-08 SWRK 413 - Student Data Sheets - Winter 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-10 EMU - SWRK 413; Media - Working with Aging Women; Handouts, Packet, & Assignments 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-11 Magazine 'Forbes' McNair & BBC Scholarship.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-12 Handout, Social Security Packet 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-13 SWRK 413 - Course Materials, 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-14 EMU - SWRK 413 - Women and Aging (3) Items; Winter 2012.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-15 EMU - SWRK 413 - Women and Aging 2012 (7 Items).pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-16 Journal Articles - Civic Engagement and Older Adults, Subject. Author - Marty Martinson, MPH, MED.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-17 Magazine US News & World Report - SWRK 413.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-18 Social Security by M. Chappell.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-19 Talking Points for Advocates on Older Americans Act Appropriations.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.d; 22-20 'Navigating the Aging Network- Information for the Age Wave' PowerPoint; undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.e; 22-21 SWRK 420 Sample Syllabus & Handout - Fall 2001.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.e; 22-22 SWRK 420 Working with Aging People Fall 2002.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.e; 22-23 EMU - SWRK 420 Fall 2004 Course Pack - 9 items, articles, dippings etc.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.f; 22-25 SWRK 488 - Course Materials Binder 2005-2007.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.f; 23-01 SWRK 488 - Course Materials Binder 2005-2006.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.f; 23-02 SWRK 488 - Course Materials 2007-2008.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.f; 23-03 SWRK 489 - Group Assignment.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.f; 23-04 SWRK 497 - Change of Grade Request.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.g; 23-05 Syllabi, Quizzes , & Handouts; Fall 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.g; 23-06 'Outline for Process Recording' (Practice) Fall 1998; Overheads & Handouts.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.g; 23-07 Syllabus, Lectures, Handouts Grade Sheets, Overheads 1998 'Mini Lectures on Recording in Social Work & Termination and Evaluation'.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-08 SWRK 521 Fall 1997 Syllabus.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-10 Binder - SWRK 521 Handout 'How Policy Analysts Collect, Analyze, and Use Information' 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-11 SWRK 521 Materials for Class Policy Paper 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-12 SWRK 521 - Sample Paper 2002 April 15.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-13 SWRK 521 - Final Paper Grade Sheet, Fall 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-14 SWRK 521 - Instructor Materials; Fall 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-15 SWRK 521 - Instructor Materials II; Fall 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-17 SWRK 521 - Outside Class Assignment - Grade Sheets 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-18 SWRK 521 - Student Work - Fall 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-19 SWRK 521 - Policy Paper Assignment 2010 September 22.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-20 SWRK 521 - Lecture Notes; Fall 2011.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-21 SWRK 521 - Black Senior Citizens Policies & Program; undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.h; 23-22 Library Field Trip - 'Using Information Sources for Policy Analysis'; undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 23-23 Guest Lecturers on Medicare & Medicaid; overheads, correspondence, notes 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-01 SWRK 552 Policy Issues & Older People Fall 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-02 SWRK 552 - Policy Issues & Older People Fall 1998 Syllabus Course Materials.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-03 SWRk 552 Policy Issues Fall 1998 - Course Materials.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-04 SWRK 552 - Syllabus - Fall 1998.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-05 SWRK 552 Policy Issues and Older People; Spring & Fall 1997, Fall 1998.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-06 SWRK 552 Syllabus 2002.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-07 SWRK 522 Fall 2002 'Policy Issues and Older People' 11 items.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-09 SWRK 552 - Syllabus Fall 2005.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-10 SWRK 552 - Model Paper 'Prescription Drug Coverage as Part of the Medicare Policy' 12-18-2005.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-11 EMU - SWRK 552 Aging Resource Information 1995-1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-12 SWRK 552 - Information on organizations for the aged; late 1990s; Resource Material.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-13 SWRK 552- Spring 1997 Syllabus with Professor Notes & REvisions; Resouces 1996-1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-14 SWRK 552 - Resources - HMO, Housing, career 1996-2000.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-15 SWRK 552 - Fall 1997 Syllabus 1997-1998.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 24-16 SWRK 552 - Syllabi, Index, & Handout Fall 1998 & 2002.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 25-01 SWRK 552 Course Pack Fall 2003 & Fall 2004 (10 Items).pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 25-02 SWRK 552 - Documents on Social Security - undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 25-03 SW - 552 - Skills Assessment - undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 25-04 SWRK 552 - Social Security Information - undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 25-05 Report to the President and Congress - 'The Booming Dynamics of Aging' Book, 2005.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.i; 25-06 SWRK 553 - Syllabus.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.ii; 27-13 EMU - Master of Social Work Advising Materials 1996-1999 and B. Brown Chappell's Original Notes.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.ii; 27-14 MWS Course Offerings.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.ii; 27-15 EMU- Master of Social Work Advising Reference 2009-2010 Handbook & Letter of Handbook Update from Director.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.ii; 27-16 Graduate Program Student Policy Manual.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.ii; 27-18 Report of Supplemental Employment.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.ii; 27-19 Brochures- Master of Social Work Program.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.i; 32-28 Marketing Plan for Part Time Evening Program 1987 Administration - Strategic Plans of U of C, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.i; 32-29 Draft for Approval - Graduate Schools of Social Work 1985, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.i; 32-33 HUD Report on Homeless Assistance Policy and Practice 1989, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.iii; 27-20 HSRU206 (Northwestern University) - 'Equal Marriage Materials; 1983.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.iii; 27-21 HSRU206 (Northwestern University) Equal Marriage Syllabus & Bibliography 1983.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 33-16 Urban Policy - Final Exam Paper Articles, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 33-17 SSA Doctoral Program June 5, 1987, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 33-18 1988 Writing Course Materals, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 33-19 Format of Research Data Organization Bibliography, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 33-20 Drafts of Brown-Chappell Article Promise of Power, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 34 -01 Dissertation Materials, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 34-02 University of Chicago - Dissertation, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 34-03 Notes on Blacks and Politics, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 34-04 Notes on Race and Politics, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 34-05 Brown-Chappell Doctoral Dissertation (1991), Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.ii; 34-06 1994 Follow-up Research to Ph. D Dissertation, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iii; 34-16 Research Material 1st Post Ph D Position Undated, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iii; 34-17 Proposal - Building Partnerships for Service Research Evaluation Proposal, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iii; 35-02 NASW-MI Conference Packet with Notes 2008, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iii; 35-03 NASW - MI 2012 Conference Presentation Acceptance Email, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-04 Materials on Grant Proposal Retention of Graduate Social Work Students 11-1996, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-05 EMU - New Faculty Grant Research Literature Travel Award Report 10-1996 - 6-23-1997, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-06 World College 1997 Internal Memorandum and Grant Application, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-07 EMU - Faculty Development Application for NASW - MI Eastern Europe Delegation - Grant Support 6-17-1998, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-08 EMU - Diversity Grant - Fellowship Letter of Award and Materials CV 10-27-2000 - 1-8-2001, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-09 EMU - Divisional Policy for Grants and Gifts 2009, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-10 Wright Museum - Grant Application 2011, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-11 Undergraduate Research Stimulus Grant Outline October 2011, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-12 Research 2011-2012, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-13 Women in Philanthropy Application and Grant Award Letter 2012, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-14 Student Support Grant Application - Draft Undated, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-20 Consent Form and Questionnaire - 2007, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-21 Michigan Indian Day Event Historical Drama Resultant Impact of the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs Boarding Schools, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-22 Program Book Council on Social Work Education 2011 Annual Program Meeting, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.iv; 35-23 Correspondence - Research Participant Informed Consent Letter, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.j; 26-01 Overheads undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.j; 26-02 SWRK 610 - Syllabus 2004.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.j; 26-03 SWRK 668 - Syllabus undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.j; 26-04 EMU SWRK 688 Lecture Notes ; Transparencies & Paper Formats.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.l; 26-08 SWRK 413 - WST 479 - Seniors Stranded.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.l; 26-09 SWRK 413 - WST 479 . Winter 2009 - Syllabus.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.l; 26-10 The Distorted Perception of Aging Women in the Media.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.l; 26-11 SWRK 413 - SWST 479 - Instructor & Course Evaluation.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.l; 26-12 SWRK 413- WST 479 - Instructor Materials.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.l; 26-13 SWRK 413 - WST 479 - Syllabus.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.l; 26-14 SWRK 413-WST 479 . General Class Materials.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-02 SWRK 521 - 405 - Social Welfare Policy, Bibliography, Student Data, Sheet and Quiz.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-03 SWRK 558 & SWRK 477 - Syllabus undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-04 SWRK 591 & SWRK 478 - Syllabus 2009.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-05 SWRK 317 - 420 - 510 - Course Pack Example Syllabus 1992, Course Pack 1996-1998, 2002.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-06 SWRK 405-222 Policy, Analysis - Transitions to Adulthood in Immigrant America. November 1, 2011 (two packets) - Handout ; Stastistics.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-06 SWRK 405-222 Policy, Analysis - Transitions to Adulthood in Immigrant America. November 1, 2011 (two packets) - Handout ; Stastistics.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-07 SWRK 413, 552, 553 Under & GRaduate Offerings - 'Michigan Elderlaw 2005 - Legal . Financial . Medicaid Today'.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-07 SWRK 413, 552, 553 Under & GRaduate Offerings - 'Michigan Elderlaw 2005 - Legal . Financial . Medicaid Today'.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-08 EMU - Writing Materials For Fellowship.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-08 EMU - Writing Materials For Fellowship.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-09 Information on Sexual Harassment undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.m; 27-09 Information on Sexual Harassment undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.n; 27-10 Independent Study.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.n; 27-10 Independent Study.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.n; 27-11 Graduate Assistant Honors and Applications Independent Study.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.i.n; 27-11 Graduate Assistant Honors and Applications Independent Study.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
Visual expressions of Black identity: African American and African museum websites, Melissa A. Johnson and Keon M. Pettiway
Visualizing cancer: A transdisciplinary art and biology collaborative, Camilla McComb, Gretchen Otto*, Deborah Omans*, and Jennifer Garvey*
Visualizing change: The annual report on the economic status of the profession, Steven Shulman, Barbara Hopkins, Robert Kelchen, Joe Persky, Mehmet Yaya, John Barnshaw, and Samuel J. Dunietz
Visual literacy: A critical literacy competency in 21st century higher education, Elizabeth Bucciarelli
Vital statistics on American politics: 2017–2020, Jeffrey L. Bernstein and Amanda C. Shannon
V.iv; 27-22 University of Michigan Eight Steps to Strategic Planning 1992-1993.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.iv; 27-23 UofM SW550 - Overheads - 1992 & 1995.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.iv; 28-01 University of Michigan Original Class Materials SW 560 & SW 664.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 35-24 SWRK 405 Creative Research 2001, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 35-26 SWRK 552 Information on Housing Issues Policy 1998, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 36-01 SWRK 552 Research for Class 2000, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 36-03 Women in Philanthropy A Black Woman's Journey to the 21st Century Wednesday March 21 2012 Agenda Prep Communications Book Preface Sign In, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 36-04 Handout Your Mentor is Not Your Mama Undated, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 36-05 Workshop Powerpoint How the Higher Education Amendments of 2008 Affect McNair Programs by Sidney R. Childs 2009 September 11, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 36-07 Presentation Powerpoint (2) 2010 - From Poverty to PhD and Stereotypes, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 36-08 Penn State - Consultation 7-2011 Correspondence 5-24-2011, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 36-09 SWRK Lobbying Video Production Script 2001, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 36-10 Scholarly Work 2001-2002, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
VI.v; 36-11 Elkenburg Park Redevelopment Meeting - Notes and Agenda for Research Presentation NASW - MI 2012 Kalamazoo Conference and U of M Dearborn, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
Voices from an MA-TESOL program: Bridging theory and practice from the ground up, Cynthia Macknish, Ildiko Porter-Szucs, Zuzana Tomaš, and A. Scholze
V.v; 28-06 Who Produces Black PhD's - 2008.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.v; 28-08 Teaching Resources - Black Enterprise November 2009 - Keith Young.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 28-11 Legal Issues in Classroom Management.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 28-12 Teaching Resource - Medicare - Brouchures (5) undated.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 28-13 Teaching Resources - Research.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 28-14 Advanced Supervisory Leadership Workbook.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 28-15 Social Work (CE - Continuing Education) - Unites Packet & SWCE.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 28-16 African American Research Perspectives.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-02 Internship Paper Winter 1999.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-03 Sample Student Paper & Congressional Response 1999.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-04 Egyptian Social Services.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-06 Student Thesis.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-07 Student's Honor Thesis - April 9, 2012, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-08 Honors Theses Reports (6).pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-09 Barrier's to Poverty Reduction.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-10 Exploring the Functions of Overeating Behavior.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-11 Student Paper.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-12 Student Paper- Comparing Langmuir Probe Traces of Different Debye Length-to-Probe Radius Ratios.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-13 Student Paper - German Lieder - Songs for Women.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-14 Student Paper - The Impact of Level & Type of Collegiate Sports Participation & Gender on Interences made by Job Recruiters.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-15 Student Paper - 'Investing the MYS Elements in Subgenera of Peromyscus'.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-16 Student Paper - 'Revision of a GIS-based Decision Support Tool (DTS) for Evaluting Lakebed Alterations to Michigan's Coastal Habitats for Wind & Turbine Siting'.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD; 29-17 'What Would Martin Do, Reflections on International Food Security'.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.vii; 28-17 Research Article by Waldo Johnson, Ph D University of Chicago.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.vii; 28-18 Politics, Policy, & The History of African-Americans Overhead Transparencies & Documents 2002.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.vii; 28-19 A Research Proposal to Study the Black Movement Model of Mayoral Policy Leadership.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.vii; 29-01 Contract Wars.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.a; 30-02 Exchange Program Application Materials.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.a; 30-03 Exchange Program - Notes, Budgets, & Housing Information.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.a; 30-04 School of Social Work Committee Assignments.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.a; 30-05 Presentation Planning for NASW Conference 2002.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.b; 30-06 EMUDptSW - 'Evaluation of BSW Program Outcomes, 1993-1996' August 1997.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.b; 30-07 BSW Program - Field Placement Manual.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.b; 30-08 Preliminary Educational Contract.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.b; 30-09 BSW Background 1999-2001.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.b; 30-10 Program Coordinators Meeting June 13th, 2001.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.b; 30-11 EMU Transfer Equivalencies.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.b; 30-12 School of Social Work Field Office.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.b; 30-13 Inter Office Correspondence - BSW Program.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.b; 30-14 EMU - Bachelor of Social Work - Transfer Information.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.c; 30-16 Advising Orientation Materials for Professor.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.c; 30-17 Bachelor of Social Work Advisor List 2001.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.c; 30-18 B. Brown-Chappell's Advising Appointments - SWRK251.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.c; 30-19 EMU - Bachelor of Social Work - Student Advising Materials Includes Flow Charts, Pamphlets.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.c; 30-20 What You Can Do With a Social Work Degree - Advising.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.c; 30-21 What You Can Do With a Social Work Degree - Advising Part 2.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.d; 30-23 EMU - Bachelor of Social Work Course Offering - Winter & Fall 2001 with Brown-Chappell's Assignments.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.d; 31-01 BSW Class Schedule Winter 2002, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.d; 31-02 BSW Course Offerings, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.d; 31-03 BSW - Course Offerings Fall 2010, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.d; 31-04 Class Schedule - Handwritten, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.d; 31-05 EMU - Class Schedule Winter 2011, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.d; 31-06 EMU - Gerontology Program Course Offering - Winter 2012, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.d; 31-07 EMU Department of Social Work - Bachelor and Master of Social Work Spring & Summer Semesters Course Schedule Information - 1997-1998, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.e; 31-09 Handout Lecture Materials - Policy 1996, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.e; 31-10 Union-Student Information Materials 1999, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.e; 31-11 Graduation Materials - 2009, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.e; 31-12 EMU-MLK Celebration 2010, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.e; 31-13 University of Rochester -Graduate School Visitation, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.e; 31-14 Student Handbook, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.e; 31-15 Ann Arbor Police Department Guide to Crime Prevention & Self-Protection, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.e; 31-16 Brochure - EMU BSW - Is Social Work For You, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.f; 31-18 EMU-Next Gen Project, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.f; 31-20 Honors Advisor Tasks, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.f; 31-21 Correspondence RE - EMU Honors College Director Position, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.f; 31-23 Email Re -HCAC Meeting - 2010, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.f; 31-26 Thesis Workshop Packets, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.f; 31-28 EMU - Honors College, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.f; 31-29 EMU Honors Undergraduate Fellowship, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 31-33 McNair Annual Report 2008-2009, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 31-34 McNair Program Academic Release 2008-2009, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 31-35 McNair Scholars Materials, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 31-36 McNair Scholars Program Calendar, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 31-37 McNair Staff Meeting Minutes, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 31-39 McNair Grant Group Meeting Minutes, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 31-42 McNair Scholars Program, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 31-43 McNair Scholars Program - Budget - 2010, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 32-02 McNair - Personality Types.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 32-03 McNair - Postbaccalaureate Achievement.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 32-05 McNair Scholars Program - Books.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 32-07 Notes - McNair Scholars Program.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 32-13 McNair Scholars Program.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 32-14 Memo Lessons Learned from McNair Program.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 32-15 Financial Information Managing Your Budget in Banner Grants.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 32-19 SSA Magazine - Spring 2008 - McNair.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 32-20 Poster - McNair Scholars Program.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
V.viii.g; 32-21 Worksite Supervisor Handbook - 2010.pdf, Betty L. Brown-Chappell PhD
Walkability as a tool to facilitate civic engagement, Jessi Kwek
Walter-Kempowski-Handbuch, Carla Ann Damiano (Editor), Andreas Grünes (Editor), and Sascha Feuchert (Editor)
Weak link, Rob Halpern
Weather and climate forecasting: The scientific method in action, Thomas A. Kovacs
Weaving it all together: A practical guide to applying Gordon's Music Lerning Theory in the elmentary general music program, Heather Shouldice
What did y’all do?: Using counter-storytelling to recall student affairs professionals’ response to anti-Black racist incidents at one predominantly White institution in the Midwest, Darquillius J. Mayweather
What happens after reacting? A follow-up study of past RTTP participants at a public regional university, Jeffrey L. Bernstein, Mary Grace Strasma, Russ Olwell, and Mark D. Higbee
What is the “work” in “police work”?, Kevin G. Karpiak
What's Your Research Personality? A New Way of Engaging Students in Resource and Service Discovery Through a Homegrown Quiz App, Troy Walker and Veronica Bielat
What we "know": A review of quantitative studies in green/conservation criminology, Michael J. Lynch, Paul B. Stretesky, Michale A. Long, and Kimberly L. Barrett
When bad is good: Do good relationships between marketing clients and their advertising agencies challenge creativity?, Scott Koslow, Ardalan Sameti, Guda van Noort, Edith G. Smit, and Sheila L. Sasser
When it’s more than just a cough, Frank Schaller and Lauren Dunn
When more is too much: Compound caregiving, barriers to services, and service support for older families of people with disabilities, Preethy S. Samuel, Kathryn Wright, Christina Marsack-Topolewski, and Rosanne DiZazzo-Miller
When pro(?)-football came to Ypsilanti, Steven J. Ramold
“Who is going to take care of these grandkids if I go?”: End-of-life planning by caregivers in grandparent-headed households, Jessica D. Freeman, Jessica Elton, and Andrea Lambert South
Who self-identifies as disabled? An examination of impairment and contextual predictors, Kathleen R. Bogart, Adena Rottenstein, Emily M. Lund, and Lauren Bouchard
Whose words are these? Statements derived from Facilitated Communication and Rapid Prompting Method undermine the credibility of Jaswal & Akhtar's social motivation hypotheses, Stuart Vyse, Bronwyn Hemsley, Russell Lang, Scott O. Lillenfeld, Mark P. Mostert, Henry D. Schlinger Jr., Howard C. Shane, Mark Sherry, and James T. Todd
Why do I teach math this way: A qualitative examination of how teacher experiences impact the implementation of instructional practices, Carrie A. Heaney
Why I teach online (even though I don't have to), Steven D. Krause
Wilbur on drugs: Antimicrobial use in hog CAFOs, Jill M. Dieterle and Wade Tornquist
Will Fawcett, Oral History Interview, 2022, Colae Eason
Winston, the world's fastest turtle: Puppet as audience surrogate, Gage Schlueter
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 13, 1998, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 14, 1986, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 14, 1997, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 14, 2003, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 15, 1985, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 15, 1991, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 15, 1996, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 16, 1990, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 17, 1989, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 17, 1995, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 17, 2000, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 17, 2006, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 18, 1994, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 18, 2005, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 19, 1992, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 19, 1993, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 19, 1999, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Ceremonial Script, December 19, 2004, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, "A FEW GOOD WORDS FOR MONEY IN POLITICS", David Adamany, December 14, 1997, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, "Beyond 1984 - Life at the Technological Frontier", Alexander J. Glass, President, KMS Fusion, Inc., December 18, 1983, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Blenda J. Wilson, Ph.D., Chancellor University of Michigan-Dearborn, December 16,1990, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, "COMPLETING THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AGENDA" , Howard F. Sims, FAIA, December 17, 1989, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Darrell Cooper, December 18, 1994, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Dr. Carolynn Reid-Wallace, Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, December 15, 1991, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Gary Evans, December 18, 2005, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, G. Mennen Williams, December 13, 1987, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, "IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME?", STEVEN D. WILD, DECEMBER 15, 2002, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Laurence N. Smith, Vice President for University Marketing and Student Affairs, December 19, 1999, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Mark A. Murray, December 17, 2000, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Maura Corrigan, December 15, 2002, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Paul Schollaert, December 16, 2001, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Richard N. Robb, December, 19, 1993, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Rodney E. Slater, December 16, 1996, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, "Science and Technology Policy Issues: Why You Should Care", Mary L. Good President, Research Engineered Materials Sector Allied-Signal Inc., December 14, 1986, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Address, Thomas Monaghan, December 16, 1984, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 12, 1976, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 13, 1987, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 13, 1998, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 14, 1980, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 14, 1986, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 14, 1997, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 14, 2003, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 14, 2008, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 15, 1985, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 15, 1991, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 15, 1996, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 15, 2002, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 15, 2018, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 15, 2019, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 16, 1979, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 16, 1984, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 16,1990, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 16, 2001, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 16, 2007, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 16, 2012, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 16, 2017, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 17, 1978, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 17, 1989, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 17, 1995, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 17, 2006, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 17, 2016, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 18, 1977, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 18, 1983, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 18, 1988, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 18, 1994, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 18, 2005, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 18, 2011, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 19, 1992, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 19, 1993, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 19, 1999, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 19, 2004, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 19, 2010, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 19, 2015, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 20, 2009, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 20, 2014, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement, December 21, 2013, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Information, December 15, 1996, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Commencement Information, December 18, 1994, Eastern Michigan University
Winter Term Convocation, March 21, 1929, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 22, 1917, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 22, 1918, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 22, 1923, Michigan State Normal School
Winter Term Convocation, March 22, 1928, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 23, 1922, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 24, 1921, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 24, 1927, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 25, 1915, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 25, 1926, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 26, 1925, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 26, 1931, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 27, 1919, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term Convocation, March 27, 1924, Michigan State Normal School
Winter Term Convocation, March 27, 1930, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term, March 23, 1934, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term, March 24, 1933, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term, March 24, 1939, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term, March 25, 1938, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term, March 26, 1937, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term, March 27, 1936, Michigan State Normal College
Winter Term, March 29, 1935, Michigan State Normal College
Workplace cyberbullying exposed: A concept analysis, Martina M. Symons, Hailey DiCarlo*, and Meriam Caboral-Stevens
Writing beyond pen and parchment: inscribed objects in medieval European literature, Ricarda Wagner, Christine M. Neufeld, and Ludger Lieb
Wu-wei, Brian Bruya
Xerostomia: An interdisciplinary approach to managing dry mouth, Sarah M. Ginsberg
X-ray crystallography of protein UHRF2 with H3K9me3, Isaak Miller
X-Rays, spirits, and witches: Understanding health and illness in ethnographic context, Julian M. Murchison
Yes-And/Or/Not: Information Literacy and Instruction Through an Improvisational Lens, Jay A. Edwards
Young adult romance, Amanda K. Allen
Ypsilanti Histories: A Look Back at the Last Fifty Years, Ypsilanti Bicentennial Commission's History Subcommittee; John McCurdy, Editor; Bill Nickels, Editor; Evan Milan, Editor; and Sarah Zawacki, Editor
Ziran: The philosophy of spontaneous self-causation, Brian Bruya